Name | Description
-lsi_controller_number | **Required.** Controller number to monitor.
-storcli_path | **Required.** Path to the `storcli` binary, e.g. "/usr/sbin/storcli".
+lsi_controller_number | **Optional.** Controller number to monitor.
+storcli_path | **Optional.** Path to the `storcli` binary, e.g. "/usr/sbin/storcli".
+lsi_enclosure_id | **Optional.** Enclosure numbers to be checked, comma-separated.
+lsi_ld_id | **Optional.** Logical devices to be checked, comma-separated.
+lsi_pd_id | **Optional.** Physical devices to be checked, comma-separated.
+lsi_temp_warning | **Optional.** RAID controller warning temperature.
+lsi_temp_critical | **Optional.** RAID controller critical temperature.
+lsi_pd_temp_warning | **Optional.** Disk warning temperature.
+lsi_pd_temp_critical | **Optional.** Disk critical temperature.
+lsi_bbu_temp_warning | **Optional.** Battery warning temperature.
+lsi_bbu_temp_critical | **Optional.** Battery critical temperature.
+lsi_cv_temp_warning | **Optional.** CacheVault warning temperature.
+lsi_cv_temp_critical | **Optional.** CacheVault critical temperature.
+lsi_ignored_media_errors | **Optional.** Warning threshold for media errors.
+lsi_ignored_other_errors | **Optional.** Warning threshold for other errors.
+lsi_ignored_predictive_fails | **Optional.** Warning threshold for predictive failures.
+lsi_ignored_shield_counters | **Optional.** Warning threshold for shield counter.
+lsi_ignored_bbm_counters | **Optional.** Warning threshold for BBM counter.
+lsi_bbu | **Optional.** Define if BBU is present and it's state should be checked.
+lsi_noenclosures | **Optional.** If set to true, does not check enclosures.
+lsi_nosudo | **Optional.** If set to true, does not use sudo when running storcli.
+lsi_nocleanlogs | **Optional.** If set to true, does not clean up the log files after executing storcli checks.
#### smart-attributes <a id="plugin-contrib-command-smart-attributes"></a>