# cd /tmp
# sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE ROLE icinga WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'icinga'"
# sudo -u postgres createdb -O icinga -E UTF8 icinga
- # sudo -u postgres createlang plpgsql icinga
> **Note**
-> When using PostgreSQL 9.x or higher, the `createlang` command can be omitted.
-> Also it is assumed here that your locale is set to utf-8, you may run into
-> problems otherwise.
+> It is assumed here that your locale is set to utf-8, you may run into problems otherwise.
Locate your pg\_hba.conf (Debian: `/etc/postgresql/*/main/pg_hba.conf`,
RHEL/SUSE: `/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf`), add the icinga user with md5