+++ /dev/null
- * Icinga 2 *
- * Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Icinga Development Team (https://www.icinga.org/) *
- * *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License *
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 *
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
- * *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
- * GNU General Public License for more details. *
- * *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation *
- * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
- ******************************************************************************/
-#include "perfdata/logstashwriter.hpp"
-#include "perfdata/logstashwriter.tcpp"
-#include "icinga/service.hpp"
-#include "icinga/macroprocessor.hpp"
-#include "icinga/compatutility.hpp"
-#include "icinga/perfdatavalue.hpp"
-#include "icinga/notification.hpp"
-#include "base/configtype.hpp"
-#include "base/objectlock.hpp"
-#include "base/logger.hpp"
-#include "base/utility.hpp"
-#include "base/perfdatavalue.hpp"
-#include "base/stream.hpp"
-#include "base/networkstream.hpp"
-#include "base/json.hpp"
-#include "base/context.hpp"
-#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
-#include <boost/algorithm/string/replace.hpp>
-#include <string>
-using namespace icinga;
-void LogstashWriter::Start(bool runtimeCreated)
- ObjectImpl<LogstashWriter>::Start(runtimeCreated);
- m_ReconnectTimer = new Timer();
- m_ReconnectTimer->SetInterval(10);
- m_ReconnectTimer->OnTimerExpired.connect(boost::bind(&LogstashWriter::ReconnectTimerHandler, this));
- m_ReconnectTimer->Start();
- m_ReconnectTimer->Reschedule(0);
- // Send check results
- Service::OnNewCheckResult.connect(boost::bind(&LogstashWriter::CheckResultHandler, this, _1, _2));
- // Send notifications
- Service::OnNotificationSentToUser.connect(boost::bind(&LogstashWriter::NotificationToUserHandler, this, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8));
- // Send state change
- Service::OnStateChange.connect(boost::bind(&LogstashWriter::StateChangeHandler, this, _1, _2, _3));
-void LogstashWriter::ReconnectTimerHandler(void)
- if (m_Stream)
- return;
- Socket::Ptr socket;
- if(GetDefaultProtocol() == true)
- socket = new TcpSocket();
- else
- socket = new UdpSocket();
- Log(LogNotice, "LogstashWriter")
- << "Reconnecting to Logstash endpoint '" << GetHost() << "' port '" << GetPort() << "'.";
- try {
- socket->Connect(GetHost(), GetPort());
- } catch (const std::exception&) {
- Log(LogCritical, "LogstashWriter")
- << "Can't connect to Logstash endpoint '" << GetHost() << "' port '" << GetPort() << "'.";
- return;
- }
- m_Stream = new NetworkStream(socket);
-void LogstashWriter::CheckResultHandler(const Checkable::Ptr& checkable, const CheckResult::Ptr& cr)
- CONTEXT("LOGSTASGH Processing check result for '" + checkable->GetName() + "'");
- Log(LogDebug, "LogstashWriter")<< "Logstash Processing check result for '" << checkable->GetName() << "'";
- Host::Ptr host;
- Service::Ptr service;
- tie(host, service) = GetHostService(checkable);
- double ts = cr->GetExecutionEnd();
- Dictionary::Ptr fields = new Dictionary();
- if (service) {
- fields->Set("service_name", service->GetShortName());
- fields->Set("service_state", Service::StateToString(service->GetState()));
- fields->Set("last_state", service->GetLastState());
- fields->Set("last_hard_state", service->GetLastHardState());
- } else {
- fields->Set("last_state", host->GetLastState());
- fields->Set("last_hard_state", host->GetLastHardState());
- }
- fields->Set("hostname", host->GetName());
- fields->Set("type", "CHECK RESULT");
- fields->Set("state", service ? Service::StateToString(service->GetState()) : Host::StateToString(host->GetState()));
- fields->Set("current_check_attempt", checkable->GetCheckAttempt());
- fields->Set("max_check_attempts", checkable->GetMaxCheckAttempts());
- fields->Set("latency", cr->CalculateLatency());
- fields->Set("execution_time", cr->CalculateExecutionTime());
- fields->Set("reachable", checkable->IsReachable());
- if (cr) {
- fields->Set("short_message", CompatUtility::GetCheckResultOutput(cr));
- fields->Set("full_message", CompatUtility::GetCheckResultLongOutput(cr));
- fields->Set("check_source", cr->GetCheckSource());
- }
- if (GetEnableSendPerfdata()) {
- Array::Ptr perfdata = cr->GetPerformanceData();
- if (perfdata) {
- ObjectLock olock(perfdata);
- BOOST_FOREACH(const Value& val, perfdata) {
- PerfdataValue::Ptr pdv;
- if (val.IsObjectType<PerfdataValue>())
- pdv = val;
- else {
- try {
- pdv = PerfdataValue::Parse(val);
- String escaped_key = pdv->GetLabel();
- boost::replace_all(escaped_key, " ", "_");
- boost::replace_all(escaped_key, ".", "_");
- boost::replace_all(escaped_key, "\\", "_");
- boost::algorithm::replace_all(escaped_key, "::", ".");
- fields->Set(escaped_key, pdv->GetValue());
- if (pdv->GetMin())
- fields->Set(escaped_key + "_min", pdv->GetMin());
- if (pdv->GetMax())
- fields->Set(escaped_key + "_max", pdv->GetMax());
- if (pdv->GetWarn())
- fields->Set(escaped_key + "_warn", pdv->GetWarn());
- if (pdv->GetCrit())
- fields->Set(escaped_key + "_crit", pdv->GetCrit());
- } catch (const std::exception&) {
- Log(LogWarning, "LogstashWriter")
- << "Ignoring invalid perfdata value: '" << val << "' for object '"
- << checkable-GetName() << "'.";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- SendLogMessage(ComposeLogstashMessage(fields, GetSource(), ts));
-void LogstashWriter::NotificationToUserHandler(const Notification::Ptr& notification, const Checkable::Ptr& checkable,
- const User::Ptr& user, NotificationType notification_type, CheckResult::Ptr const& cr,
- const String& author, const String& comment_text, const String& command_name)
- CONTEXT("Logstash Processing notification to all users '" + checkable->GetName() + "'");
- Log(LogDebug, "LogstashWriter")
- << "Logstash Processing notification for '" << checkable->GetName() << "'";
- Host::Ptr host;
- Service::Ptr service;
- tie(host, service) = GetHostService(checkable);
- double ts = cr->GetExecutionEnd();
- String notification_type_str = Notification::NotificationTypeToString(notification_type);
- String author_comment = "";
- if (notification_type == NotificationCustom || notification_type == NotificationAcknowledgement) {
- author_comment = author + ";" + comment_text;
- }
- String output;
- if (cr)
- output = CompatUtility::GetCheckResultOutput(cr);
- Dictionary::Ptr fields = new Dictionary();
- if (service) {
- fields->Set("type", "SERVICE NOTIFICATION");
- fields->Set("service", service->GetShortName());
- fields->Set("short_message", output);
- } else {
- fields->Set("type", "HOST NOTIFICATION");
- fields->Set("short_message", CompatUtility::GetHostStateString(host)+ ")");
- }
- fields->Set("state", service ? Service::StateToString(service->GetState()) : Host::StateToString(host->GetState()));
- fields->Set("hostname", host->GetName());
- fields->Set("command", command_name);
- fields->Set("notification_type", notification_type_str);
- fields->Set("comment", author_comment);
- SendLogMessage(ComposeLogstashMessage(fields, GetSource(), ts));
-void LogstashWriter::StateChangeHandler(const Checkable::Ptr& checkable, const CheckResult::Ptr& cr, StateType type)
- CONTEXT("Logstash Processing state change '" + checkable->GetName() + "'");
- Log(LogDebug, "LogstashWriter")
- << "Logstash Processing state change for '" << checkable->GetName() << "'";
- Host::Ptr host;
- Service::Ptr service;
- tie(host, service) = GetHostService(checkable);
- double ts = cr->GetExecutionEnd();
- Dictionary::Ptr fields = new Dictionary();
- fields->Set("state", service ? Service::StateToString(service->GetState()) : Host::StateToString(host->GetState()));
- fields->Set("type", "STATE CHANGE");
- fields->Set("current_check_attempt", checkable->GetCheckAttempt());
- fields->Set("max_check_attempts", checkable->GetMaxCheckAttempts());
- fields->Set("hostname", host->GetName());
- if (service) {
- fields->Set("service_name", service->GetShortName());
- fields->Set("service_state", Service::StateToString(service->GetState()));
- fields->Set("last_state", service->GetLastState());
- fields->Set("last_hard_state", service->GetLastHardState());
- } else {
- fields->Set("last_state", host->GetLastState());
- fields->Set("last_hard_state", host->GetLastHardState());
- }
- if (cr) {
- fields->Set("short_message", CompatUtility::GetCheckResultOutput(cr));
- fields->Set("full_message", CompatUtility::GetCheckResultLongOutput(cr));
- fields->Set("check_source", cr->GetCheckSource());
- }
- SendLogMessage(ComposeLogstashMessage(fields, GetSource(), ts));
-String LogstashWriter::ComposeLogstashMessage(const Dictionary::Ptr& fields, const String& source, double ts)
- fields->Set("version", "1.1");
- fields->Set("host", source);
- fields->Set("timestamp", ts);
- String logstashObj= JsonEncode(fields);
- return logstashObj+ "\n";
-void LogstashWriter::SendLogMessage(const String& message)
- ObjectLock olock(this);
- if (!m_Stream)
- return;
- try {
- m_Stream->Write(&message[0], message.GetLength());
- } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
- Log(LogCritical, "LogstashWriter") << "Cannot write to " <<
- ((GetDefaultProtocol()==true) ? "tcp" : "udp") << " socket on host '" << GetHost() << "' port '" << GetPort() << "'.";
- m_Stream.reset();
- }