pushd build
cmake --log-level=VERBOSE ${CMAKE_OPTIONS:-} ..
cmake --build .
- cpack
+ cmake --build . --target package
if [ "${OSTYPE}" = "linux-gnu" ]; then
GV_VERSION=$(python3 gen_version.py)
options.platform, "-D", "with_cxx_api=ON", ".."],
run(["cmake", "--build", ".", "--config", options.configuration], build)
- run(["cpack", "-C", options.configuration], build)
+ run(["cmake", "--build", ".", "--config", options.configuration, "--target",
+ "package"],
+ build)
run(["msbuild.exe", f"-p:Configuration={options.configuration}",
find_or_fallback "swig" "$build_utilities_path"
find_or_fallback "win_bison win_flex" "$build_utilities_path\winflexbison"
find_or_fallback "makensis" "$build_utilities_path\NSIS\Bin"
-find_or_fallback "cmake cpack" "$CMAKE_BIN"
+find_or_fallback "cmake" "$CMAKE_BIN"
find_or_fallback "msbuild" "$MSBUILD_BIN"
-if (-NOT (cpack.exe --help | Select-String 'CPACK_GENERATOR')) {
- echo "Moving $CMAKE_BIN to front of PATH in order to find CMake's cpack"
- $Env:Path="$CMAKE_BIN;$path"
echo "Final check where all utilites are found:"
$script:all_programs.Trim().Split(" ") | ForEach {
-# Special checks
-if (-NOT (cpack.exe --help | Select-String 'CPACK_GENERATOR')) {
- $exe = (Get-Command cpack.exe 2>$null).Source
- Write-Error -EA Continue "Found an unknown cpack at $exe"
- $exit_status = 1
if ($exit_status -eq 0) {
echo "All utilities have been found. Happy building!"
} else {