- * $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/backend/optimizer/util/clauses.c,v 1.187 2005/01/28 19:34:07 tgl Exp $
+ * $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/backend/optimizer/util/clauses.c,v 1.188 2005/02/02 21:49:07 tgl Exp $
typedef struct
List *active_fns;
+ Node *case_val;
bool estimate;
} eval_const_expressions_context;
eval_const_expressions_context context;
context.active_fns = NIL; /* nothing being recursively simplified */
+ context.case_val = NULL; /* no CASE being examined */
context.estimate = false; /* safe transformations only */
return eval_const_expressions_mutator(node, &context);
eval_const_expressions_context context;
context.active_fns = NIL; /* nothing being recursively simplified */
+ context.case_val = NULL; /* no CASE being examined */
context.estimate = true; /* unsafe transformations OK */
return eval_const_expressions_mutator(node, &context);
* If there are no non-FALSE alternatives, we simplify the entire
* CASE to the default result (ELSE result).
- * If we have a simple-form CASE with constant test expression and
- * one or more constant comparison expressions, we could run the
- * implied comparisons and potentially reduce those arms to constants.
- * This is not yet implemented, however. At present, the
- * CaseTestExpr placeholder will always act as a non-constant node
- * and prevent the comparison boolean expressions from being reduced
- * to Const nodes.
+ * If we have a simple-form CASE with constant test expression,
+ * we substitute the constant value for contained CaseTestExpr
+ * placeholder nodes, so that we have the opportunity to reduce
+ * constant test conditions. For example this allows
+ * to reduce to 1 rather than drawing a divide-by-0 error.
CaseExpr *caseexpr = (CaseExpr *) node;
CaseExpr *newcase;
+ Node *save_case_val;
Node *newarg;
List *newargs;
- Node *defresult;
- Const *const_input;
+ bool const_true_cond;
+ Node *defresult = NULL;
ListCell *arg;
/* Simplify the test expression, if any */
newarg = eval_const_expressions_mutator((Node *) caseexpr->arg,
+ /* Set up for contained CaseTestExpr nodes */
+ save_case_val = context->case_val;
+ if (newarg && IsA(newarg, Const))
+ context->case_val = newarg;
+ else
+ context->case_val = NULL;
/* Simplify the WHEN clauses */
newargs = NIL;
+ const_true_cond = false;
foreach(arg, caseexpr->args)
- /* Simplify this alternative's condition and result */
- CaseWhen *casewhen = (CaseWhen *)
- expression_tree_mutator((Node *) lfirst(arg),
- eval_const_expressions_mutator,
- (void *) context);
- Assert(IsA(casewhen, CaseWhen));
- if (casewhen->expr == NULL ||
- !IsA(casewhen->expr, Const))
- {
- newargs = lappend(newargs, casewhen);
- continue;
- }
- const_input = (Const *) casewhen->expr;
- if (const_input->constisnull ||
- !DatumGetBool(const_input->constvalue))
- continue; /* drop alternative with FALSE condition */
+ CaseWhen *oldcasewhen = (CaseWhen *) lfirst(arg);
+ Node *casecond;
+ Node *caseresult;
+ Assert(IsA(oldcasewhen, CaseWhen));
+ /* Simplify this alternative's test condition */
+ casecond =
+ eval_const_expressions_mutator((Node *) oldcasewhen->expr,
+ context);
- * Found a TRUE condition. If it's the first (un-dropped)
- * alternative, the CASE reduces to just this alternative.
+ * If the test condition is constant FALSE (or NULL), then drop
+ * this WHEN clause completely, without processing the result.
- if (newargs == NIL)
- return (Node *) casewhen->result;
+ if (casecond && IsA(casecond, Const))
+ {
+ Const *const_input = (Const *) casecond;
+ if (const_input->constisnull ||
+ !DatumGetBool(const_input->constvalue))
+ continue; /* drop alternative with FALSE condition */
+ /* Else it's constant TRUE */
+ const_true_cond = true;
+ }
+ /* Simplify this alternative's result value */
+ caseresult =
+ eval_const_expressions_mutator((Node *) oldcasewhen->result,
+ context);
+ /* If non-constant test condition, emit a new WHEN node */
+ if (!const_true_cond)
+ {
+ CaseWhen *newcasewhen = makeNode(CaseWhen);
+ newcasewhen->expr = (Expr *) casecond;
+ newcasewhen->result = (Expr *) caseresult;
+ newargs = lappend(newargs, newcasewhen);
+ continue;
+ }
- * Otherwise, add it to the list, and drop all the rest.
+ * Found a TRUE condition, so none of the remaining alternatives
+ * can be reached. We treat the result as the default result.
- newargs = lappend(newargs, casewhen);
+ defresult = caseresult;
- /* Simplify the default result */
- defresult = eval_const_expressions_mutator((Node *) caseexpr->defresult,
- context);
+ /* Simplify the default result, unless we replaced it above */
+ if (!const_true_cond)
+ defresult =
+ eval_const_expressions_mutator((Node *) caseexpr->defresult,
+ context);
- /*
- * If no non-FALSE alternatives, CASE reduces to the default
- * result
- */
+ context->case_val = save_case_val;
+ /* If no non-FALSE alternatives, CASE reduces to the default result */
if (newargs == NIL)
return defresult;
/* Otherwise we need a new CASE node */
newcase->defresult = (Expr *) defresult;
return (Node *) newcase;
+ if (IsA(node, CaseTestExpr))
+ {
+ /*
+ * If we know a constant test value for the current CASE
+ * construct, substitute it for the placeholder. Else just
+ * return the placeholder as-is.
+ */
+ if (context->case_val)
+ return copyObject(context->case_val);
+ else
+ return copyObject(node);
+ }
if (IsA(node, ArrayExpr))
ArrayExpr *arrayexpr = (ArrayExpr *) node;