# For recognizing "negative alias" options, eg. "quiet=!verbose"
neg_alias_re = re.compile ("^(%s)=!(%s)$" % (longopt_pat, longopt_pat))
# This is used to translate long options to legitimate Python identifiers
# (for use as attributes of some object).
longopt_xlate = string.maketrans ('-', '_')
+# This records (option, value) pairs in the order seen on the command line;
+# it's close to what getopt.getopt() returns, but with short options
+# expanded. (Ugh, this module should be OO-ified.)
+_option_order = None
+class FancyGetopt:
+ """Wrapper around the standard 'getopt()' module that provides some
+ handy extra functionality:
+ * short and long options are tied together
+ * options have help strings, and help text can be assembled
+ from them
+ * options set attributes of a passed-in object
+ * boolean options can have "negative aliases" -- eg. if
+ --quiet is the "negative alias" of --verbose, then "--quiet"
+ on the command line sets 'verbose' to false
+ """
+ def __init__ (self, option_table=None):
+ # The option table is (currently) a list of 3-tuples:
+ # (long_option, short_option, help_string)
+ # if an option takes an argument, its long_option should have '='
+ # appended; short_option should just be a single character, no ':'
+ # in any case. If a long_option doesn't have a corresponding
+ # short_option, short_option should be None. All option tuples
+ # must have long options.
+ self.option_table = option_table
+ # 'option_index' maps long option names to entries in the option
+ # table (ie. those 3-tuples).
+ self.option_index = {}
+ if self.option_table:
+ self.build_index()
+ # 'negative_alias' keeps track of options that are the boolean
+ # opposite of some other option
+ self.negative_alias = {}
+ # These keep track of the information in the option table. We
+ # don't actually populate these structures until we're ready to
+ # parse the command-line, since the 'option_table' passed in here
+ # isn't necessarily the final word.
+ self.short_opts = []
+ self.long_opts = []
+ self.short2long = {}
+ self.attr_name = {}
+ self.takes_arg = {}
+ # And 'option_order' is filled up in 'getopt()'; it records the
+ # original order of options (and their values) on the command-line,
+ # but expands short options, converts aliases, etc.
+ self.option_order = []
+ # __init__ ()
+ def build_index (self):
+ for option in self.option_table:
+ self.option_index[option[0]] = option
+ def add_option (self, long_option, short_option=None, help_string=None):
+ if self.option_index.has_key(long_option):
+ raise DistutilsGetoptError, \
+ "option conflict: already an option '%s'" % long_option
+ else:
+ option = (long_option, short_option, help_string)
+ self.option_table.append (option)
+ self.option_index[long_option] = option
+ def set_negative_aliases (self, negative_alias):
+ """Set the negative aliases for this option parser.
+ 'negative_alias' should be a dictionary mapping option names to
+ option names, both the key and value must already be defined
+ in the option table."""
+ assert type(negative_alias) is DictionaryType
+ for (negopt, opt) in negative_alias.items():
+ if not self.option_index.has_key(negopt):
+ raise DistutilsGetoptError, \
+ ("invalid negative alias '%s': "
+ "option '%s' not defined") % (negopt, negopt)
+ if not self.option_index.has_key(opt):
+ raise DistutilsGetoptError, \
+ ("invalid negative alias '%s': "
+ "aliased option '%s' not defined") % (negopt, opt)
+ self.negative_alias = negative_alias
+ def _grok_option_table (self):
+ """Populate the various data structures that keep tabs on
+ the option table. Called by 'getopt()' before it can do
+ anything worthwhile."""
+ for option in self.option_table:
+ try:
+ (long, short, help) = option
+ except ValueError:
+ raise DistutilsGetoptError, \
+ "invalid option tuple " + str (option)
+ # Type- and value-check the option names
+ if type(long) is not StringType or len(long) < 2:
+ raise DistutilsGetoptError, \
+ ("invalid long option '%s': "
+ "must be a string of length >= 2") % long
+ if (not ((short is None) or
+ (type (short) is StringType and len (short) == 1))):
+ raise DistutilsGetoptError, \
+ ("invalid short option '%s': "
+ "must a single character or None") % short
+ self.long_opts.append (long)
+ if long[-1] == '=': # option takes an argument?
+ if short: short = short + ':'
+ long = long[0:-1]
+ self.takes_arg[long] = 1
+ else:
+ # Is option is a "negative alias" for some other option (eg.
+ # "quiet" == "!verbose")?
+ alias_to = self.negative_alias.get(long)
+ if alias_to is not None:
+ if self.takes_arg[alias_to]:
+ raise DistutilsGetoptError, \
+ ("invalid negative alias '%s': "
+ "aliased option '%s' takes a value") % \
+ (long, alias_to)
+ self.long_opts[-1] = long # XXX redundant?!
+ self.takes_arg[long] = 0
+ else:
+ self.takes_arg[long] = 0
+ # Now enforce some bondage on the long option name, so we can
+ # later translate it to an attribute name on some object. Have
+ # to do this a bit late to make sure we've removed any trailing
+ # '='.
+ if not longopt_re.match (long):
+ raise DistutilsGetoptError, \
+ ("invalid long option name '%s' " +
+ "(must be letters, numbers, hyphens only") % long
+ self.attr_name[long] = string.translate (long, longopt_xlate)
+ if short:
+ self.short_opts.append (short)
+ self.short2long[short[0]] = long
+ # for option_table
+ # _grok_option_table()
+ def getopt (self, args=None, object=None):
+ """Parse the command-line options in 'args' and store the results
+ as attributes of 'object'. If 'args' is None or not supplied, uses
+ 'sys.argv[1:]'. If 'object' is None or not supplied, creates a new
+ OptionDummy object, stores option values there, and returns a tuple
+ (args, object). If 'object' is supplied, it is modified in place
+ and 'getopt()' just returns 'args'; in both cases, the returned
+ 'args' is a modified copy of the passed-in 'args' list, which is
+ left untouched."""
+ if args is None:
+ args = sys.argv[1:]
+ if object is None:
+ object = OptionDummy()
+ created_object = 1
+ else:
+ created_object = 0
+ self._grok_option_table()
+ short_opts = string.join (self.short_opts)
+ try:
+ (opts, args) = getopt.getopt (args, short_opts, self.long_opts)
+ except getopt.error, msg:
+ raise DistutilsArgError, msg
+ for (opt, val) in opts:
+ if len (opt) == 2 and opt[0] == '-': # it's a short option
+ opt = self.short2long[opt[1]]
+ elif len (opt) > 2 and opt[0:2] == '--':
+ opt = opt[2:]
+ else:
+ raise DistutilsInternalError, \
+ "this can't happen: bad option string '%s'" % opt
+ if not self.takes_arg[opt]: # boolean option?
+ if val != '': # shouldn't have a value!
+ raise DistutilsInternalError, \
+ "this can't happen: bad option value '%s'" % value
+ alias = self.negative_alias.get (opt)
+ if alias:
+ opt = alias
+ val = 0
+ else:
+ val = 1
+ attr = self.attr_name[opt]
+ setattr (object, attr, val)
+ self.option_order.append ((opt, val))
+ # for opts
+ if created_object:
+ return (args, object)
+ else:
+ return args
+ # getopt()
+ def get_option_order ():
+ """Returns the list of (option, value) tuples processed by the
+ previous run of 'fancy_getopt()'. Raises RuntimeError if
+ 'fancy_getopt()' hasn't been called yet."""
+ if self.option_order is None:
+ raise RuntimeError, "'fancy_getopt()' hasn't been called yet"
+ else:
+ return self.option_order
+# class FancyGetopt
def fancy_getopt (options, negative_opt, object, args):
except getopt.error, msg:
raise DistutilsArgError, msg
+ global _option_order # blechh! should OO-ify this module
+ _option_order = []
for (opt, val) in opts:
if len (opt) == 2 and opt[0] == '-': # it's a short option
opt = short2long[opt[1]]
opt = opt[2:]
- raise RuntimeError, "getopt lies! (bad option string '%s')" % \
- opt
+ raise DistutilsInternalError, \
+ "this can't happen: bad option string '%s'" % opt
+ if not takes_arg[opt]: # boolean option?
+ if val != '': # shouldn't have a value!
+ raise DistutilsInternalError, \
+ "this can't happen: bad option value '%s'" % value
+ alias = negative_opt.get (opt)
+ if alias:
+ opt = alias
+ val = 0
+ else:
+ val = 1
attr = attr_name[opt]
- if takes_arg[opt]:
- setattr (object, attr, val)
- else:
- if val == '':
- alias = negative_opt.get (opt)
- if alias:
- setattr (object, attr_name[alias], 0)
- else:
- setattr (object, attr, 1)
- else:
- raise RuntimeError, "getopt lies! (bad value '%s')" % value
+ setattr (object, attr, val)
+ _option_order.append ((opt, val))
- # end loop over options found in 'args'
+ # for opts
return args
# fancy_getopt()
+def fancy_getopt (options, negative_opt, object, args):
+ parser = FancyGetopt (options)
+ parser.set_negative_aliases (negative_opt)
+ return parser.getopt (args, object)
WS_TRANS = string.maketrans (string.whitespace, ' ' * len (string.whitespace))
def wrap_text (text, width):
for line in generate_help (options, header):
file.write (line + "\n")
# print_help ()
+class OptionDummy:
+ """Dummy class just used as a place to hold command-line option
+ values as instance attributes."""
+ pass
if __name__ == "__main__":