Problem: Several Vim9 instructions are not tested.
Solution: Add more tests. Fix :disassamble output. Make catch with pattern
echo @z
+def s:ScriptFuncPush()
+ let localbool = true
+ let localspec = v:none
+ let localblob = 0z1234
+ if has('float')
+ let localfloat = 1.234
+ endif
def s:ScriptFuncStore()
let localnr = 1
localnr = 2
@z = 'rv'
+def s:ScriptFuncTry()
+ try
+ echo 'yes'
+ catch /fail/
+ echo 'no'
+ finally
+ echo 'end'
+ endtry
def Test_disassemble()
assert_fails('disass NoFunc', 'E1061:')
assert_fails('disass NotCompiled', 'E1062:')
\ .. ' LOADREG @z.*'
\, res)
- " TODO:
- " v:char =
- " s:scriptvar =
+ res = execute('disass s:ScriptFuncPush')
+ assert_match('<SNR>\d*_ScriptFuncPush.*'
+ \ .. 'localbool = true.*'
+ \ .. ' PUSH v:true.*'
+ \ .. 'localspec = v:none.*'
+ \ .. ' PUSH v:none.*'
+ \ .. 'localblob = 0z1234.*'
+ \ .. ' PUSHBLOB 0z1234.*'
+ \, res)
+ if has('float')
+ assert_match('<SNR>\d*_ScriptFuncPush.*'
+ \ .. 'localfloat = 1.234.*'
+ \ .. ' PUSHF 1.234.*'
+ \, res)
+ endif
res = execute('disass s:ScriptFuncStore')
\ .. 'localnr = 2.*'
\ .. '@z = ''rv''.*'
\ .. ' STOREREG @z.*'
\, res)
+ res = execute('disass s:ScriptFuncTry')
+ assert_match('<SNR>\d*_ScriptFuncTry.*'
+ \ .. 'try.*'
+ \ .. 'TRY catch -> \d\+, finally -> \d\+.*'
+ \ .. 'catch /fail/.*'
+ \ .. ' JUMP -> \d\+.*'
+ \ .. ' PUSH v:exception.*'
+ \ .. ' PUSHS "fail".*'
+ \ .. ' COMPARESTRING =\~.*'
+ \ .. ' JUMP_IF_FALSE -> \d\+.*'
+ \ .. ' CATCH.*'
+ \ .. 'finally.*'
+ \ .. ' PUSHS "end".*'
+ \ .. 'endtry.*'
+ \ .. ' ENDTRY.*'
+ \, res)
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 216,
+ char_u *end;
+ char_u *pat;
+ char_u *tofree = NULL;
+ size_t len;
// Push v:exception, push {expr} and MATCH
generate_instr_type(cctx, ISN_PUSHEXC, &t_string);
- if (compile_expr1(&p, cctx) == FAIL)
- return NULL;
+ end = skip_regexp(p + 1, *p, TRUE, &tofree);
+ if (*end != *p)
+ {
+ semsg(_("E1067: Separator mismatch: %s"), p);
+ vim_free(tofree);
+ return FAIL;
+ }
+ if (tofree == NULL)
+ len = end - (p + 1);
+ else
+ len = end - (tofree + 1);
+ pat = vim_strnsave(p + 1, len);
+ vim_free(tofree);
+ p += len + 2;
+ if (pat == NULL)
+ return FAIL;
+ if (generate_PUSHS(cctx, pat) == FAIL)
+ return FAIL;
- // TODO: check for strings?
if (generate_COMPARE(cctx, EXPR_MATCH, FALSE) == FAIL)
return NULL;
char_u *tofree;
r = blob2string(iptr->isn_arg.blob, &tofree, numbuf);
- smsg("%4d PUSHBLOB \"%s\"", current, r);
+ smsg("%4d PUSHBLOB %s", current, r);