<appendix id="release_notes">
<subtitle>Release Notes</subtitle>
+ <sect1>
+ <title>Release 2.1.0</title>
+ <para>Release date: 2013/MM/DD</para>
+ <para>This is a minor release addressing both bug fixes and performance and functionality enhancements addressing issues since 2.0.3 release.
+ If you are upgrading from 2.0+, only a soft upgrade is required. If you are upgrading from 1.5 or earlier, a hard upgrade is required.</para>
+ <simplesect>
+ <title>Enhancements</title>
+ <para>For detail of new functions and function improvements, please refer to <xref linkend="NewFunctions_2_1" />.</para>
+ <para>Much faster raster ST_Union, ST_Clip and many more function additions operations</para>
+ <para>For geometry/geography better planner selectivity and a lot more functions.</para>
+ </simplesect>
+ <simplesect>
+ <title>Important / Breaking Changes</title>
+ <para>For full detail of breaking function changes, please refer to <xref linkend="ChangedFunctions_2_1" /></para>
+ <para>#1962 ST_Segmentize - As a result of the introduction of geography support:
+ The construct SELECT ST_Segmentize('LINESTRING(1 2, 3 4)',0.5); will result in ambiguous function error.
+ You need to have properly typed object e.g. a geometry/geography column, use ST_GeomFromText
+ , ST_GeogFromText or SELECT ST_Segmentize('LINESTRING(1 2, 3 4)'::geometry,0.5);</para>
+ <para>#1653, Removed srid parameter from ST_Resample(raster) and variants
+ with reference raster no longer apply reference raster's SRID.</para>
+ <para>#2026, ST_Union(raster) now unions all bands of all rasters</para>
+ <para>#2089, liblwgeom: lwgeom_set_handlers replaces lwgeom_init_allocators.</para>
+ <para>#2150, regular_blocking is no longer a constraint. column of same name
+ in raster_columns now checks for existance of spatially_unique
+ and coverage_tile constraints</para>
+ <para>ST_Intersects(raster, geometry) behaves in the same manner as
+ ST_Intersects(geometry, raster) and is checked in geometry space.</para>
+ <para>point variant of ST_SetValue(raster) previously did not check SRID
+ of input geometry and raster.</para>
+ <para>ST_Hillshade parameters azimuth and altitude are now in degrees
+ instead of radians.</para>
+ <para>ST_Slope and ST_Aspect return pixel values in degrees instead of radians.</para>
+ </simplesect>
+ <simplesect>
+ <title>Deprecated signatures</title>
+ <para>#2104, ST_World2RasterCoord, ST_World2RasterCoordX and
+ ST_World2RasterCoordY renamed to ST_WorldToRasterCoord,
+ ST_WorldToRasterCoordX and ST_WorldToRasterCoordY.
+ ST_Raster2WorldCoord, ST_Raster2WorldCoordX and
+ ST_Raster2WorldCoordY renamed to ST_RasterToWorldCoord,
+ ST_RasterToWorldCoordX and ST_RasterToWorldCoordY</para>
+ <para>ST_Estimated_Extent renamed to ST_EstimatedExtent</para>
+ <para>ST_Line_Interpolate_Point renamed to ST_LineInterpolatePoint</para>
+ <para>ST_Line_Substring renamed to ST_LineSubstring</para>
+ <para>ST_Line_Locate_Point renamed to ST_LineLocatePoint</para>
+ <para>ST_MapAlgebraFctNgb and 1 and 2 raster variants of ST_MapAlgebraFct.
+ Use ST_MapAlgebra instead</para>
+ <para>1 and 2 raster variants of ST_MapAlgebraExpr.
+ Use expression variants of ST_MapAlgebra instead</para>
+ </simplesect>
+ <simplesect>
+ <title>Bug Fixes</title>
+ <para>#2126, Better handling of empty rasters from ST_ConvexHull()</para>
+ </simplesect>
+ </sect1>
+ <sect1>
+ <title>Release 2.0.3</title>
+ <para>Release date: 2013/03/01</para>
+ <para>This is a bug fix release, addressing issues that have been filed since the 2.0.2 release.</para>
+ <simplesect>
+ <title>Bug Fixes</title>
+ <para>#2126, Better handling of empty rasters from ST_ConvexHull()</para>
+ <para>#2134, Make sure to process SRS before passing it off to GDAL functions</para>
+ <para>Fix various memory leaks in liblwgeom</para>
+ <para>#2173, Fix robustness issue in splitting a line with own vertex also affecting topology building (#2172)</para>
+ <para>#2174, Fix usage of wrong function lwpoly_free()</para>
+ <para>#2176, Fix robustness issue with ST_ChangeEdgeGeom</para>
+ <para>#2184, Properly copy topologies with Z value </para>
+ <para>postgis_restore.pl support for mixed case geometry column name in dumps</para>
+ <para>#2188, Fix function parameter value overflow that caused problems when copying data from a GDAL dataset</para>
+ <para>#2216, More memory errors in MultiPolygon GeoJSON parsing (with holes)</para>
+ <para>Fix Memory leak in GeoJSON parser</para>
+ </simplesect>
+ <simplesect>
+ <title>Enhancements</title>
+ <para>#2141, More verbose output when constraints fail to be added to a raster column</para>
+ <para>Speedup ST_ChangeEdgeGeom</para>
+ </simplesect>
+ </sect1>
<title>Release 2.0.2</title>
<para>Release date: 2012/12/03</para>
<sect1 id="NewFunctions">
<title>New, Enhanced or changed PostGIS Functions</title>
- <sect2 id="NewFunctions_2_1">
- <title>PostGIS Functions new, behavior changed, or enhanced in 2.1</title>
+ <sect2 id="NewFunctions_2_1">
+ <title>PostGIS Functions new or enhanced in 2.1</title>
<para>The functions given below are PostGIS functions that were added or enhanced.</para>
<note><para>More Topology performance Improvements. Please refer to <xref linkend="Topology" /> for more details.</para></note>
<note><para>Tiger Geocoder upgraded to work with TIGER 2012 census data. <varname>geocode_settings</varname> added for debugging and tweaking rating preferences, loader made less greedy, now only downloads tables to be loaded.
Please refer to <xref linkend="Tiger_Geocoder" /> for more details.</para></note>
- <para>Functions enhanced in PostGIS 2.1</para>
+ <para>Functions new in PostGIS 2.1</para>
<!-- Pull out the purpose section for each ref entry and strip whitespace and put in a variable to be tagged unto each function comment -->
<xsl:for-each select='//refentry'>
<para>The functions given below are PostGIS functions that are enhanced in PostGIS 2.1.</para>
<!-- Pull out the purpose section for each ref entry -->
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 id="ChangedFunctions_2_1"><title>PostGIS functions breaking changes in 2.1</title>
<para>The functions given below are PostGIS functions that have possibly breaking changes in PostGIS 2.1. If you use any of these, you may need to check your existing code.</para>
<!-- Pull out the purpose section for each ref entry -->
<sect2 id="NewFunctions_2_0">
<title>PostGIS Functions new, behavior changed, or enhanced in 2.0</title>