$ spec --format specdoc --color spec/epub_spec.rb
3. Repeat for other files in spec/*spec.rb
+How to make them more verbose?
+1. Set $DEBUG to true (near the top of each spec)
require 'docbook'
-$DEBUG = true
+$DEBUG = false
TESTDOCSDIR = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'files'))
it "should include cover images in each rendered epub of a 'Real Book' test document like #{xml_file}" do
cvr_tmpdir = File.join(Dir::tmpdir(), "epubcovers"); Dir.mkdir(cvr_tmpdir) rescue Errno::EEXIST
- system("unzip -o -d #{cvr_tmpdir} #{epub_file}")
+ system("unzip -q -o -d #{cvr_tmpdir} #{epub_file}")
cover_grep_lines = `grep --no-filename -c cvr_ #{cvr_tmpdir}/OEBPS/*.html`
num_covers = cover_grep_lines.split("\n").inject(0) {|sum,n| sum + n.to_i}
num_covers.should > 0