return *m_bbox;
+SVG::SVGRect SVG::SVGElement::outline_bbox(bool throw_if_bbox_not_defined) {
+ if (m_outline_bbox.has_value()) {
+ return *m_outline_bbox;
+ }
+ // negative width and height bbox that will be immediately replaced by the
+ // first bbox found
+ m_bbox = {.x = std::numeric_limits<double>::max() / 2,
+ .y = std::numeric_limits<double>::max() / 2,
+ .width = std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest(),
+ .height = std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest()};
+ switch (type) {
+ case SVG::SVGElementType::Group:
+ // SVG group bounding box is detemined solely by its children
+ break;
+ case SVG::SVGElementType::Ellipse:
+ m_bbox = {
+ .x = - attributes.rx - attributes.stroke_width / 2,
+ .y = - attributes.ry - attributes.stroke_width / 2,
+ .width = attributes.rx * 2 + attributes.stroke_width,
+ .height = attributes.ry * 2 + attributes.stroke_width,
+ };
+ break;
+ case SVG::SVGElementType::Polygon: {
+ // it takes at least 3 points to make a polygon (triangle) and Graphviz
+ // always generates the last point to be the same as the first so there
+ // will always be at least 4 points
+ const auto &points = attributes.points;
+ if (points.size() < 4) {
+ throw std::runtime_error{"Too few points"};
+ }
+ if (points.front().x != points.back().x ||
+ points.front().y != points.back().y) {
+ throw std::runtime_error{"First and last point are not the same"};
+ }
+ const auto clockwise = has_clockwise_points();
+ // the first and last points are always the same so we skip the last
+ for (auto it = points.cbegin(); it != points.cend() - 1; ++it) {
+ const SVG::SVGPoint &prev_point = [&]() {
+ if (it == points.begin()) {
+ // the last point is the same as the first so we must use the next
+ // to last one as the next point to get the start point of the
+ // current path segment
+ return *(points.cend() - 2);
+ } else {
+ return *std::prev(it);
+ }
+ }();
+ const auto &point = *it;
+ // there is always a next point since we iterate only to the next to
+ // last point
+ const auto &next_point = *std::next(it);
+ const SVG::SVGPoint miter_point =
+ clockwise ?
+ // Graphviz draws some polygons clockwise and some
+ // counter-clockwise.
+ SVGElement::miter_point(prev_point, point, next_point)
+ :
+ // the SVG spec assumes clockwise so we swap the points
+ SVGElement::miter_point(next_point, point, prev_point);
+ m_bbox->extend(miter_point);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case SVG::SVGElementType::Path: {
+ if (path_points.empty()) {
+ throw std::runtime_error{"No points for 'path' element"};
+ }
+ const auto first_point = path_points.front();
+ auto is_vertical = std::all_of(
+ path_points.cbegin(), path_points.cend(),
+ [&](const SVGPoint &point) { return point.x == first_point.x; });
+ auto is_horizontal = std::all_of(
+ path_points.cbegin(), path_points.cend(),
+ [&](const SVGPoint &point) { return point.y == first_point.y; });
+ if (!is_vertical && !is_horizontal) {
+ const std::size_t num_points_in_cylinder_node_shape_path1 = 19;
+ const std::size_t num_points_in_cylinder_node_shape_path2 = 7;
+ if (path_points.size() == num_points_in_cylinder_node_shape_path1 ||
+ path_points.size() == num_points_in_cylinder_node_shape_path2) {
+ // cylinder node shape which is flat at the extreme points so we can
+ // just extend the crossing points with penwidth / 2 and exclude the
+ // intermediate control points. Graphviz uses cubic splines so there are
+ // always two intermediate control points between the curve segment
+ // endpoints.
+ const auto num_intermediate_control_points = 2;
+ for (std::size_t i = 0; i < path_points.size();
+ i += num_intermediate_control_points + 1) {
+ const auto &point = path_points[i];
+ SVG::SVGRect point_bbox = {
+ .x = point.x - attributes.stroke_width / 2,
+ .y = point.y - attributes.stroke_width / 2,
+ .width = attributes.stroke_width,
+ .height = attributes.stroke_width,
+ };
+ m_bbox->extend(point_bbox);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ throw std::runtime_error(
+ "paths other than straight vertical, straight horizontal or the "
+ "cylinder special case are currently not supported");
+ }
+ // we now know we have a straight horizontal or vertical line (or the
+ // degenerate case of a point)
+ if (is_vertical) {
+ const SVG::SVGRect first_point_bbox = {
+ first_point.x - attributes.stroke_width / 2, first_point.y,
+ attributes.stroke_width, 0};
+ m_bbox->extend(first_point_bbox);
+ for (const auto &point : path_points) {
+ m_bbox->extend(point);
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_horizontal) {
+ for (const auto &point : path_points) {
+ m_bbox->extend(point);
+ }
+ const SVG::SVGRect first_point_bbox = {
+ first_point.x, first_point.y - attributes.stroke_width / 2, 0,
+ attributes.stroke_width};
+ m_bbox->extend(first_point_bbox);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case SVG::SVGElementType::Polyline: {
+ const auto &points = attributes.points;
+ if (points.size() < 2) {
+ throw std::runtime_error{"Too few points for 'polyline' element"};
+ }
+ // handle first and last point which may not be part of a corner
+ const SVG::SVGRect first_point_bbox = {
+ points.front().x - attributes.stroke_width / 2,
+ points.front().y - attributes.stroke_width / 2,
+ attributes.stroke_width,
+ attributes.stroke_width,
+ };
+ m_bbox->extend(first_point_bbox);
+ const SVG::SVGRect last_point_bbox = {
+ points.back().x - attributes.stroke_width / 2,
+ points.back().y - attributes.stroke_width / 2,
+ attributes.stroke_width,
+ attributes.stroke_width,
+ };
+ m_bbox->extend(last_point_bbox);
+ if (points.size() >= 3) {
+ // at least one corner
+ const auto clockwise = has_clockwise_points();
+ for (auto it = points.cbegin() + 1; it < points.cend() - 1; ++it) {
+ // there is always a previous point since we iterate from the second
+ // point
+ const auto &prev_point = *std::prev(it);
+ const auto &point = *it;
+ // there is always a next point since we iterate only to the next to
+ // last point
+ const auto &next_point = *std::next(it);
+ const SVG::SVGPoint miter_point =
+ // Graphviz draws some polylines clockwise and some
+ // counter-clockwise.
+ clockwise ? SVGElement::miter_point(prev_point, point, next_point) :
+ // `miter_point` assumes clockwise so we swap the points
+ SVGElement::miter_point(next_point, point, prev_point);
+ m_bbox->extend(miter_point);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case SVG::SVGElementType::Rect:
+ m_bbox = {
+ .x = attributes.x - attributes.stroke_width / 2,
+ .y = attributes.y - attributes.stroke_width / 2,
+ .width = attributes.width + attributes.stroke_width,
+ .height = attributes.height + attributes.stroke_width,
+ };
+ break;
+ case SVG::SVGElementType::Text:
+ m_bbox = text_bbox();
+ break;
+ case SVG::SVGElementType::Title:
+ // title has no size
+ if (throw_if_bbox_not_defined) {
+ throw std::runtime_error{"A 'title' element has no bounding box"};
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw std::runtime_error{
+ fmt::format("Unhandled svg element type {}", tag(type))};
+ }
+ const auto throw_if_child_bbox_is_not_defined = false;
+ for (auto &child : children) {
+ const auto child_bbox =
+ child.outline_bbox(throw_if_child_bbox_is_not_defined);
+ m_bbox->extend(child_bbox);
+ }
+ return *m_bbox;
SVG::SVGRect SVG::SVGElement::text_bbox() const {
assert(type == SVG::SVGElementType::Text && "Not a 'text' element");
output += attribute;
+bool SVG::SVGElement::has_clockwise_points() const {
+ assert((type == SVG::SVGElementType::Polygon ||
+ type == SVG::SVGElementType::Polyline) &&
+ "not a polygon or polyline");
+ assert(attributes.points.size() >= 3 && "too few points");
+ // Sum over the edges, (x2 − x1)(y2 + y1). If the result is positive, the
+ // curve is clockwise, if it's negative the curve is counter-clockwise.
+ // Implementation is based on
+ const auto &points = attributes.points;
+ double sum = 0;
+ for (auto it = points.cbegin(); it < points.cend() - 1; ++it) {
+ const auto &[x1, y1i] = *it;
+ const auto &[x2, y2i] = *std::next(it);
+ // SVG uses inverted y axis, so negate y values
+ const auto y1 = -y1i;
+ const auto y2 = -y2i;
+ sum += (x2 - x1) * (y2 + y1);
+ }
+ return sum > 0;
std::string SVG::SVGElement::fill_attribute_to_string() const {
if (attributes.fill.empty()) {
return "";