write_event(Fd, {Time, {error, _GL, {Pid, Format, Args}}}) ->
T = write_time(Time),
case catch io_lib:format(add_node(Format,Pid), Args) of
- S when list(S) ->
+ S when is_list(S) ->
file:write(Fd, io_lib:format(T ++ S, []));
_ ->
F = add_node("ERROR: ~p - ~p~n", Pid),
write_event(Fd, {Time, {emulator, _GL, Chars}}) ->
T = write_time(Time),
case catch io_lib:format(Chars, []) of
- S when list(S) ->
+ S when is_list(S) ->
file:write(Fd, io_lib:format(T ++ S, []));
_ ->
file:write(Fd, io_lib:format(T ++ "ERROR: ~p ~n", [Chars]))
write_event(Fd, {Time, {info_msg, _GL, {Pid, Format, Args}}}) ->
T = write_time(Time, "INFO REPORT"),
case catch io_lib:format(add_node(Format,Pid), Args) of
- S when list(S) ->
+ S when is_list(S) ->
file:write(Fd, io_lib:format(T ++ S, []));
_ ->
F = add_node("ERROR: ~p - ~p~n", Pid),
write_event(_, _) ->
-format_report(Rep) when list(Rep) ->
+format_report(Rep) when is_list(Rep) ->
case string_p(Rep) of
true ->
format_rep(_) ->
-add_node(X, Pid) when atom(X) ->
+add_node(X, Pid) when is_atom(X) ->
add_node(atom_to_list(X), Pid);
add_node(X, Pid) when node(Pid) /= node() ->
lists:concat([X,"** at node ",node(Pid)," **~n"]);
string_p(Term) ->
-string_p1([H|T]) when integer(H), H >= $\s, H < 255 ->
+string_p1([H|T]) when is_integer(H), H >= $\s, H < 255 ->
string_p1([$\n|T]) -> string_p1(T);
string_p1([$\r|T]) -> string_p1(T);
string_p1([$\b|T]) -> string_p1(T);
string_p1([$\f|T]) -> string_p1(T);
string_p1([$\e|T]) -> string_p1(T);
-string_p1([H|T]) when list(H) ->
+string_p1([H|T]) when is_list(H) ->
case string_p1(H) of
true -> string_p1(T);
_ -> false
%%% {"telephoneNumber", ["545 555 00"]}]
%%% )
%%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
-add(Handle, Entry, Attributes) when list(Entry),list(Attributes) ->
+add(Handle, Entry, Attributes) when is_list(Entry), is_list(Attributes) ->
Handle1 = get_handle(Handle),
gen_fsm:sync_send_event(Handle1, {add, Entry, add_attrs(Attributes)},
%%% Do sanity check !
add_attrs(Attrs) ->
- F = fun({Type,Vals}) when list(Type),list(Vals) ->
+ F = fun({Type,Vals}) when is_list(Type), is_list(Vals) ->
%% Confused ? Me too... :-/
{'AddRequest_attributes',Type, Vals}
%%% "cn=Bill Valentine, ou=people, o=Bluetail AB, dc=bluetail, dc=com"
%%% )
%%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
-delete(Handle, Entry) when list(Entry) ->
+delete(Handle, Entry) when is_list(Entry) ->
Handle1 = get_handle(Handle),
gen_fsm:sync_send_event(Handle1, {delete, Entry}, ?CALL_TIMEOUT).
%%% add("description", ["LDAP hacker"])]
%%% )
%%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
-modify(Handle, Object, Mods) when list(Object), list(Mods) ->
+modify(Handle, Object, Mods) when is_list(Object), is_list(Mods) ->
Handle1 = get_handle(Handle),
gen_fsm:sync_send_event(Handle1, {modify, Object, Mods}, ?CALL_TIMEOUT).
%%% Example:
%%% replace("telephoneNumber", ["555 555 00"])
-mod_add(Type, Values) when list(Type), list(Values) -> m(add, Type, Values).
-mod_delete(Type, Values) when list(Type), list(Values) -> m(delete, Type, Values).
-mod_replace(Type, Values) when list(Type), list(Values) -> m(replace, Type, Values).
+mod_add(Type, Values) when is_list(Type), is_list(Values) -> m(add, Type, Values).
+mod_delete(Type, Values) when is_list(Type), is_list(Values) -> m(delete, Type, Values).
+mod_replace(Type, Values) when is_list(Type), is_list(Values) -> m(replace, Type, Values).
m(Operation, Type, Values) ->
%%% )
%%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
modify_dn(Handle, Entry, NewRDN, DelOldRDN, NewSup)
- when list(Entry),list(NewRDN),atom(DelOldRDN),list(NewSup) ->
+ when is_list(Entry), is_list(NewRDN), is_atom(DelOldRDN), is_list(NewSup) ->
Handle1 = get_handle(Handle),
%%% "secret")
%%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
bind(Handle, RootDN, Passwd)
- when list(RootDN),list(Passwd) ->
+ when is_list(RootDN), is_list(Passwd) ->
Handle1 = get_handle(Handle),
gen_fsm:sync_send_event(Handle1, {bind, RootDN, Passwd}, ?CALL_TIMEOUT).
%%% []}}
%%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
-search(Handle, A) when record(A, eldap_search) ->
+search(Handle, A) when is_record(A, eldap_search) ->
call_search(Handle, A);
-search(Handle, L) when list(L) ->
+search(Handle, L) when is_list(L) ->
case catch parse_search_args(L) of
{error, Emsg} -> {error, Emsg};
{'EXIT', Emsg} -> {error, Emsg};
- A when record(A, eldap_search) -> call_search(Handle, A)
+ A when is_record(A, eldap_search) -> call_search(Handle, A)
call_search(Handle, A) ->
parse_search_args(T,A#eldap_search{attributes = Attrs});
parse_search_args([{types_only, TypesOnly}|T],A) ->
parse_search_args(T,A#eldap_search{types_only = TypesOnly});
-parse_search_args([{timeout, Timeout}|T],A) when integer(Timeout) ->
+parse_search_args([{timeout, Timeout}|T],A) when is_integer(Timeout) ->
parse_search_args(T,A#eldap_search{timeout = Timeout});
parse_search_args([{limit, Limit}|T],A) when is_integer(Limit) ->
parse_search_args(T,A#eldap_search{limit = Limit});
%%% Boolean filter operations
-'and'(ListOfFilters) when list(ListOfFilters) -> {'and',ListOfFilters}.
-'or'(ListOfFilters) when list(ListOfFilters) -> {'or', ListOfFilters}.
-'not'(Filter) when tuple(Filter) -> {'not',Filter}.
+'and'(ListOfFilters) when is_list(ListOfFilters) -> {'and',ListOfFilters}.
+'or'(ListOfFilters) when is_list(ListOfFilters) -> {'or', ListOfFilters}.
+'not'(Filter) when is_tuple(Filter) -> {'not',Filter}.
%%% The following Filter parameters consist of an attribute
%%% Filter to check for the presence of an attribute
-present(Attribute) when list(Attribute) ->
+present(Attribute) when is_list(Attribute) ->
{present, Attribute}.
%%% Example: substrings("sn",[{initial,"To"},{any,"kv"},{final,"st"}])
%%% will match entries containing: 'sn: Tornkvist'
-substrings(Type, SubStr) when list(Type), list(SubStr) ->
+substrings(Type, SubStr) when is_list(Type), is_list(SubStr) ->
Ss = {'SubstringFilter_substrings',v_substr(SubStr)},
{substrings,#'SubstringFilter'{type = Type,
substrings = Ss}}.
-get_handle(Pid) when pid(Pid) -> Pid;
-get_handle(Atom) when atom(Atom) -> Atom;
-get_handle(Name) when list(Name) -> list_to_atom("eldap_" ++ Name).
+get_handle(Pid) when is_pid(Pid) -> Pid;
+get_handle(Atom) when is_atom(Atom) -> Atom;
+get_handle(Name) when is_list(Name) -> list_to_atom("eldap_" ++ Name).
%%% Callback functions from gen_fsm
polish(Entries) ->
polish(Entries, [], []).
-polish([H|T], Res, Ref) when record(H, 'SearchResultEntry') ->
+polish([H|T], Res, Ref) when is_record(H, 'SearchResultEntry') ->
ObjectName = H#'SearchResultEntry'.objectName,
F = fun({_,A,V}) -> {A,V} end,
Attrs = lists:map(F, H#'SearchResultEntry'.attributes),
v_filter({lessOrEqual,AV}) -> {lessOrEqual,AV};
v_filter({approxMatch,AV}) -> {approxMatch,AV};
v_filter({present,A}) -> {present,A};
-v_filter({substrings,S}) when record(S,'SubstringFilter') -> {substrings,S};
+v_filter({substrings,S}) when is_record(S,'SubstringFilter') -> {substrings,S};
v_filter(_Filter) -> throw({error,concat(["unknown filter: ",_Filter])}).
v_modifications(Mods) ->
lists:foreach(F, Mods).
-v_substr([{Key,Str}|T]) when list(Str),Key==initial;Key==any;Key==final ->
+v_substr([{Key,Str}|T]) when is_list(Str),Key==initial;Key==any;Key==final ->
v_substr([H|_]) ->
v_bool(false) -> false;
v_bool(_Bool) -> throw({error,concat(["not Boolean: ",_Bool])}).
-v_timeout(I) when integer(I), I>=0 -> I;
+v_timeout(I) when is_integer(I), I>=0 -> I;
v_timeout(_I) -> throw({error,concat(["timeout not positive integer: ",_I])}).
v_attributes(Attrs) ->
- F = fun(A) when list(A) -> A;
+ F = fun(A) when is_list(A) -> A;
(A) -> throw({error,concat(["attribute not String: ",A])})
get_integer(Key, List) ->
case lists:keysearch(Key, 1, List) of
- {value, {Key, Value}} when integer(Value) ->
+ {value, {Key, Value}} when is_integer(Value) ->
{value, {Key, _Value}} ->
throw({error, "Bad Value in Config for " ++ atom_to_list(Key)});
get_list(Key, List) ->
case lists:keysearch(Key, 1, List) of
- {value, {Key, Value}} when list(Value) ->
+ {value, {Key, Value}} when is_list(Value) ->
{value, {Key, _Value}} ->
throw({error, "Bad Value in Config for " ++ atom_to_list(Key)});
get_hosts(Key, List) ->
- lists:map(fun({Key1, {A,B,C,D}}) when integer(A),
- integer(B),
- integer(C),
- integer(D),
+ lists:map(fun({Key1, {A,B,C,D}}) when is_integer(A),
+ is_integer(B),
+ is_integer(C),
+ is_integer(D),
Key == Key1->
- ({Key1, Value}) when list(Value),
+ ({Key1, Value}) when is_list(Value),
Key == Key1->
({_Else, _Value}) ->