Column 'id' on comment_test
(1 row)
-SELECT indexrelid::regclass as index, obj_description(indexrelid, 'pg_class') as comment FROM pg_index where indrelid = 'comment_test'::regclass;
+SELECT indexrelid::regclass::text as index, obj_description(indexrelid, 'pg_class') as comment FROM pg_index where indrelid = 'comment_test'::regclass ORDER BY 1, 2;
index | comment
comment_test_index | Simple index on comment_test
comment_test_pk | Index backing the PRIMARY KEY of comment_test
(2 rows)
-SELECT conname as constraint, obj_description(oid, 'pg_constraint') as comment FROM pg_constraint where conrelid = 'comment_test'::regclass;
+SELECT conname as constraint, obj_description(oid, 'pg_constraint') as comment FROM pg_constraint where conrelid = 'comment_test'::regclass ORDER BY 1, 2;
constraint | comment
comment_test_pk | PRIMARY KEY constraint of comment_test
Column 'id' on comment_test
(1 row)
-SELECT indexrelid::regclass as index, obj_description(indexrelid, 'pg_class') as comment FROM pg_index where indrelid = 'comment_test'::regclass;
+SELECT indexrelid::regclass::text as index, obj_description(indexrelid, 'pg_class') as comment FROM pg_index where indrelid = 'comment_test'::regclass ORDER BY 1, 2;
index | comment
- comment_test_pk | Index backing the PRIMARY KEY of comment_test
comment_test_index | Simple index on comment_test
+ comment_test_pk | Index backing the PRIMARY KEY of comment_test
(2 rows)
-SELECT conname as constraint, obj_description(oid, 'pg_constraint') as comment FROM pg_constraint where conrelid = 'comment_test'::regclass;
+SELECT conname as constraint, obj_description(oid, 'pg_constraint') as comment FROM pg_constraint where conrelid = 'comment_test'::regclass ORDER BY 1, 2;
constraint | comment
- comment_test_positive_col_check | CHECK constraint on comment_test.positive_col
comment_test_pk | PRIMARY KEY constraint of comment_test
+ comment_test_positive_col_check | CHECK constraint on comment_test.positive_col
(2 rows)
-- Check that we map relation oids to filenodes and back correctly. Only
COMMENT ON INDEX comment_test_pk IS 'Index backing the PRIMARY KEY of comment_test';
SELECT col_description('comment_test'::regclass, 1) as comment;
-SELECT indexrelid::regclass as index, obj_description(indexrelid, 'pg_class') as comment FROM pg_index where indrelid = 'comment_test'::regclass;
-SELECT conname as constraint, obj_description(oid, 'pg_constraint') as comment FROM pg_constraint where conrelid = 'comment_test'::regclass;
+SELECT indexrelid::regclass::text as index, obj_description(indexrelid, 'pg_class') as comment FROM pg_index where indrelid = 'comment_test'::regclass ORDER BY 1, 2;
+SELECT conname as constraint, obj_description(oid, 'pg_constraint') as comment FROM pg_constraint where conrelid = 'comment_test'::regclass ORDER BY 1, 2;
-- Change the datatype of all the columns. ALTER TABLE is optimized to not
-- rebuild an index if the new data type is binary compatible with the old
-- Check that the comments are intact.
SELECT col_description('comment_test'::regclass, 1) as comment;
-SELECT indexrelid::regclass as index, obj_description(indexrelid, 'pg_class') as comment FROM pg_index where indrelid = 'comment_test'::regclass;
-SELECT conname as constraint, obj_description(oid, 'pg_constraint') as comment FROM pg_constraint where conrelid = 'comment_test'::regclass;
+SELECT indexrelid::regclass::text as index, obj_description(indexrelid, 'pg_class') as comment FROM pg_index where indrelid = 'comment_test'::regclass ORDER BY 1, 2;
+SELECT conname as constraint, obj_description(oid, 'pg_constraint') as comment FROM pg_constraint where conrelid = 'comment_test'::regclass ORDER BY 1, 2;
-- Check that we map relation oids to filenodes and back correctly. Only