1.50 (2008/mm/dd)
- All Platforms
- + Support BitTorrent Enhancement Proposal #6 "Fast Extension"
- + Support BitTorrent Enhancement Proposal #21 "Extension for Partial Seeds"
+ IPv6 support
+ Random port, with optional randomization on startup
- Mac
- All Platforms
+ Better peer management in large swarms
+ + Support BitTorrent Enhancement Proposal (BEP) #21 "Extension for Partial Seeds"
+ + Partial support for BEP #6 "Fast Extension" (reject, have all/none)
+ + Honor the peer's BEP #10 reqq key, when available
+ Fix 1.40 "Got HTTP Status Code: 0" error message
+ Fix 1.40 "lazy bitfield" error
- + Honor the peer's BEP 10 reqq key, when available
+ Fix 1.40 "jumpy upload speed" bug
+ Fix handshake peer_id error
+ Corrrectly handle Windows-style newlines in Bluetack blocklists