-record(state, {}).
+-type local_hook() :: { Seq :: integer(), Module :: atom(), Function :: atom()}.
+-type distributed_hook() :: { Seq :: integer(), Node :: atom(), Module :: atom(), Function :: atom()}.
%%% API
delete_all_hooks() ->
gen_server:call(ejabberd_hooks, {delete_all}).
--spec get_handlers(atom(), binary() | global) -> [{Seq :: integer(), Module :: atom(), Function :: atom()}].
-get_handlers(Hook, Host) ->
- gen_server:call(ejabberd_hooks, {get_handlers, Hook, Host}).
+-spec get_handlers(atom(), binary() | global) -> [local_hook() | distributed_hook()].
+%% @doc Returns currently set handler for hook name
+get_handlers(Hookname, Host) ->
+ gen_server:call(ejabberd_hooks, {get_handlers, Hookname, Host}).
-spec run(atom(), list()) -> ok.
%% {stop, Reason, State} (terminate/2 is called)
handle_call({add, Hook, Host, Module, Function, Seq}, _From, State) ->
- Reply = case ets:lookup(hooks, {Hook, Host}) of
- [{_, Ls}] ->
- El = {Seq, Module, Function},
- case lists:member(El, Ls) of
- true ->
- ok;
- false ->
- NewLs = lists:merge(Ls, [El]),
- ets:insert(hooks, {{Hook, Host}, NewLs}),
- ok
- end;
- [] ->
- NewLs = [{Seq, Module, Function}],
- ets:insert(hooks, {{Hook, Host}, NewLs}),
- ok
- end,
+ HookFormat = {Seq, Module, Function},
+ Reply = handle_add(Hook, Host, HookFormat),
{reply, Reply, State};
handle_call({add, Hook, Host, Node, Module, Function, Seq}, _From, State) ->
- Reply = case ets:lookup(hooks, {Hook, Host}) of
- [{_, Ls}] ->
- El = {Seq, Node, Module, Function},
- case lists:member(El, Ls) of
- true ->
- ok;
- false ->
- NewLs = lists:merge(Ls, [El]),
- ets:insert(hooks, {{Hook, Host}, NewLs}),
- ok
- end;
- [] ->
- NewLs = [{Seq, Node, Module, Function}],
- ets:insert(hooks, {{Hook, Host}, NewLs}),
- ok
- end,
+ HookFormat = {Seq, Node, Module, Function},
+ Reply = handle_add(Hook, Host, HookFormat),
{reply, Reply, State};
handle_call({delete, Hook, Host, Module, Function, Seq}, _From, State) ->
- Reply = case ets:lookup(hooks, {Hook, Host}) of
- [{_, Ls}] ->
- NewLs = lists:delete({Seq, Module, Function}, Ls),
- ets:insert(hooks, {{Hook, Host}, NewLs}),
- ok;
- [] ->
- ok
- end,
+ HookFormat = {Seq, Module, Function},
+ Reply = handle_delete(Hook, Host, HookFormat),
{reply, Reply, State};
handle_call({delete, Hook, Host, Node, Module, Function, Seq}, _From, State) ->
- Reply = case ets:lookup(hooks, {Hook, Host}) of
- [{_, Ls}] ->
- NewLs = lists:delete({Seq, Node, Module, Function}, Ls),
- ets:insert(hooks, {{Hook, Host}, NewLs}),
- ok;
- [] ->
- ok
- end,
+ HookFormat = {Seq, Node, Module, Function},
+ Reply = handle_delete(Hook, Host, HookFormat),
{reply, Reply, State};
handle_call({get_handlers, Hook, Host}, _From, State) ->
Reply = case ets:lookup(hooks, {Hook, Host}) of
- [{_, Handlers}] ->
- Handlers;
- [] ->
- []
+ [{_, Handlers}] -> Handlers;
+ [] -> []
{reply, Reply, State};
handle_call({delete_all}, _From, State) ->
Reply = ets:delete_all_objects(hooks),
{reply, Reply, State};
handle_call(_Request, _From, State) ->
Reply = ok,
{reply, Reply, State}.
+-spec handle_add(atom(), atom(), local_hook() | distributed_hook()) -> ok.
+%% in-memory storage operation: Handle adding hook in ETS table
+handle_add(Hook, Host, El) ->
+ case ets:lookup(hooks, {Hook, Host}) of
+ [{_, Ls}] ->
+ case lists:member(El, Ls) of
+ true ->
+ ok;
+ false ->
+ NewLs = lists:merge(Ls, [El]),
+ ets:insert(hooks, {{Hook, Host}, NewLs}),
+ ok
+ end;
+ [] ->
+ NewLs = [El],
+ ets:insert(hooks, {{Hook, Host}, NewLs}),
+ ok
+ end.
+-spec handle_delete(atom(), atom(), local_hook() | distributed_hook()) -> ok.
+%% in-memory storage operation: Handle deleting hook from ETS table
+handle_delete(Hook, Host, El) ->
+ case ets:lookup(hooks, {Hook, Host}) of
+ [{_, Ls}] ->
+ NewLs = lists:delete(El, Ls),
+ ets:insert(hooks, {{Hook, Host}, NewLs}),
+ ok;
+ [] ->
+ ok
+ end.
%% Func: handle_cast/2
%% Returns: {noreply, State} |