(pcbuild.dsw) are provided in the subdirectory vc5x. (These are the\r
same three subprojects as discussed for VC++ 4.x.)\r
-To use these, create a new directory (I called it "pcbuild") in the\r
-Python source directory, and copy the files from vc5x there. Then\r
-simply open the pcbuild.dsw workspace file with Developer Studio.\r
-Select the Debug configuration (use Set Active Configuration... in the\r
-Build menu) and build the python15 and python projects (in that\r
-order). If you have Tcl/Tk 8.0 installed you can also try building\r
-the _tkinter project.\r
-The distributed files are text files with CRLF line terminators. You\r
-can rename the workspace file (pcbuild.dsw), but since it refers to\r
-the project files by name, you can't rename the individual project\r
+To use these, copy the files from vc5x to the toplevel PCbuild\r
+directory. Then open the pcbuild.dsw workspace file with Developer\r
+Studio. Select the Debug configuration (use Set Active\r
+Configuration... in the Build menu) and build the python15 and python\r
+projects (in that order). If you have Tcl/Tk 8.0 installed you can\r
+also try building the _tkinter project. If you plan to use the parser\r
+module, also build that project.\r
Additional files and subdirectories for 32-bit Windows\r