handle_call({can_access, Cmd, CallerInfo}, _From, State) ->
CallerModule = maps:get(caller_module, CallerInfo, none),
Host = maps:get(caller_host, CallerInfo, global),
- {State2, Defs} = get_definitions(State),
+ {State2, Defs0} = get_definitions(State),
+ Defs = maps:get(extra_permissions, CallerInfo, []) ++ Defs0,
Res = lists:foldl(
fun({Name, _} = Def, none) ->
case matches_definition(Def, Cmd, CallerModule, Host, CallerInfo) of
{State#state{definitions = NDefs}, NDefs}.
matches_definition({_Name, {From, Who, What}}, Cmd, Module, Host, CallerInfo) ->
- case lists:member(Cmd, What) of
+ case What == all orelse lists:member(Cmd, What) of
true ->
case From == [] orelse lists:member(Module, From) of
true ->
{access_commands = [] :: list(),
auth = noauth :: noauth | {binary(), binary(), binary()},
- get_auth = true :: boolean()}).
+ get_auth = true :: boolean(),
+ ip :: inet:ip_address()}).
%% Test:
%% -----------------------------
%% HTTP interface
%% -----------------------------
-process(_, #request{method = 'POST', data = Data, opts = Opts}) ->
+process(_, #request{method = 'POST', data = Data, opts = Opts, ip = {IP, _}}) ->
AccessCommandsOpts = gen_mod:get_opt(access_commands, Opts,
fun(L) when is_list(L) -> L end,
fun({Ac, AcOpts}) ->
Commands = gen_mod:get_opt(
- commands, AcOpts,
+ commands, lists:flatten(AcOpts),
fun(A) when is_atom(A) ->
(L) when is_list(L) ->
options, AcOpts,
fun(L) when is_list(L) -> L end,
- [{Ac, Commands, CommOpts}];
+ [{<<"ejabberd_xmlrpc compatibility shim">>, {[?MODULE], [{access, Ac}], Commands}}];
(Wrong) ->
?WARNING_MSG("wrong options format for ~p: ~p",
[?MODULE, Wrong]),
- end, AccessCommandsOpts)
+ end, lists:flatten(AccessCommandsOpts))
GetAuth = true,
- State = #state{access_commands = AccessCommands, get_auth = GetAuth},
+ State = #state{access_commands = AccessCommands, get_auth = GetAuth, ip = IP},
case fxml_stream:parse_element(Data) of
{error, _} ->
{400, [],
%% Access verification
%% -----------------------------
-get_auth(AuthList) ->
- Admin =
- case lists:keysearch(admin, 1, AuthList) of
- {value, {admin, true}} -> true;
- _ -> false
- end,
+extract_auth(AuthList) ->
+ ?DEBUG("AUTHLIST ~p", [AuthList]),
try get_attrs([user, server, token], AuthList) of
- [U, S, T] -> {U, S, {oauth, T}, Admin}
+ [U0, S0, T] ->
+ U = jid:nodeprep(U0),
+ S = jid:nameprep(S0),
+ case ejabberd_oauth:check_token(T) of
+ {ok, {U, S}, Scope} ->
+ #{usr => {U, S, <<"">>}, oauth_scope => Scope, caller_server => S};
+ {false, Reason} ->
+ {error, Reason};
+ _ ->
+ {error, not_found}
+ end
exit:{attribute_not_found, _Attr, _} ->
try get_attrs([user, server, password], AuthList) of
- [U, S, P] -> {U, S, P, Admin}
+ [U0, S0, P] ->
+ U = jid:nodeprep(U0),
+ S = jid:nameprep(S0),
+ case ejabberd_auth:check_password(U, <<"">>, S, P) of
+ true ->
+ #{usr => {U, S, <<"">>}, caller_server => S};
+ false ->
+ {error, invalid_auth}
+ end
- exit:{attribute_not_found, Attr, _} ->
- throw({error, missing_auth_arguments, Attr})
+ exit:{attribute_not_found, _Attr, _} ->
+ #{}
%% xmlrpc:call({127, 0, 0, 1}, 4560, "/", {call, echothis, [{struct, [{user, "badlop"}, {server, "localhost"}, {password, "79C1574A43BC995F2B145A299EF97277"}]}, 152]}).
%% {ok,{response,[152]}}
-handler(#state{get_auth = true, auth = noauth} = State,
+handler(#state{get_auth = true, auth = noauth, ip = IP} = State,
{call, Method,
[{struct, AuthList} | Arguments] = AllArgs}) ->
- try get_auth(AuthList) of
+ try extract_auth(AuthList) of
+ {error, invalid_auth} ->
+ build_fault_response(-118,
+ "Invalid authentication data",
+ []);
+ {error, not_found} ->
+ build_fault_response(-118,
+ "Invalid oauth token",
+ []);
+ {error, expired} ->
+ build_fault_response(-118,
+ "Invalid oauth token",
+ []);
+ {error, Value} ->
+ build_fault_response(-118,
+ "Invalid authentication data: ~p",
+ [Value]);
Auth ->
- handler(State#state{get_auth = false, auth = Auth},
+ handler(State#state{get_auth = false, auth = Auth#{ip => IP, caller_module => ?MODULE}},
{call, Method, Arguments})
{error, missing_auth_arguments, _Attr} ->
do_command(AccessCommands, Auth, Command, AttrL, ArgsF,
ResultF) ->
ArgsFormatted = format_args(AttrL, ArgsF),
+ Auth2 = case AccessCommands of
+ V when is_list(V) ->
+ Auth#{extra_permissions => AccessCommands};
+ _ ->
+ Auth
+ end,
Result =
- ejabberd_commands:execute_command(AccessCommands, Auth,
- Command, ArgsFormatted),
+ ejabberd_commands:execute_command2(Command, ArgsFormatted, Auth2),
ResultFormatted = format_result(Result, ResultF),
{command_result, ResultFormatted}.
format_result({error, Error}, _) ->
throw({error, Error});
+format_result({error, _Type, _Code, Error}, _) ->
+ throw({error, Error});
format_result(String, string) -> lists:flatten(String);
format_result(Atom, {Name, atom}) ->