topfisheyeview.h viewportcamera.h gvprpipe.h \
gui/callbacks.h gui/datalistcallbacks.h gui/filterscallbacks.h \
gui/glmenu.h gui/gui.h gui/menucallbacks.h gui/toolboxcallbacks.h md5.h \
- gui/topviewsettings.h gui/beacon.h drawxdot.h
+ gui/topviewsettings.h gui/beacon.h drawxdot.h arcball.h
smyrna_SOURCES = btree.c draw.c filter.c glexpose.c glmotion.c gltemplate.c \
hier.c main.c selection.c support.c template.c topview.c topviewdata.c \
topfisheyeview.c trackball.c tvnodes.c viewport.c viewportcamera.c \
gvprpipe.c gui/beacon.c gui/callbacks.c gui/datalistcallbacks.c \
gui/filterscallbacks.c gui/glmenu.c gui/gui.c gui/menucallbacks.c \
- gui/toolboxcallbacks.c gui/topviewsettings.c md5.c drawxdot.c
+ gui/toolboxcallbacks.c gui/topviewsettings.c md5.c drawxdot.c arcball.c
smyrna_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/lib/cgraph/ \
$(top_builddir)/lib/cdt/ \
--- /dev/null
+#include "glcompdefs.h"
+#include "arcball.h"
+#include "smyrnadefs.h"
+void setBounds(ArcBall_t* a,GLfloat NewWidth, GLfloat NewHeight)
+ assert((NewWidth > 1.0f) && (NewHeight > 1.0f));
+ //Set adjustment factor for width/height
+ a->AdjustWidth = 1.0f / ((NewWidth - 1.0f) * 0.5f);
+ a->AdjustHeight = 1.0f / ((NewHeight - 1.0f) * 0.5f);
+/*void _mapToSphere(const Point2fT* NewPt, Vector3fT* NewVec) const;
+void init_arcBall(ArcBall_t* a,GLfloat NewWidth, GLfloat NewHeight);
+void setBounds(ArcBall_t* a,GLfloat NewWidth, GLfloat NewHeight);
+void click(ArcBall_t* a,const Point2fT* NewPt);
+void drag(ArcBall_t* a,const Point2fT* NewPt, Quat4fT* NewRot);*/
+void _mapToSphere(ArcBall_t* a,const Point2fT* NewPt, Vector3fT* NewVec)
+ Point2fT TempPt;
+ GLfloat length;
+ //Copy paramter into temp point
+ TempPt = *NewPt;
+ //Adjust point coords and scale down to range of [-1 ... 1]
+ TempPt.s.X = (TempPt.s.X * a->AdjustWidth) - 1.0f;
+ TempPt.s.Y = 1.0f - (TempPt.s.Y * a->AdjustHeight);
+ //Compute the square of the length of the vector to the point from the center
+ length = (TempPt.s.X * TempPt.s.X) + (TempPt.s.Y * TempPt.s.Y);
+ //If the point is mapped outside of the sphere... (length > radius squared)
+ if (length > 1.0f)
+ {
+ GLfloat norm;
+ //Compute a normalizing factor (radius / sqrt(length))
+ norm = 1.0f / FuncSqrt(length);
+ //Return the "normalized" vector, a point on the sphere
+ NewVec->s.X = TempPt.s.X * norm;
+ NewVec->s.Y = TempPt.s.Y * norm;
+ NewVec->s.Z = 0.0f;
+ }
+ else //Else it's on the inside
+ {
+ //Return a vector to a point mapped inside the sphere sqrt(radius squared - length)
+ NewVec->s.X = TempPt.s.X;
+ NewVec->s.Y = TempPt.s.Y;
+ NewVec->s.Z = FuncSqrt(1.0f - length);
+ }
+void init_arcBall(ArcBall_t* a,GLfloat NewWidth, GLfloat NewHeight)
+ Matrix4fT Transform = { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, // NEW: Final Transform
+ 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
+ 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,
+ 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f };
+ Matrix3fT LastRot = { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, // NEW: Last Rotation
+ 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,
+ 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f };
+ Matrix3fT ThisRot = { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, // NEW: This Rotation
+ 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,
+ 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f };
+ a->Transform=Transform;
+ a->LastRot=LastRot;
+ a->ThisRot=ThisRot;
+ //Clear initial values
+ a->StVec.s.X =
+ a->StVec.s.Y =
+ a->StVec.s.Z =
+ a->EnVec.s.X =
+ a->EnVec.s.Y =
+ a->EnVec.s.Z = 0.0f;
+ //Set initial bounds
+ setBounds(a,NewWidth, NewHeight);
+ a->isClicked = 0;
+ a->isRClicked = 0;
+ a->isDragging = 0;
+//Mouse down
+void click(ArcBall_t* a,const Point2fT* NewPt)
+ //Map the point to the sphere
+ _mapToSphere(a,NewPt, &a->StVec);
+//Mouse drag, calculate rotation
+void drag(ArcBall_t* a,const Point2fT* NewPt, Quat4fT* NewRot)
+ //Map the point to the sphere
+ _mapToSphere(a,NewPt, &a->EnVec);
+ //Return the quaternion equivalent to the rotation
+ if (NewRot)
+ {
+ Vector3fT Perp;
+ //Compute the vector perpendicular to the begin and end vectors
+ Vector3fCross(&Perp, &a->StVec, &a->EnVec);
+ //Compute the length of the perpendicular vector
+ if (Vector3fLength(&Perp) > Epsilon) //if its non-zero
+ {
+ //We're ok, so return the perpendicular vector as the transform after all
+ NewRot->s.X = Perp.s.X;
+ NewRot->s.Y = Perp.s.Y;
+ NewRot->s.Z = Perp.s.Z;
+ //In the quaternion values, w is cosine (theta / 2), where theta is rotation angle
+ NewRot->s.W= Vector3fDot(&a->StVec, &a->EnVec);
+ }
+ else //if its zero
+ {
+ //The begin and end vectors coincide, so return an identity transform
+ NewRot->s.X =
+ NewRot->s.Y =
+ NewRot->s.Z =
+ NewRot->s.W = 0.0f;
+ }
+ }
+void arcmouseRClick(ViewInfo* v)
+ Matrix3fSetIdentity(&view->arcball->LastRot); // Reset Rotation
+ Matrix3fSetIdentity(&view->arcball->ThisRot); // Reset Rotation
+ Matrix4fSetRotationFromMatrix3f(&view->arcball->Transform, &view->arcball->ThisRot); // Reset Rotation
+void arcmouseClick(ViewInfo* v)
+ view->arcball->isDragging = 1; // Prepare For Dragging
+ view->arcball->LastRot = view->arcball->ThisRot; // Set Last Static Rotation To Last Dynamic One
+ click(view->arcball,&view->arcball->MousePt);
+void arcmouseDrag(ViewInfo* v)
+ Quat4fT ThisQuat;
+ drag(view->arcball, &view->arcball->MousePt,&ThisQuat);
+ Matrix3fSetRotationFromQuat4f(&view->arcball->ThisRot, &ThisQuat); // Convert Quaternion Into Matrix3fT
+ Matrix3fMulMatrix3f(&view->arcball->ThisRot, &view->arcball->LastRot); // Accumulate Last Rotation Into This One
+ Matrix4fSetRotationFromMatrix3f(&view->arcball->Transform, &view->arcball->ThisRot); // Set Our Final Transform's Rotation From This One
+void Update (ViewInfo* view)
+ if (view->arcball->isRClicked) // If Right Mouse Clicked, Reset All Rotations
+ {
+ Matrix3fSetIdentity(&view->arcball->LastRot); // Reset Rotation
+ Matrix3fSetIdentity(&view->arcball->ThisRot); // Reset Rotation
+ Matrix4fSetRotationFromMatrix3f(&view->arcball->Transform, &view->arcball->ThisRot); // Reset Rotation
+ }
+ if (!view->arcball->isDragging) // Not Dragging
+ {
+ if (view->arcball->isClicked) // First Click
+ {
+ view->arcball->isDragging = 1; // Prepare For Dragging
+ view->arcball->LastRot = view->arcball->ThisRot; // Set Last Static Rotation To Last Dynamic One
+ click(view->arcball,&view->arcball->MousePt);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (view->arcball->isClicked) // Still Clicked, So Still Dragging
+ {
+ Quat4fT ThisQuat;
+ drag(view->arcball, &view->arcball->MousePt,&ThisQuat);
+ Matrix3fSetRotationFromQuat4f(&view->arcball->ThisRot, &ThisQuat); // Convert Quaternion Into Matrix3fT
+ Matrix3fMulMatrix3f(&view->arcball->ThisRot, &view->arcball->LastRot); // Accumulate Last Rotation Into This One
+ Matrix4fSetRotationFromMatrix3f(&view->arcball->Transform, &view->arcball->ThisRot); // Set Our Final Transform's Rotation From This One
+ }
+ else // No Longer Dragging
+ view->arcball->isDragging = 0;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+/** KempoApi: The Turloc Toolkit *****************************/
+/** * * **/
+/** ** ** Filename: ArcBall.h **/
+/** ** Version: Common **/
+/** ** **/
+/** **/
+/** Arcball class for mouse manipulation. **/
+/** **/
+/** **/
+/** **/
+/** **/
+/** (C) 1999-2003 **/
+/** History: **/
+/** 08/17/2003 - (TJG) - Creation **/
+/** 09/23/2003 - (TJG) - Bug fix and optimization **/
+/** 09/25/2003 - (TJG) - Version for NeHe Basecode users **/
+/** **/
+#ifndef _ArcBall_h
+#define _ArcBall_h
+// 8<--Snip here if you have your own math types/funcs-->8
+//Only support assertions in debug builds
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+# include "assert.h"
+# define assert(x) { }
+//Math types derived from the KempoApi tMath library
+ typedef union Tuple2f_t
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ GLfloat X, Y;
+ } s;
+ GLfloat T[2];
+ } Tuple2fT; //A generic 2-element tuple that is represented by single-precision floating point x,y coordinates.
+ typedef union Tuple3f_t
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ GLfloat X, Y, Z;
+ } s;
+ GLfloat T[3];
+ } Tuple3fT; //A generic 3-element tuple that is represented by single precision-floating point x,y,z coordinates.
+ typedef union Tuple4f_t
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ GLfloat X, Y, Z, W;
+ } s;
+ GLfloat T[4];
+ } Tuple4fT; //A 4-element tuple represented by single-precision floating point x,y,z,w coordinates.
+ typedef union Matrix3f_t
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ //column major
+ union { GLfloat M00; GLfloat XX; GLfloat SX; }; //XAxis.X and Scale X
+ union { GLfloat M10; GLfloat XY; }; //XAxis.Y
+ union { GLfloat M20; GLfloat XZ; }; //XAxis.Z
+ union { GLfloat M01; GLfloat YX; }; //YAxis.X
+ union { GLfloat M11; GLfloat YY; GLfloat SY; }; //YAxis.Y and Scale Y
+ union { GLfloat M21; GLfloat YZ; }; //YAxis.Z
+ union { GLfloat M02; GLfloat ZX; }; //ZAxis.X
+ union { GLfloat M12; GLfloat ZY; }; //ZAxis.Y
+ union { GLfloat M22; GLfloat ZZ; GLfloat SZ; }; //ZAxis.Z and Scale Z
+ } s;
+ GLfloat M[9];
+ } Matrix3fT; //A single precision floating point 3 by 3 matrix.
+ typedef union Matrix4f_t
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ //column major
+ union { GLfloat M00; GLfloat XX; GLfloat SX; }; //XAxis.X and Scale X
+ union { GLfloat M10; GLfloat XY; }; //XAxis.Y
+ union { GLfloat M20; GLfloat XZ; }; //XAxis.Z
+ union { GLfloat M30; GLfloat XW; }; //XAxis.W
+ union { GLfloat M01; GLfloat YX; }; //YAxis.X
+ union { GLfloat M11; GLfloat YY; GLfloat SY; }; //YAxis.Y and Scale Y
+ union { GLfloat M21; GLfloat YZ; }; //YAxis.Z
+ union { GLfloat M31; GLfloat YW; }; //YAxis.W
+ union { GLfloat M02; GLfloat ZX; }; //ZAxis.X
+ union { GLfloat M12; GLfloat ZY; }; //ZAxis.Y
+ union { GLfloat M22; GLfloat ZZ; GLfloat SZ; }; //ZAxis.Z and Scale Z
+ union { GLfloat M32; GLfloat ZW; }; //ZAxis.W
+ union { GLfloat M03; GLfloat TX; }; //Trans.X
+ union { GLfloat M13; GLfloat TY; }; //Trans.Y
+ union { GLfloat M23; GLfloat TZ; }; //Trans.Z
+ union { GLfloat M33; GLfloat TW; GLfloat SW; }; //Trans.W and Scale W
+ } s;
+ GLfloat M[16];
+ } Matrix4fT; //A single precision floating point 4 by 4 matrix.
+//"Inherited" types
+#define Point2fT Tuple2fT //A 2 element point that is represented by single precision floating point x,y coordinates.
+#define Quat4fT Tuple4fT //A 4 element unit quaternion represented by single precision floating point x,y,z,w coordinates.
+#define Vector2fT Tuple2fT //A 2-element vector that is represented by single-precision floating point x,y coordinates.
+#define Vector3fT Tuple3fT //A 3-element vector that is represented by single-precision floating point x,y,z coordinates.
+//Custom math, or speed overrides
+#define FuncSqrt sqrtf
+//utility macros
+//assuming IEEE-754(GLfloat), which i believe has max precision of 7 bits
+# define Epsilon 1.0e-5
+//Math functions
+ /**
+ * Sets the value of this tuple to the vector sum of itself and tuple t1.
+ * @param t1 the other tuple
+ */
+ static void Point2fAdd(Point2fT* NewObj, const Tuple2fT* t1)
+ {
+ assert(NewObj && t1);
+ NewObj->s.X += t1->s.X;
+ NewObj->s.Y += t1->s.Y;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the value of this tuple to the vector difference of itself and tuple t1 (this = this - t1).
+ * @param t1 the other tuple
+ */
+ static void Point2fSub(Point2fT* NewObj, const Tuple2fT* t1)
+ {
+ assert(NewObj && t1);
+ NewObj->s.X -= t1->s.X;
+ NewObj->s.Y -= t1->s.Y;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets this vector to be the vector cross product of vectors v1 and v2.
+ * @param v1 the first vector
+ * @param v2 the second vector
+ */
+ static void Vector3fCross(Vector3fT* NewObj, const Vector3fT* v1, const Vector3fT* v2)
+ {
+ Vector3fT Result; //safe not to initialize
+ assert(NewObj && v1 && v2);
+ // store on stack once for aliasing-safty
+ // i.e. safe when a.cross(a, b)
+ Result.s.X = (v1->s.Y * v2->s.Z) - (v1->s.Z * v2->s.Y);
+ Result.s.Y = (v1->s.Z * v2->s.X) - (v1->s.X * v2->s.Z);
+ Result.s.Z = (v1->s.X * v2->s.Y) - (v1->s.Y * v2->s.X);
+ //copy result back
+ *NewObj = Result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Computes the dot product of the this vector and vector v1.
+ * @param v1 the other vector
+ */
+ static GLfloat Vector3fDot(const Vector3fT* NewObj, const Vector3fT* v1)
+ {
+ assert(NewObj && v1);
+ return (NewObj->s.X * v1->s.X) +
+ (NewObj->s.Y * v1->s.Y) +
+ (NewObj->s.Z * v1->s.Z);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the squared length of this vector.
+ * @return the squared length of this vector
+ */
+ static GLfloat Vector3fLengthSquared(const Vector3fT* NewObj)
+ {
+ assert(NewObj);
+ return (NewObj->s.X * NewObj->s.X) +
+ (NewObj->s.Y * NewObj->s.Y) +
+ (NewObj->s.Z * NewObj->s.Z);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the length of this vector.
+ * @return the length of this vector
+ */
+ static GLfloat Vector3fLength(const Vector3fT* NewObj)
+ {
+ assert(NewObj);
+ return FuncSqrt(Vector3fLengthSquared(NewObj));
+ }
+ static void Matrix3fSetZero(Matrix3fT* NewObj)
+ {
+ NewObj->s.M00 = NewObj->s.M01 = NewObj->s.M02 =
+ NewObj->s.M10 = NewObj->s.M11 = NewObj->s.M12 =
+ NewObj->s.M20 = NewObj->s.M21 = NewObj->s.M22 = 0.0f;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets this Matrix3 to identity.
+ */
+ static void Matrix3fSetIdentity(Matrix3fT* NewObj)
+ {
+ Matrix3fSetZero(NewObj);
+ //then set diagonal as 1
+ NewObj->s.M00 =
+ NewObj->s.M11 =
+ NewObj->s.M22 = 1.0f;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the value of this matrix to the matrix conversion of the
+ * quaternion argument.
+ * @param q1 the quaternion to be converted
+ */
+ //$hack this can be optimized some(if s == 0)
+ static void Matrix3fSetRotationFromQuat4f(Matrix3fT* NewObj, const Quat4fT* q1)
+ {
+ GLfloat n, s;
+ GLfloat xs, ys, zs;
+ GLfloat wx, wy, wz;
+ GLfloat xx, xy, xz;
+ GLfloat yy, yz, zz;
+ assert(NewObj && q1);
+ n = (q1->s.X * q1->s.X) + (q1->s.Y * q1->s.Y) + (q1->s.Z * q1->s.Z) + (q1->s.W * q1->s.W);
+ s = (n > 0.0f) ? (2.0f / n) : 0.0f;
+ xs = q1->s.X * s; ys = q1->s.Y * s; zs = q1->s.Z * s;
+ wx = q1->s.W * xs; wy = q1->s.W * ys; wz = q1->s.W * zs;
+ xx = q1->s.X * xs; xy = q1->s.X * ys; xz = q1->s.X * zs;
+ yy = q1->s.Y * ys; yz = q1->s.Y * zs; zz = q1->s.Z * zs;
+ NewObj->s.XX = 1.0f - (yy + zz); NewObj->s.YX = xy - wz; NewObj->s.ZX = xz + wy;
+ NewObj->s.XY = xy + wz; NewObj->s.YY = 1.0f - (xx + zz); NewObj->s.ZY = yz - wx;
+ NewObj->s.XZ = xz - wy; NewObj->s.YZ = yz + wx; NewObj->s.ZZ = 1.0f - (xx + yy);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the value of this matrix to the result of multiplying itself
+ * with matrix m1.
+ * @param m1 the other matrix
+ */
+ static void Matrix3fMulMatrix3f(Matrix3fT* NewObj, const Matrix3fT* m1)
+ {
+ Matrix3fT Result; //safe not to initialize
+ assert(NewObj && m1);
+ // alias-safe way.
+ Result.s.M00 = (NewObj->s.M00 * m1->s.M00) + (NewObj->s.M01 * m1->s.M10) + (NewObj->s.M02 * m1->s.M20);
+ Result.s.M01 = (NewObj->s.M00 * m1->s.M01) + (NewObj->s.M01 * m1->s.M11) + (NewObj->s.M02 * m1->s.M21);
+ Result.s.M02 = (NewObj->s.M00 * m1->s.M02) + (NewObj->s.M01 * m1->s.M12) + (NewObj->s.M02 * m1->s.M22);
+ Result.s.M10 = (NewObj->s.M10 * m1->s.M00) + (NewObj->s.M11 * m1->s.M10) + (NewObj->s.M12 * m1->s.M20);
+ Result.s.M11 = (NewObj->s.M10 * m1->s.M01) + (NewObj->s.M11 * m1->s.M11) + (NewObj->s.M12 * m1->s.M21);
+ Result.s.M12 = (NewObj->s.M10 * m1->s.M02) + (NewObj->s.M11 * m1->s.M12) + (NewObj->s.M12 * m1->s.M22);
+ Result.s.M20 = (NewObj->s.M20 * m1->s.M00) + (NewObj->s.M21 * m1->s.M10) + (NewObj->s.M22 * m1->s.M20);
+ Result.s.M21 = (NewObj->s.M20 * m1->s.M01) + (NewObj->s.M21 * m1->s.M11) + (NewObj->s.M22 * m1->s.M21);
+ Result.s.M22 = (NewObj->s.M20 * m1->s.M02) + (NewObj->s.M21 * m1->s.M12) + (NewObj->s.M22 * m1->s.M22);
+ //copy result back to this
+ *NewObj = Result;
+ }
+ static void Matrix4fSetRotationScaleFromMatrix4f(Matrix4fT* NewObj, const Matrix4fT* m1)
+ {
+ assert(NewObj && m1);
+ NewObj->s.XX = m1->s.XX; NewObj->s.YX = m1->s.YX; NewObj->s.ZX = m1->s.ZX;
+ NewObj->s.XY = m1->s.XY; NewObj->s.YY = m1->s.YY; NewObj->s.ZY = m1->s.ZY;
+ NewObj->s.XZ = m1->s.XZ; NewObj->s.YZ = m1->s.YZ; NewObj->s.ZZ = m1->s.ZZ;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Performs SVD on this matrix and gets scale and rotation.
+ * Rotation is placed into rot3, and rot4.
+ * @param rot3 the rotation factor(Matrix3d). if null, ignored
+ * @param rot4 the rotation factor(Matrix4) only upper 3x3 elements are changed. if null, ignored
+ * @return scale factor
+ */
+ static GLfloat Matrix4fSVD(const Matrix4fT* NewObj, Matrix3fT* rot3, Matrix4fT* rot4)
+ {
+ GLfloat s, n;
+ assert(NewObj);
+ // this is a simple svd.
+ // Not complete but fast and reasonable.
+ // See comment in Matrix3d.
+ s = FuncSqrt(
+ ( (NewObj->s.XX * NewObj->s.XX) + (NewObj->s.XY * NewObj->s.XY) + (NewObj->s.XZ * NewObj->s.XZ) +
+ (NewObj->s.YX * NewObj->s.YX) + (NewObj->s.YY * NewObj->s.YY) + (NewObj->s.YZ * NewObj->s.YZ) +
+ (NewObj->s.ZX * NewObj->s.ZX) + (NewObj->s.ZY * NewObj->s.ZY) + (NewObj->s.ZZ * NewObj->s.ZZ) ) / 3.0f );
+ if (rot3) //if pointer not null
+ {
+ //this->getRotationScale(rot3);
+ rot3->s.XX = NewObj->s.XX; rot3->s.XY = NewObj->s.XY; rot3->s.XZ = NewObj->s.XZ;
+ rot3->s.YX = NewObj->s.YX; rot3->s.YY = NewObj->s.YY; rot3->s.YZ = NewObj->s.YZ;
+ rot3->s.ZX = NewObj->s.ZX; rot3->s.ZY = NewObj->s.ZY; rot3->s.ZZ = NewObj->s.ZZ;
+ // zero-div may occur.
+ n = 1.0f / FuncSqrt( (NewObj->s.XX * NewObj->s.XX) +
+ (NewObj->s.XY * NewObj->s.XY) +
+ (NewObj->s.XZ * NewObj->s.XZ) );
+ rot3->s.XX *= n;
+ rot3->s.XY *= n;
+ rot3->s.XZ *= n;
+ n = 1.0f / FuncSqrt( (NewObj->s.YX * NewObj->s.YX) +
+ (NewObj->s.YY * NewObj->s.YY) +
+ (NewObj->s.YZ * NewObj->s.YZ) );
+ rot3->s.YX *= n;
+ rot3->s.YY *= n;
+ rot3->s.YZ *= n;
+ n = 1.0f / FuncSqrt( (NewObj->s.ZX * NewObj->s.ZX) +
+ (NewObj->s.ZY * NewObj->s.ZY) +
+ (NewObj->s.ZZ * NewObj->s.ZZ) );
+ rot3->s.ZX *= n;
+ rot3->s.ZY *= n;
+ rot3->s.ZZ *= n;
+ }
+ if (rot4) //if pointer not null
+ {
+ if (rot4 != NewObj)
+ {
+ Matrix4fSetRotationScaleFromMatrix4f(rot4, NewObj); // private method
+ }
+ // zero-div may occur.
+ n = 1.0f / FuncSqrt( (NewObj->s.XX * NewObj->s.XX) +
+ (NewObj->s.XY * NewObj->s.XY) +
+ (NewObj->s.XZ * NewObj->s.XZ) );
+ rot4->s.XX *= n;
+ rot4->s.XY *= n;
+ rot4->s.XZ *= n;
+ n = 1.0f / FuncSqrt( (NewObj->s.YX * NewObj->s.YX) +
+ (NewObj->s.YY * NewObj->s.YY) +
+ (NewObj->s.YZ * NewObj->s.YZ) );
+ rot4->s.YX *= n;
+ rot4->s.YY *= n;
+ rot4->s.YZ *= n;
+ n = 1.0f / FuncSqrt( (NewObj->s.ZX * NewObj->s.ZX) +
+ (NewObj->s.ZY * NewObj->s.ZY) +
+ (NewObj->s.ZZ * NewObj->s.ZZ) );
+ rot4->s.ZX *= n;
+ rot4->s.ZY *= n;
+ rot4->s.ZZ *= n;
+ }
+ return s;
+ }
+ static void Matrix4fSetRotationScaleFromMatrix3f(Matrix4fT* NewObj, const Matrix3fT* m1)
+ {
+ assert(NewObj && m1);
+ NewObj->s.XX = m1->s.XX; NewObj->s.YX = m1->s.YX; NewObj->s.ZX = m1->s.ZX;
+ NewObj->s.XY = m1->s.XY; NewObj->s.YY = m1->s.YY; NewObj->s.ZY = m1->s.ZY;
+ NewObj->s.XZ = m1->s.XZ; NewObj->s.YZ = m1->s.YZ; NewObj->s.ZZ = m1->s.ZZ;
+ }
+ static void Matrix4fMulRotationScale(Matrix4fT* NewObj, GLfloat scale)
+ {
+ assert(NewObj);
+ NewObj->s.XX *= scale; NewObj->s.YX *= scale; NewObj->s.ZX *= scale;
+ NewObj->s.XY *= scale; NewObj->s.YY *= scale; NewObj->s.ZY *= scale;
+ NewObj->s.XZ *= scale; NewObj->s.YZ *= scale; NewObj->s.ZZ *= scale;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the rotational component (upper 3x3) of this matrix to the matrix
+ * values in the T precision Matrix3d argument; the other elements of
+ * this matrix are unchanged; a singular value decomposition is performed
+ * on this object's upper 3x3 matrix to factor out the scale, then this
+ * object's upper 3x3 matrix components are replaced by the passed rotation
+ * components, and then the scale is reapplied to the rotational
+ * components.
+ * @param m1 T precision 3x3 matrix
+ */
+ static void Matrix4fSetRotationFromMatrix3f(Matrix4fT* NewObj, const Matrix3fT* m1)
+ {
+ GLfloat scale;
+ assert(NewObj && m1);
+ scale = Matrix4fSVD(NewObj, NULL, NULL);
+ Matrix4fSetRotationScaleFromMatrix3f(NewObj, m1);
+ Matrix4fMulRotationScale(NewObj, scale);
+ }
+// 8<--Snip here if you have your own math types/funcs-->8
+typedef struct _ArcBall_t
+ Vector3fT StVec;
+ Vector3fT EnVec;
+ GLfloat AdjustWidth;
+ GLfloat AdjustHeight;
+ Matrix4fT Transform;
+ Matrix3fT LastRot;
+ Matrix3fT ThisRot;
+ Point2fT MousePt;
+ int isClicked;
+ int isRClicked;
+ int isDragging;
+} ArcBall_t;
+void _mapToSphere(ArcBall_t* a,const Point2fT* NewPt, Vector3fT* NewVec);
+void init_arcBall(ArcBall_t* a,GLfloat NewWidth, GLfloat NewHeight);
+void setBounds(ArcBall_t* a,GLfloat NewWidth, GLfloat NewHeight);
+void click(ArcBall_t* a,const Point2fT* NewPt);
+void drag(ArcBall_t* a,const Point2fT* NewPt, Quat4fT* NewRot);
#include "topfisheyeview.h"
#include "glcomptext.h"
#include "gui/toolboxcallbacks.h"
+void drawRotatingAxis(void);
+void draw_cube()
+glBegin(GL_QUADS); // Draw The Cube Using quads
+ glColor3f(0.0f,100.0f,0.0f); // Color Blue
+ glVertex3f( 100.0f, 100.0f,-100.0f); // Top Right Of The Quad (Top)
+ glVertex3f(-100.0f, 100.0f,-100.0f); // Top Left Of The Quad (Top)
+ glVertex3f(-100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f); // Bottom Left Of The Quad (Top)
+ glVertex3f( 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f); // Bottom Right Of The Quad (Top)
+ glColor3f(100.0f,0.5f,0.0f); // Color Orange
+ glVertex3f( 100.0f,-100.0f, 100.0f); // Top Right Of The Quad (Bottom)
+ glVertex3f(-100.0f,-100.0f, 100.0f); // Top Left Of The Quad (Bottom)
+ glVertex3f(-100.0f,-100.0f,-100.0f); // Bottom Left Of The Quad (Bottom)
+ glVertex3f( 100.0f,-100.0f,-100.0f); // Bottom Right Of The Quad (Bottom)
+ glColor3f(100.0f,0.0f,0.0f); // Color Red
+ glVertex3f( 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f); // Top Right Of The Quad (Front)
+ glVertex3f(-100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f); // Top Left Of The Quad (Front)
+ glVertex3f(-100.0f,-100.0f, 100.0f); // Bottom Left Of The Quad (Front)
+ glVertex3f( 100.0f,-100.0f, 100.0f); // Bottom Right Of The Quad (Front)
+ glColor3f(100.0f,100.0f,0.0f); // Color Yellow
+ glVertex3f( 100.0f,-100.0f,-100.0f); // Top Right Of The Quad (Back)
+ glVertex3f(-100.0f,-100.0f,-100.0f); // Top Left Of The Quad (Back)
+ glVertex3f(-100.0f, 100.0f,-100.0f); // Bottom Left Of The Quad (Back)
+ glVertex3f( 100.0f, 100.0f,-100.0f); // Bottom Right Of The Quad (Back)
+ glColor3f(0.0f,0.0f,100.0f); // Color Blue
+ glVertex3f(-100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f); // Top Right Of The Quad (Left)
+ glVertex3f(-100.0f, 100.0f,-100.0f); // Top Left Of The Quad (Left)
+ glVertex3f(-100.0f,-100.0f,-100.0f); // Bottom Left Of The Quad (Left)
+ glVertex3f(-100.0f,-100.0f, 100.0f); // Bottom Right Of The Quad (Left)
+ glColor3f(100.0f,0.0f,100.0f); // Color Violet
+ glVertex3f( 100.0f, 100.0f,-100.0f); // Top Right Of The Quad (Right)
+ glVertex3f( 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f); // Top Left Of The Quad (Right)
+ glVertex3f( 100.0f,-100.0f, 100.0f); // Bottom Left Of The Quad (Right)
+ glVertex3f( 100.0f,-100.0f,-100.0f); // Bottom Right Of The Quad (Right)
+ glEnd();
refreshes camera settings using view parameters such as pan zoom etc
int glupdatecamera(ViewInfo * view)
- glLoadIdentity();
if (view->active_camera==-1)
gluLookAt(view->panx, view->pany, 20, view->panx,
/*toggle to active camera*/
- /*gluLookAt(view->cameras[view->active_camera]->x,view->cameras[view->active_camera]->y,view->cameras[view->active_camera]->z,
- view->cameras[view->active_camera]->targetx,view->cameras[view->active_camera]->targety,view->cameras[view->active_camera]->targetz,
- view->cameras[view->active_camera]->camera_vectorx,
- view->cameras[view->active_camera]->camera_vectory,
- view->cameras[view->active_camera]->camera_vectorz);*/
gluLookAt(view->cameras[view->active_camera]->targetx, view->cameras[view->active_camera]->targety, 20, view->cameras[view->active_camera]->targetx,
view->cameras[view->active_camera]->targety, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
-// glTranslatef(view->cameras[view->active_camera]->targetx/pow(view->cameras[view->active_camera]->r,0.125),view->cameras[view->active_camera]->targety/pow(view->cameras[view->active_camera]->r,0.125),0);
-/* glRotatef(view->cameras[view->active_camera]->angley,1,0,0);
- glRotatef(view->cameras[view->active_camera]->anglex,0,1,0);
- glRotatef(view->cameras[view->active_camera]->anglez,0,0,1);*/
- glRotatef(view->cameras[view->active_camera]->angley,1,0,0);
- glRotatef(view->cameras[view->active_camera]->anglex,0,1,0);
- glRotatef(view->cameras[view->active_camera]->anglez,0,0,1);
+ glMultMatrixf(view->arcball->Transform.M); /*arcball transformations , experimental*/
GetOGLPosRef(1, view->h - 5, &(view->clipX1), &(view->clipY1),
GetOGLPosRef(view->w - 1, 1, &(view->clipX2), &(view->clipY2),
static int doonce=0;
if (!glupdatecamera(view))
return 0;
if (view->activeGraph >= 0)
- drawRotatingTools();
+// drawRotatingTools();
+// draw_cube();
+ drawRotatingAxis();
// draw_stuff();
// test_color_pallete();
-// glCompDrawBegin();
-// OtkUpdateCheck();
-// glCompDrawEnd();
-// OtkDrawAll_scene( 0);
// }
// else
return 0;
+void drawRotatingAxis(void)
+ float x,y;
+ float x1,y1,z1;
+ float x2,y2,z2;
+ float R1,R2;
+ static GLUquadricObj *quadratic=(GLUquadricObj*)0;
+ if (!quadratic)
+ {
+ quadratic=gluNewQuadric(); // Create A Pointer To The Quadric Object
+ gluQuadricNormals(quadratic, GLU_SMOOTH); // Create Smooth Normals
+// gluQuadricTexture(quadratic, GL_TRUE); // Create Texture Coords
+ gluQuadricDrawStyle (quadratic,GLU_LINE);
+ }
+ if ((view->mouse.mouse_mode == MM_ROTATE) && (view->active_camera >=0))
+ {
+ float AL=45;
+ glPushMatrix();
+ glLoadIdentity();
+ glMultMatrixf(view->arcball->Transform.M); /*arcball transformations , experimental*/
+ glLineWidth(3);
+ glBegin(GL_LINES);
+ glColor3f(1,1,0);
+ glVertex3f(0,0,0);
+ glVertex3f(0,AL,0);
+ glVertex3f(0,0,0);
+ glVertex3f(AL,0,0);
+ glVertex3f(0,0,0);
+ glVertex3f(0,0,AL);
+ glEnd();
+ glColor4f(0,1,0,0.3);
+ gluSphere(quadratic,45,20,20);
+ glLineWidth(1);
+ glPopMatrix();
+ }
void drawRotatingTools(void)
float x,y;
int glexpose_drawgraph(ViewInfo * view);
void drawRotatingTools(void);
void drawtestpoly(void);
+void draw_cube(void);
void glmotion_rotate(ViewInfo * v)
- if(v->mouse.rotate_axis==MOUSE_ROTATE_XY)
+/* if(v->mouse.rotate_axis==MOUSE_ROTATE_XY)
+ v->arcball
- }
+ }*/
#include "glcompset.h"
#include "viewportcamera.h"
#include "gui/menucallbacks.h"
+#include "arcball.h"
static float begin_x = 0.0;
static float begin_y = 0.0;
static float dx = 0.0;
GdkGLDrawable *gldrawable = gtk_widget_get_gl_drawable(widget);
view->w = widget->allocation.width;
view->h = widget->allocation.height;
+ if (view->widgets)
+ glcompsetUpdateBorder(view->widgets, view->w, view->h);
/*** OpenGL BEGIN ***/
if (!gdk_gl_drawable_gl_begin(gldrawable, glcontext))
return FALSE;
/* setup various opengl things that we need */
+ if (widget->allocation.width > 1)
+ init_arcBall(view->arcball,(GLfloat)view->w,(GLfloat)view->h);
if (view->w > view->h) {
aspect = (float) view->w / (float) view->h;
glOrtho(-aspect * GL_VIEWPORT_FACTOR, aspect * GL_VIEWPORT_FACTOR,
if (event->button == 1) //left click
- view->prevpanx = view->panx;
view->prevpany = view->pany;
view->mouse.mouse_down = 1;
view->mouse.button = leftmousebutton;
expose_event(view->drawing_area, NULL, NULL);
+ /*experimental code for arcball, init first click */
return FALSE;
GdkEventButton * event, gpointer data)
+ view->arcball->isDragging=0;
if (event->button == 1) //left click release
/* float h = (float)widget->allocation.height; */
float x = (float) event->x;
float y = (float) event->y;
gboolean redraw = FALSE;
/*rotating, only in 3d view */
if ((view->active_camera >= 0) && (view->mouse.mouse_mode == MM_ROTATE)
&& (event->state & GDK_BUTTON1_MASK)) {
- glmotion_main(view, event, widget);
+ view->arcball->MousePt.s.X = (GLfloat)x;
+ view->arcball->MousePt.s.Y = (GLfloat)y;
+ if (!view->arcball->isDragging)
+ {
+ arcmouseClick(view);
+ view->arcball->isDragging=1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ arcmouseDrag(view);
+ }
+// glmotion_main(view, event, widget);
redraw = TRUE;
/*zooming */
+ <File
+ RelativePath=".\arcball.c"
+ >
+ </File>
#include "glcompset.h"
#include "hier.h"
#include "md5.h"
+#include "glutils.h"
+#include "arcball.h"
#define IS_TEST_MODE_ON 0
} viewtype_t;
typedef enum {
GVE_NONE = -1,
GVK_SFDP/* keep last */
} gvk_layout;
+typedef struct {
+ int anglex;
+ int angley;
+ int anglez;
+} rotation;
+typedef struct {
+ int anglex;
+ int angley;
+ int anglez;
+} gl3DNav;
typedef struct {
GtkButton **gtkhostbtn;
int gtkhostbtncount;
int fisheye_distortion_fac;
} fisheye_magnifier;
-typedef struct
- float x1,y1,x2,y2;
typedef struct _ViewInfo
gvprscript* scripts;
int script_count; /*# of scripts*/
GtkComboBox* graphComboBox;/*pointer to graph combo box at top right*/
+ ArcBall_t* arcball;
} ViewInfo;
+/*rotation steps*/
extern ViewInfo *view;
extern GtkMessageDialog *Dlg;
append_textview((GtkTextView*) glade_xml_get_widget(xml,"mainconsole"),str,strlen(str));
/*end of temp code*/
/*create glcomp menu system*/
view->widgets =glcreate_gl_topview_menu();
- /*for 3d graphs , camera controlling widget extension*/
- attach_camera_widget(view);
/*for grouped data , group data viewing buttons extension*/
// load_host_buttons(t, g, view->widgets);
/*set topologilca fisheye to NULL*/
t->picked_edge_count = 0;
t->picked_edges = '\0';
+ /*hide stupid console window*/
+ gtk_widget_hide(glade_xml_get_widget(xml, "vbox13"));
glCompSet *s;
int ind = 0;
s = ((glCompButton *) p)->parentset;
- for (ind = 0; ind < s->panelcount; ind++) {
- if (s->panels[ind]->data > 0)
- glCompPanelHide(s->panels[ind]); //hide all panels
- if (s->panels[ind]->data == 1) //control panel
+ for (ind = 0; ind < s->panelcount; ind++)
- glCompPanelShow(s->panels[ind]);
- }
+ if (s->panels[ind]->data == 1) //control panel
+ {
+ if (s->panels[ind]->visible)
+ {
+ glCompPanelHide(s->panels[ind]);
+ glCompButtonSetText(p,"Controls");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ glCompPanelShow(s->panels[ind]);
+ glCompButtonSetText(p,"Hide");
+ }
+ }
-static void menu_click_hide(void *p)
- glCompSet *s;
- int ind = 0;
- s = ((glCompButton *) p)->parentset;
- for (ind = 0; ind < s->panelcount; ind++) {
- if (s->panels[ind]->data > 0)
- glCompPanelHide(s->panels[ind]); //hide all panels
- }
static void menu_click_pan(void *p)
-static void menu_click_3d_view(void *p)
- glCompSet *s;
- int ind = 0;
- s = ((glCompButton *) p)->parentset;
- for (ind = 0; ind < s->panelcount; ind++) {
- if (s->panels[ind]->data > 0)
- glCompPanelHide(s->panels[ind]); //hide all panels
- if (s->panels[ind]->data == 3) //cameras panel
- {
- glCompPanelShow(s->panels[ind]);
- }
- }
-static void menu_switch_to_normal_mode(void *p)
+static void menu_switch_to_fisheye(void *p)
- view->Topview->is_top_fisheye = 0;
- g_timer_stop(view->timer);
+ if (!view->Topview->is_top_fisheye == 1)
+ {
+ if (!view->Topview->h)
+ {
+ prepare_topological_fisheye(view->Topview);
+ g_timer_start(view->timer);
+ }
+ view->Topview->is_top_fisheye = 1;
+ glCompButtonSetText(p,"Normal");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ view->Topview->is_top_fisheye = 0;
+ glCompButtonSetText(p,"Fisheye");
+ g_timer_stop(view->timer);
+ }
-static void menu_switch_to_fisheye(void *p)
- if (!view->Topview->h) {
- prepare_topological_fisheye(view->Topview);
- g_timer_start(view->timer);
- }
- view->Topview->is_top_fisheye = 1;
-/* char* str;
- int value;
- str = agget(view->g[view->activeGraph], "topologicalfisheyelabelfinenodes");
- value = (float) atof(str);*/
view->mouse.mouse_mode = MM_ROTATE;
-static void menu_click_rotate_x(void *p)
- switch_Mouse(NULL,MM_ROTATE);
- view->mouse.rotate_axis = MOUSE_ROTATE_X;
-static void menu_click_rotate_y(void *p)
- switch_Mouse(NULL,MM_ROTATE);
- view->mouse.rotate_axis = MOUSE_ROTATE_Y;
-static void menu_click_rotate_xy(void *p)
- switch_Mouse(NULL,MM_ROTATE);
- view->mouse.rotate_axis = MOUSE_ROTATE_XY;
-static void menu_click_rotate_z(void *p)
- switch_Mouse(NULL,MM_ROTATE);
- view->mouse.rotate_axis = MOUSE_ROTATE_Z;
static void menu_click_center(void *p)
+static glCompPanel *controlPanel;
+static glCompButton *rotatebutton;
-/*1) 3D select or identify.
-2) Should 3D nodes have a size? (Strange behavior: some 3D views have large node sizes. Why the difference?)
-3) Sanity button - if I get lost in 3D, reset the viewpoint so that I have a good view of the graph
-4) Additional selection options when selecting nodes - at present, we do union - nice to have intersection, subtraction
-5) User control of alpha, so I can fade out the edges.
+static void switch2D3D(void *p)
+ if (view->active_camera == -1)
+ {
+ if (view->camera_count == 0)
+ {
+ menu_click_add_camera(p);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ view->active_camera = 0 ; /*set to camera*/
+ }
+ glCompButtonSetText(p,"2D");
+ controlPanel->height +=72;
+ rotatebutton->visible=1;
+ }
+ else /*switch to 2d*/
+ {
+ view->active_camera = -1 ; /*set to camera*/
+ glCompButtonSetText(p,"3D");
+ controlPanel->height -=72;
+ rotatebutton->visible=0;
+ }
-I'll see if I can track down the color bug.*/
static char *smyrna_icon_fisheye;
static char *smyrna_icon_rotate;
glCompSet *glcreate_gl_topview_menu(void)
- glCompSet *s = glCompSetNew();
+ glCompSet *s = glCompSetNew(view->w,view->h);
glCompPanel *p;
glCompButton *b;
glCompLabel *l;
//small panel left bottom
- p = glCompPanelNew(25, 25, 325, 40,scientific_y);
+ p = glCompPanelNew(25, 25, 82, 40,scientific_y);
p->data = 0;
glCompSetAddPanel(s, p);
- b = glCompButtonNew(5, 7, 75, 25, "BROWSE", '\0', 0, 0,scientific_y);
- b->panel = p;
- b->groupid = 1;
- b->customptr = view;
- glCompSetAddButton(s, b);
- b->callbackfunc = menu_click_control;
- b = glCompButtonNew(85, 7, 75, 25, "SHOW", '\0', 0, 0,scientific_y);
+ b = glCompButtonNew(5, 7, 72, 25, "Controls", '\0', 0, 0,scientific_y);
b->panel = p;
+ b->groupid = 0;
b->customptr = view;
- b->groupid = 1;
- b->callbackfunc = menu_click_data;
- glCompSetAddButton(s, b);
- b = glCompButtonNew(165, 7, 75, 25, "CAMERAS", '\0', 0, 0,scientific_y);
- b->customptr = view;
- b->panel = p;
- b->groupid = 1;
- b->callbackfunc = menu_click_3d_view;
glCompSetAddButton(s, b);
+ b->callbackfunc = menu_click_control;
- b = glCompButtonNew(245, 7, 75, 25, "HIDE", '\0', 0, 0,scientific_y);
- b->color.R = 1;
- b->customptr = view;
- b->panel = p;
- b->groupid = 1;
- b->callbackfunc = menu_click_hide;
- glCompSetAddButton(s, b);
- //Fisheye control panel
-// p = glCompPanelNew( 25, view->h-40, 165, 40,scientific_y);
- // p->data = 1; //control panel
- // glCompSetAddPanel(s, p);
- //control panel
- p = glCompPanelNew(25, 75, 165, 277,scientific_y);
+ p = glCompPanelNew(25, 75, 82, 305,scientific_y);
p->data = 1; //control panel
glCompSetAddPanel(s, p);
+ controlPanel=p;
- //view mode normal button
- b = glCompButtonNew(5, 7, 75, 25, "NORMAL", '\0', 0, 0,scientific_y);
- b->color.R = 0;
- b->color.G = 1;
- b->color.B = (float) 0.1;
- b->customptr = view;
- b->panel = p;
- b->groupid = 2;
- b->callbackfunc = menu_switch_to_normal_mode;
- glCompSetAddButton(s, b);
- //view mode fisheye button
- b = glCompButtonNew(85, 7, 75, 25, "FISHEYE", '\0', 0, 0,scientific_y);
- b->color.R = 0;
- b->color.G = 1;
- b->color.B = (float) 0.1;
- b->customptr = view;
- b->panel = p;
- b->groupid = 2;
- b->callbackfunc = menu_switch_to_fisheye;
- glCompSetAddButton(s, b);
- //rotate
- b = glCompButtonNew(5, 197, 72, 72, "", smyrna_icon_rotate, 72, 72,scientific_y);
+ //rotate
+ b = glCompButtonNew(5, 302, 72, 72, "", smyrna_icon_rotate, 72, 72,scientific_y);
b->groupid = 3;
b->customptr = view;
+ b->visible=0;
b->panel = p;
b->callbackfunc = menu_click_rotate;
- glCompSetAddButton(s, b);
- b = glCompButtonNew(80, 251, 40, 20, "X", '\0', 0, 0,scientific_y);
- b->customptr = view;
- b->panel = p;
- b->groupid = 1;
- b->callbackfunc = menu_click_rotate_x;
- glCompSetAddButton(s, b);
- b = glCompButtonNew(125, 251, 40, 20, "Y", '\0', 0, 0,scientific_y);
- b->customptr = view;
- b->panel = p;
- b->groupid = 1;
- b->callbackfunc = menu_click_rotate_y;
- glCompSetAddButton(s, b);
- b = glCompButtonNew(80, 231, 40, 20, "XY", '\0', 0, 0,scientific_y);
- b->customptr = view;
- b->panel = p;
- b->groupid = 1;
- b->callbackfunc = menu_click_rotate_xy;
- glCompSetAddButton(s, b);
- b = glCompButtonNew(125, 231, 40, 20, "Z", '\0', 0, 0,scientific_y);
- b->customptr = view;
- b->panel = p;
- b->groupid = 1;
- b->callbackfunc = menu_click_rotate_z;
+ rotatebutton=b;
glCompSetAddButton(s, b);
//sanity button to center the drawing and fit it in the screen
- b = glCompButtonNew(80, 201, 90, 20, "center", '\0', 0, 0,scientific_y);
+ b = glCompButtonNew(5, 5, 72, 20, "center", '\0', 0, 0,scientific_y);
b->customptr = view;
b->panel = p;
b->groupid = 0;
//pan button
- b = glCompButtonNew(5, 120, 72, 72, "adasasds", smyrna_icon_pan, 72,
+ b = glCompButtonNew(5, 148, 72, 72, "adasasds", smyrna_icon_pan, 72,
b->groupid = 3;
b->customptr = view;
glCompSetAddButton(s, b);
- b = glCompButtonNew(85, 120, 72, 72, "adasasds", smyrna_icon_zoom, 72,
+ b = glCompButtonNew(5, 71, 72, 72, "adasasds", smyrna_icon_zoom, 72,
b->groupid = 3;
b->customptr = view;
b->callbackfunc = menu_click_zoom;
glCompSetAddButton(s, b);
//zoom +
- b = glCompButtonNew(85, 82, 36, 36, "adasasds", smyrna_icon_zoomplus,
+ b = glCompButtonNew(42, 30, 36, 36, "adasasds", smyrna_icon_zoomplus,
36, 36,scientific_y);
b->groupid = 0;
b->customptr = view;
b->callbackfunc = menu_click_zoom_plus;
glCompSetAddButton(s, b);
//zoom -
- b = glCompButtonNew(121, 82, 36, 36, "adasasds", smyrna_icon_zoomminus,
+ b = glCompButtonNew(7, 30, 30, 36, "adasasds", smyrna_icon_zoomminus,
36, 36,scientific_y);
b->groupid = 0;
b->panel = p;
b->callbackfunc = menu_click_zoom_minus;
glCompSetAddButton(s, b);
- b = glCompButtonNew(5, 45, 72, 72, "adasasds", smyrna_icon_fisheye, 72,
+ b = glCompButtonNew(5, 225, 72, 72, "adasasds", smyrna_icon_fisheye, 72,
b->groupid = 3;
b->panel = p;
b->customptr = view;
b->callbackfunc = menu_click_fisheye_magnifier;
glCompSetAddButton(s, b);
- //zoom percantage label
- l = glCompLabelNew(100, 45, 24, "100",scientific_y);
- l->panel = p;
- l->fontsizefactor = (float) 0.4;
- glCompSetAddLabel(s, l);
- view->Topview->customptr = l;
- l = glCompLabelNew(93, 65, 20, "zoom",scientific_y);
- l->panel = p;
- l->fontsizefactor = (float) 0.4;
- glCompSetAddLabel(s, l);
- glCompPanelHide(p);
+ glCompPanelHide(p);
+ //small panel left bottom
+ p = glCompPanelNew(5, 5, 137, 35,inverted_y);
+ p->data = 0;
+ glCompSetAddPanel(s, p);
+ b = glCompButtonNew(5, 5, 50, 25, "3D", '\0', 0, 0,scientific_y);
+ b->panel = p;
+ b->groupid = 0;
+ b->customptr = view;
+ glCompSetAddButton(s, b);
+ b->callbackfunc = switch2D3D;
+ b = glCompButtonNew(57, 5, 75, 25, "Fisheye", '\0', 0, 0,scientific_y);
+ b->panel = p;
+ b->groupid = 0;
+ b->customptr = view;
+ glCompSetAddButton(s, b);
+ b->callbackfunc = menu_switch_to_fisheye;
return atoi(p);
+static Dtdisc_t qDisc = {
+ offsetof(xdot,ops),
+ sizeof(xdot_op*),
+ -1,
+ NIL(Dtmake_f),
+ NIL(Dtfree_f),
+ NIL(Dtcompar_f),
+ NIL(Dthash_f),
+ NIL(Dtmemory_f),
+ NIL(Dtevent_f)
void clear_viewport(ViewInfo * view)
void init_viewport(ViewInfo * view)
FILE *input_file=NULL;
input_file = fopen(view->template_file, "rb");
+ view->arcball=NEW(ArcBall_t);
+ /*add default camera*/
//create fontset
#include "xdot.h"
#include "cgraph.h"
+void arcmouseRClick(ViewInfo* v);
+void arcmouseClick(ViewInfo* v);
+void arcmouseDrag(ViewInfo* v);
void init_viewport(ViewInfo * view);
void set_viewport_settings_from_template(ViewInfo * view, Agraph_t *);
c->r = view->zoom * -1;
// set_camera_x_y(c);
- attach_camera_widget(view);
+// attach_camera_widget(view);
int blocksignal = 0;
#include "glcompbutton.h"
#include "glcomptexture.h"
#include "glcomptext.h"
+#include "glutils.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <GL/glut.h>
glCompButton *glCompButtonNew(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat w, GLfloat h,
char *caption, char *glyphfile,
int glyphwidth, int glyphheight,glCompOrientation orientation)
int glCompDrawButton(glCompButton * p)
- float color_fac;
+ int kts,kts2;
+ GLfloat tempX,tempY;
+ GLfloat h,h2; /*container widget height*/
+ float color_fac;
float thickness = p->thickness;
float fontx, fonty;
GLfloat fontwidth;
- if (!p->visible)
- return 0;
- if (p->panel) {
- p->pos.x = p->panel->pos.x + p->pos.x;
- p->pos.y = p->panel->pos.y + p->pos.y;
- }
- if (p->status == 1) {
- glColor4f(p->color.R / (GLfloat) 1.2, p->color.G / (GLfloat) 1.2,
- p->color.B / (GLfloat) 1.2, p->color.A);
- p->thickness = p->thickness / (GLfloat) 1.2;
+ if (p->orientation==1){ kts=1; h=0;}else{kts=-1; h=((glCompSet*)p->parentset)->h;}
+ if (p->panel->orientation==1){ kts2=1; h2=0;}else
+ {
+ kts2=-1; h2=((glCompSet*)p->panel->parentset)->h;
+ }
+ if ((!p->visible) || (!p->panel->visible))
+ return 0;
+ if (p->panel)
+ {
+ tempX=p->pos.x;
+ tempY=p->pos.y;
+ p->pos.x = p->panel->pos.x + p->pos.x;
+ p->pos.y = p->panel->pos.y*kts2*kts+h2 + p->pos.y-h;
+ if (p->panel->orientation==0)
+ p->pos.y = p->pos.y - p->panel->height;
+ }
+ if (p->status == 1)
+ {
+ glColor4f(p->color.R / (GLfloat) 1.2, p->color.G / (GLfloat) 1.2, p->color.B / (GLfloat) 1.2, p->color.A);
+ p->thickness = p->thickness / (GLfloat) 1.2;
- else {
- glColor4f(p->color.R, p->color.G, p->color.B, p->color.A);
- p->thickness = p->thickness * (GLfloat) 1.2;
+ else
+ {
+ glColor4f(p->color.R, p->color.G, p->color.B, p->color.A);
+ p->thickness = p->thickness * (GLfloat) 1.2;
if (!p->hasglyph)
- glBegin(GL_POLYGON);
- glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->thickness, p->pos.y + p->thickness,
- p->bevel);
- glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->width - p->thickness,
- p->pos.y + p->thickness, p->bevel);
- glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->width - p->thickness,
- p->pos.y + p->height - p->thickness, p->bevel);
- glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->thickness,
- p->pos.y + p->height - p->thickness, p->bevel);
- glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->thickness, p->pos.y + p->thickness,
- p->bevel);
- glEnd();
- //buttom thickness
- glColor4f(p->color.R * color_fac, p->color.G * color_fac,
- p->color.B * color_fac, p->color.A);
- glBegin(GL_POLYGON);
- glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->thickness, p->pos.y + p->thickness,
- p->bevel);
- glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->width - p->thickness,
- p->pos.y + p->thickness, p->bevel);
- glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->width, p->pos.y, p->bevel);
- glVertex3f(p->pos.x, p->pos.y, p->bevel);
- glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->thickness, p->pos.y + p->thickness,
- p->bevel);
- glEnd();
- //left thickness
- glBegin(GL_POLYGON);
- glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->width, p->pos.y + p->height, p->bevel);
- glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->width - p->thickness,
- p->pos.y + p->height - p->thickness, p->bevel);
- glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->width - p->thickness,
- p->pos.y + p->thickness, p->bevel);
- glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->width, p->pos.y, p->bevel);
- glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->width, p->pos.y + p->height, p->bevel);
- glEnd();
- glColor4f(p->color.R / color_fac, p->color.G / color_fac,
- p->color.B / color_fac, p->color.A);
- glBegin(GL_POLYGON);
- glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->thickness, p->pos.y + p->thickness,
- p->bevel);
- glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->thickness,
- p->pos.y + p->height - p->thickness, p->bevel);
- glVertex3f(p->pos.x, p->pos.y + p->height, p->bevel);
- glVertex3f(p->pos.x, p->pos.y, p->bevel);
- glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->thickness, p->pos.y + p->thickness,
- p->bevel);
- glEnd();
- //left thickness
- glBegin(GL_POLYGON);
- glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->thickness,
- p->pos.y + p->height - p->thickness, p->bevel);
- glVertex3f(p->pos.x, p->pos.y + p->height, p->bevel);
- glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->width, p->pos.y + p->height, p->bevel);
- glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->width - p->thickness,
- p->pos.y + p->height - p->thickness, p->bevel);
- glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->thickness,
- p->pos.y + p->height - p->thickness, p->bevel);
- glEnd();
- //draw caption
- fontColor(p->font,p->fontcolor.R, p->fontcolor.G, p->fontcolor.B, p->fontcolor.A);
- /*get the string length*/
- fontwidth=(GLfloat)glutBitmapLength(GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_12,(unsigned char*)p->caption);
- fontx =
- (p->width - p->thickness * (GLfloat) 2 -
- fontwidth )/ (GLfloat) 2.0 + p->pos.x +
- p->thickness;
- fonty =
- (p->height - p->thickness * (GLfloat) 2 -
- p->fontsize) / (GLfloat) 2.0 + p->pos.y + p->thickness;
- glprintf(p->font, fontx,fonty, p->bevel,fontwidth,p->caption);
+ glBegin(GL_POLYGON);
+ glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->thickness, (p->pos.y*kts+h) + p->thickness, p->bevel);
+ glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->width - p->thickness,(p->pos.y*kts+h) + p->thickness, p->bevel);
+ glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->width - p->thickness,(p->pos.y*kts+h) + p->height*kts - p->thickness, p->bevel);
+ glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->thickness,(p->pos.y*kts+h) + p->height*kts - p->thickness, p->bevel);
+ glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->thickness, (p->pos.y*kts+h) + p->thickness,p->bevel);
+ glEnd();
+ //buttom thickness
+ glColor4f(p->color.R * color_fac, p->color.G * color_fac,p->color.B * color_fac, p->color.A);
+ glBegin(GL_POLYGON);
+ glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->thickness, (p->pos.y*kts+h) + p->thickness,p->bevel);
+ glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->width - p->thickness,(p->pos.y*kts+h) + p->thickness, p->bevel);
+ glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->width, (p->pos.y*kts+h), p->bevel);
+ glVertex3f(p->pos.x, (p->pos.y*kts+h), p->bevel);
+ glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->thickness, (p->pos.y*kts+h) + p->thickness,p->bevel);
+ glEnd();
+ //left thickness
+ glBegin(GL_POLYGON);
+ glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->width, (p->pos.y*kts+h) + p->height*kts, p->bevel);
+ glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->width - p->thickness,(p->pos.y*kts+h) + p->height*kts - p->thickness, p->bevel);
+ glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->width - p->thickness,(p->pos.y*kts+h) + p->thickness, p->bevel);
+ glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->width, (p->pos.y*kts+h), p->bevel);
+ glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->width, (p->pos.y*kts+h) + p->height*kts, p->bevel);
+ glEnd();
+ glColor4f(p->color.R / color_fac, p->color.G / color_fac, p->color.B / color_fac, p->color.A);
+ glBegin(GL_POLYGON);
+ glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->thickness, (p->pos.y*kts+h) + p->thickness,p->bevel);
+ glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->thickness,(p->pos.y*kts+h) + p->height*kts - p->thickness, p->bevel);
+ glVertex3f(p->pos.x, (p->pos.y*kts+h) + p->height*kts, p->bevel);
+ glVertex3f(p->pos.x, (p->pos.y*kts+h), p->bevel);
+ glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->thickness, (p->pos.y*kts+h) + p->thickness,p->bevel);
+ glEnd();
+ //left thickness
+ glBegin(GL_POLYGON);
+ glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->thickness,
+ (p->pos.y*kts+h) + p->height*kts - p->thickness, p->bevel);
+ glVertex3f(p->pos.x, (p->pos.y*kts+h) + p->height*kts, p->bevel);
+ glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->width, (p->pos.y*kts+h) + p->height*kts, p->bevel);
+ glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->width - p->thickness,(p->pos.y*kts+h) + p->height*kts - p->thickness, p->bevel);
+ glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->thickness,
+ (p->pos.y*kts+h) + p->height*kts - p->thickness, p->bevel);
+ glEnd();
+ //draw caption
+ fontColor(p->font,p->fontcolor.R, p->fontcolor.G, p->fontcolor.B, p->fontcolor.A);
+ /*get the string length*/
+ fontwidth=(GLfloat)glutBitmapLength(GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_12,(unsigned char*)p->caption);
+ fontx =(p->width - p->thickness * (GLfloat) 2 - fontwidth )/ (GLfloat) 2.0 + p->pos.x + p->thickness;
+ fonty =(p->height*kts - p->thickness * (GLfloat) 2 -p->fontsize) / (GLfloat) 2.0 + (p->pos.y*kts+h) + p->thickness;
+ glprintf(p->font, fontx,fonty, p->bevel,fontwidth,p->caption);
//put glyph
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ fontx =(p->width - p->thickness * (GLfloat) 2 - p->glyphwidth) / (GLfloat) 2.0 + p->pos.x + p->thickness;
+ fonty =(p->height*kts - p->thickness * (GLfloat) 2 - p->glyphheight) / (GLfloat) 2.0 + (p->pos.y*kts+h) + p->thickness;
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, p->glyph->id);
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2d(0.0f, 1.0f);
+ glVertex3d(fontx, fonty, p->bevel + GLCOMPSET_BEVEL_DIFF);
+ glTexCoord2d(1.0f, 1.0f);
+ glVertex3d(fontx + p->glyph->w, fonty,
+ glTexCoord2d(1.0f, 0.0f);
+ glVertex3d(fontx + p->glyph->w, fonty + p->glyph->h,
+ glTexCoord2d(0.0f, 0.0f);
+ glVertex3d(fontx, fonty + p->glyph->h,
+ glTexCoord2d(fontx,fonty); glVertex3d(fontx,fonty,p->bevel+GLCOMPSET_BEVEL_DIFF);
+ glEnd();
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ if (p->status == 1)
+ {
+ glColor4f(p->color.R * color_fac, p->color.G * color_fac,p->color.B * color_fac, p->color.A / 2);
+ glBegin(GL_POLYGON);
+ glVertex3d(fontx - p->thickness, fonty - p->thickness,p->bevel + GLCOMPSET_BEVEL_DIFF * 2);
+ glVertex3d(fontx + p->glyph->w + p->thickness,fonty - p->thickness,p->bevel + GLCOMPSET_BEVEL_DIFF * 2);
+ glVertex3d(fontx + p->glyph->w + p->thickness,fonty + p->glyph->h + p->thickness,p->bevel + GLCOMPSET_BEVEL_DIFF * 2);
+ glVertex3d(fontx - p->thickness,fonty + p->glyph->h + p->thickness,p->bevel + GLCOMPSET_BEVEL_DIFF * 2);
+ glEnd();
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- fontx =
- (p->width - p->thickness * (GLfloat) 2 -
- p->glyphwidth) / (GLfloat) 2.0 + p->pos.x + p->thickness;
- fonty =
- (p->height - p->thickness * (GLfloat) 2 -
- p->glyphheight) / (GLfloat) 2.0 + p->pos.y + p->thickness;
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, p->glyph->id);
- glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2d(0.0f, 1.0f);
- glVertex3d(fontx, fonty, p->bevel + GLCOMPSET_BEVEL_DIFF);
- glTexCoord2d(1.0f, 1.0f);
- glVertex3d(fontx + p->glyph->w, fonty,
- glTexCoord2d(1.0f, 0.0f);
- glVertex3d(fontx + p->glyph->w, fonty + p->glyph->h,
- glTexCoord2d(0.0f, 0.0f);
- glVertex3d(fontx, fonty + p->glyph->h,
- glTexCoord2d(fontx,fonty); glVertex3d(fontx,fonty,p->bevel+GLCOMPSET_BEVEL_DIFF);
- glEnd();
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- if (p->status == 1) {
- glColor4f(p->color.R * color_fac, p->color.G * color_fac,
- p->color.B * color_fac, p->color.A / 2);
- glBegin(GL_POLYGON);
- glVertex3d(fontx - p->thickness, fonty - p->thickness,
- p->bevel + GLCOMPSET_BEVEL_DIFF * 2);
- glVertex3d(fontx + p->glyph->w + p->thickness,
- fonty - p->thickness,
- p->bevel + GLCOMPSET_BEVEL_DIFF * 2);
- glVertex3d(fontx + p->glyph->w + p->thickness,
- fonty + p->glyph->h + p->thickness,
- p->bevel + GLCOMPSET_BEVEL_DIFF * 2);
- glVertex3d(fontx - p->thickness,
- fonty + p->glyph->h + p->thickness,
- p->bevel + GLCOMPSET_BEVEL_DIFF * 2);
- glEnd();
+ }
- }
p->thickness = thickness;
- if (p->panel) {
- p->pos.x = p->pos.x - p->panel->pos.x;
- p->pos.y = p->pos.y - p->panel->pos.y;
- }
- return 1;
+ if (p->panel)
+ {
+ p->pos.x=tempX;
+ p->pos.y=tempY;
+ }
+ return 1;
+void glCompButtonSetText(glCompButton * p,char* str)
+ replacestr(str,&p->caption);
extern int glCompSetRemoveButton(glCompSet * s, glCompButton * p);
extern int glCompDrawButton(glCompButton * p);
extern void glCompButtonClick(glCompButton * p);
+extern void glCompButtonSetText(glCompButton * p,char* str);
GLfloat bevel;
glCompColor color;
int visible;
+ void *parentset; //parent compset
char *text;
GLfloat fontsizefactor;
glCompPanel *panel; //container panel
glCompPanel **panels;
glCompButton **buttons;
glCompLabel **labels;
+ int groupCount ; /*group id counter*/
int panelcount;
int buttoncount;
int active; //0 dont draw, 1 draw
int enabled; //0 disabled 1 enabled(allow mouse interaction)
GLfloat clickedX, clickedY;
+ GLfloat w,h; /*parent widget width and height , needs to be updated each time window is resized*/
fontset_t* fontset; /*font repository*/
} glCompSet;
s->labels = realloc(s->labels, sizeof(glCompLabel *) * s->labelcount);
s->labels[s->labelcount - 1] = p;
+ p->parentset = s;
return 1;
int glCompDrawLabel(glCompLabel * p)
- if (p->visible) {
- if (p->panel) {
- p->pos.x = p->pos.x + p->panel->pos.x;
- p->pos.y = p->pos.y + p->panel->pos.y;
+ int kts,kts2;
+ GLfloat tempX,tempY;
+ GLfloat h,h2; /*container widget height*/
+ float color_fac;
+ float fontx, fonty;
+ GLfloat fontwidth;
+ if (p->orientation==1){ kts=1; h=0;}else{kts=-1; h=((glCompSet*)p->parentset)->h;}
+ if (p->panel->orientation==1){ kts2=1; h2=0;}else
+ {
+ kts2=-1; h2=((glCompSet*)p->panel->parentset)->h;
+ if ((!p->visible) || (!p->panel->visible))
+ return 0;
+ if (p->panel)
+ {
+ tempX=p->pos.x;
+ tempY=p->pos.y;
+ p->pos.x = p->panel->pos.x + p->pos.x;
+ p->pos.y = p->panel->pos.y*kts2*kts+h2 + p->pos.y-h;
+ if (p->panel->orientation==0)
+ p->pos.y = p->pos.y - p->panel->height;
+ }
+ printf ("kts:%d h:%f kts2:%d h2:%d \n", kts , h , kts2, h2);
fontColor(p->font,p->color.R, p->color.G, p->color.B, p->color.A);
glprintf(p->font, p->pos.x, p->pos.y,p->panel->bevel,(p->size * p->fontsizefactor *strlen(p->text)), p->text);
if (p->panel) {
- p->pos.x = p->pos.x - p->panel->pos.x;
- p->pos.y = p->pos.y - p->panel->pos.y;
- }
- return 1;
+ p->pos.x = tempX;
+ p->pos.y = tempY;
+ return 1;
return 0;
int glCompDrawPanel(glCompPanel * p)
- if (!p->visible)
+ int kts;
+ GLfloat h; /*container widget height*/
+ if (p->orientation==1){ kts=1; h=0;}else{kts=-1; h=((glCompSet*)p->parentset)->h;}
+ if (!p->visible)
return 0;
glColor4f(p->color.R, p->color.G, p->color.B, p->color.A);
- glVertex3f(p->pos.x, p->pos.y, p->bevel);
- glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->width, p->pos.y, p->bevel);
- glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->width, p->pos.y + p->height, p->bevel);
- glVertex3f(p->pos.x, p->pos.y + p->height, p->bevel);
- glVertex3f(p->pos.x, p->pos.y, p->bevel);
+ glVertex3f(p->pos.x, (p->pos.y*kts+h), p->bevel);
+ glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->width, (p->pos.y*kts+h), p->bevel);
+ glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->width, (p->pos.y*kts+h) + p->height*kts, p->bevel);
+ glVertex3f(p->pos.x, (p->pos.y*kts+h) + p->height*kts, p->bevel);
+ glVertex3f(p->pos.x, (p->pos.y*kts+h), p->bevel);
glColor4f(p->shadowcolor.R, p->shadowcolor.G, p->shadowcolor.B,
- glVertex3f(p->pos.x, p->pos.y,
+ glVertex3f(p->pos.x, (p->pos.y*kts+h),
p->bevel + (GLfloat) GLCOMPSET_BEVEL_DIFF);
- glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->width, p->pos.y,
+ glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->width, (p->pos.y*kts+h),
p->bevel + (GLfloat) GLCOMPSET_BEVEL_DIFF);
- glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->width, p->pos.y + p->height,
+ glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->width, (p->pos.y*kts+h) + p->height*kts,
p->bevel + (GLfloat) GLCOMPSET_BEVEL_DIFF);
- glVertex3f(p->pos.x, p->pos.y + p->height,
+ glVertex3f(p->pos.x, (p->pos.y*kts+h) + p->height*kts,
p->bevel + (GLfloat) GLCOMPSET_BEVEL_DIFF);
- glVertex3f(p->pos.x, p->pos.y, p->bevel);
+ glVertex3f(p->pos.x, (p->pos.y*kts+h), p->bevel);
glColor4f((GLfloat) p->shadowcolor.R, (GLfloat) p->shadowcolor.G,
(GLfloat) p->shadowcolor.B, (GLfloat) p->shadowcolor.A);
glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->shadowwidth / ((GLfloat) 2.0),
- p->pos.y - p->shadowwidth / ((GLfloat) 2.0), p->bevel);
+ (p->pos.y*kts+h) - p->shadowwidth / ((GLfloat) 2.0), p->bevel);
glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->shadowwidth / (GLfloat) 2.0 + p->width,
- p->pos.y - p->shadowwidth / (GLfloat) 2.0, p->bevel);
+ (p->pos.y*kts+h) - p->shadowwidth / (GLfloat) 2.0, p->bevel);
glVertex3f(p->pos.x + p->shadowwidth / (GLfloat) 2.0 + p->width,
- p->pos.y - p->shadowwidth / (GLfloat) 2.0 + p->height,
+ (p->pos.y*kts+h) - p->shadowwidth / (GLfloat) 2.0 + p->height*kts,
int glCompPanelHide(glCompPanel * p)
int ind = 0;
- for (ind = 0; ind < ((glCompSet *) p->parentset)->buttoncount; ind++) {
- if (((glCompSet *) p->parentset)->buttons[ind]->panel == p)
- ((glCompSet *) p->parentset)->buttons[ind]->visible = 0;
- }
- for (ind = 0; ind < ((glCompSet *) p->parentset)->labelcount; ind++) {
- if (((glCompSet *) p->parentset)->labels[ind]->panel == p)
- ((glCompSet *) p->parentset)->labels[ind]->visible = 0;
- }
p->visible = 0;
return 1;
int glCompPanelShow(glCompPanel * p)
int ind = 0;
- for (ind = 0; ind < ((glCompSet *) p->parentset)->buttoncount; ind++) {
- if (((glCompSet *) p->parentset)->buttons[ind]->panel == p)
- ((glCompSet *) p->parentset)->buttons[ind]->visible = 1;
- }
- for (ind = 0; ind < ((glCompSet *) p->parentset)->labelcount; ind++) {
- if (((glCompSet *) p->parentset)->labels[ind]->panel == p)
- ((glCompSet *) p->parentset)->labels[ind]->visible = 1;
- }
p->visible = 1;
return 1;
*Z = (float) posZ;
void glCompDrawBegin(void) //pushes a gl stack
int vPort[4];
static int glCompSetDrawPanels(glCompSet * s)
int ind = 0;
static int glCompPointInButton(glCompButton * p, float x, float y)
- float button_x, button_y;
- if (p->panel) {
- button_x = p->pos.x + p->panel->pos.x;
- button_y = p->pos.y + p->panel->pos.y;
+ int kts,kts2;
+ GLfloat tempX,tempY;
+ GLfloat h,h2; /*container widget height*/
+ float color_fac;
+ float thickness = p->thickness;
+ float fontx, fonty;
+ GLfloat fontwidth;
+ float button_x, button_y;
+ if (p->orientation==1){ kts=1; h=0;}else{kts=-1; h=((glCompSet*)p->parentset)->h;}
+ if (p->panel->orientation==1){ kts2=1; h2=0;}else
+ {
+ kts2=-1; h2=((glCompSet*)p->panel->parentset)->h;
+ }
+ if (!p->visible)
+ return 0;
+ if (p->panel)
+ {
+ button_x = p->panel->pos.x + p->pos.x;
+ button_y = p->panel->pos.y*kts2*kts+h2 + p->pos.y-h;
+ if (p->panel->orientation==0)
+ button_y = button_y - p->panel->height;
- if ((x >= button_x) &&
- (x <= button_x + p->width) &&
- (y >= button_y) && (y <= button_y + p->height))
- return 1;
+ if ((x >= button_x) && (x <= button_x + p->width) && (y >= button_y) && (y <= button_y + p->height))
+ return 1;
- return 0;
+ return 0;
-glCompSet* glCompSetNew()
+glCompSet* glCompSetNew( int w, int h)
glCompSet *s = NEW(glCompSet);
+ s->w=(GLfloat)w;
+ s->h=(GLfloat)h;
+ s->groupCount=0;
return s;
return 1;
+void glcompsetUpdateBorder(glCompSet * s, int w, int h)
+ if ( w > 0 && h > 0)
+ {
+ s->w=(GLfloat)w;
+ s->h=(GLfloat)h;
+ }
+extern int glcompsetGetGroupId(glCompSet *s)
+ return s->groupCount;
+extern int glcompsetNextGroupId(glCompSet *s)
+ int rv= s->groupCount;
+ s->groupCount++;
+ return rv;
#if 0
static void change_fonts(glCompSet * s,const texFont_t* sourcefont)
#include "glcomptexture.h"
-extern glCompSet* glCompSetNew(void);
+extern glCompSet* glCompSetNew( int w, int h);
extern void glCompSetClear(glCompSet * s);
extern int glCompSetDraw(glCompSet * s);
extern int glCompSetHide(glCompSet * s);
extern int glCompSetShow(glCompSet * s);
extern int glCompSetClick(glCompSet * s, int x, int y);
extern int glCompSetRelease(glCompSet * s, int x, int y);
+extern void glcompsetUpdateBorder(glCompSet * s, int w, int h);
+extern int glcompsetNextGroupId(glCompSet *s);
+extern int glcompsetGetGroupId(glCompSet *s);
extern void glCompDrawBegin(void);
extern void glCompDrawEnd(void);
#include <math.h>
-typedef struct {
- point3f u, v;
-} line;
-typedef struct {
- point3f N; /* normal */
- double d; /* offset */
-} plane;
static point3f add (point3f p, point3f q)
return dist(p, q);
+ Calculates the parameters of a plane via given 3 points on it
+void make_plane(point3f a,point3f b,point3f c,plane* P)
+ P->N.x=a.y*(b.z-c.z)+b.y*(c.z-a.z)+c.y*(a.z-b.z);//+
+ P->N.y=a.z*(b.x-c.x)+b.z*(c.x-a.x)+c.z*(a.x-b.x);//+
+ P->N.z=a.x*(b.y-c.y)+b.x*(c.y-a.y)+c.x*(a.y-b.y);//+
+ P->d=(a.x*(b.y*c.z-c.y*b.z)+b.x*(c.y*a.z-a.y*c.z)+c.x*(a.y*b.z-b.y*a.z))*-1;
+void replacestr(char *source,char **target)
+ if (*target)
+ free(*target);
+ *target =strdup(source);
+ move a point on the great circle of it (spherical)
+#define G_PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751
+#define DEG2RAD G_PI/180
+int rot_spherex(plane J,double tet,point3f P,point3f* P2)
+ if (tet > 0)
+ {
+ tet=5;
+ tet=DEG2RAD * tet;
+ P2->x=(float)(J.N.x * J.N.x + cos(tet) * (1-J.N.x*J.N.x))*P.x + (J.N.x*J.N.y*(1-cos(tet)) - J.N.z*sin(tet))
+ + (J.N.z * J.N.x*(1-cos(tet)) + J.N.y * sin(tet))* P.z;
+ P2->y=(float)(J.N.x * J.N.y*(1-cos(tet)) + J.N.z*sin(tet))*P.x + (J.N.y*J.N.y + cos(tet)*(1-J.N.y * J.N.y))* P.y
+ + (J.N.y*J.N.z*(1-cos(tet)) - J.N.x * sin(tet)) * P.z;
+ P2->z=(float)(J.N.z*J.N.x*(1-cos(tet)) - J.N.y *sin(tet))*P.x + (J.N.y*J.N.z*(1-cos(tet)) + J.N.x*sin(tet))*P.y
+ + (J.N.z*J.N.z+cos(tet)*(1-J.N.z*J.N.z))*P.z;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else
+ return 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
typedef struct {
float x, y, z;
} point3f;
+typedef struct {
+ point3f u, v;
+} line;
+typedef struct {
+ point3f N; /* normal */
+ double d; /* offset */
+} plane;
int GetFixedOGLPos(int, int, float, GLfloat*, GLfloat*, GLfloat * Z);
int GetOGLPosRef(int x, int y, float *X, float *Y, float *Z);
void linear_interplotate (float,float,float,float,float,float*);
double point_to_line_dist(point3f p, point3f u, point3f v);
double point_to_lineseg_dist (point3f p, point3f a, point3f b);
+int rot_spherex(plane J,double tet,point3f P,point3f* P2);
+void make_plane(point3f a,point3f b,point3f c,plane* P);
+void replacestr(char *source,char **target);