/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto mixed input_has_variable(constant type, string variable_name)
- * Returns true if the variable with the name *name* exists in source
- * or false otherwise.
+ * Returns true if the variable with the name 'name' exists in source.
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto mixed input_get(constant type, string variable_name [, int filter [, mixed flags [, string charset]]])
- * Returns the filtered variable *$name* from source `type`. It uses the
- * filter as specified in `filter` with a constant, and additional options
- * to the filter through `flags`.
+ * Returns the filtered variable 'name'* from source `type`.
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto mixed input_get_args(array definition, constant type [, array data])
- * Returns an array with all arguments defined in 'definition'. The key is used
- * as the name of the argument. The value can be either an integer (flags) or
- * an of options. This array can contain the 'filter' type, the 'flags',
- * the 'otptions' or the 'charset'
+ * Returns an array with all arguments defined in 'definition'.
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto filter_data(mixed variable, int filter [, mixed filter_options [, string charset ]])
+ * Returns the filterd variable (scalar or array can be used).