-ipc_addmsg( struct ipc_funcs * tree, enum ipc_msg id, trd_msgfunc func )
+ipc_addmsg( struct ipc_funcs * funcs, enum ipc_msg msg_id, trd_msgfunc func )
- assert( MSGVALID( id ) );
- assert( IPC_MSG_VERSION != id );
+ assert( MSGVALID( msg_id ) );
+ assert( IPC_MSG_VERSION != msg_id );
- tree->msgs[id] = func;
+ funcs->msgs[msg_id] = func;
-ipc_setdefmsg( struct ipc_funcs * tree, trd_msgfunc func )
+ipc_setdefmsg( struct ipc_funcs * funcs, trd_msgfunc func )
- tree->def = func;
+ funcs->def = func;
-ipc_freemsgs( struct ipc_funcs * tree )
+ipc_freemsgs( struct ipc_funcs * funcs )
- tr_free( tree );
+ tr_free( funcs );
struct ipc_info *
tr_free( info );
+ipc_ishandled( const struct ipc_info * info, enum ipc_msg id )
+ assert( MSGVALID( id ) );
+ return info->funcs->msgs[id] != NULL;
+ipc_havetags( const struct ipc_info * info )
+ return !DICTPAYLOAD( info );
+static int
+sessionSupportsTags( const struct ipc_info * session )
+ return session->vers >= 2;
static int
-ipc_havemsg( const struct ipc_info * info, enum ipc_msg id )
+sessionSupportsMessage( const struct ipc_info * info, enum ipc_msg id )
assert( MSGVALID( id ) );
assert( ipc_hasvers( info ) );
return gl_msgs[id].minvers <= info->vers;
+ * Creates the benc metainfo structure for a message
+ * and returns its child where payload should be set.
+ *
+ * In protocol version 1, the metainfo is a single-entry
+ * dictionary with a string from gl_msgs as the key
+ * and the return tr_benc pointer as the value.
+ *
+ * In protocol version 2, the metainfo is a list
+ * holding a string from gl_msgs, the return benc pointer,
+ * and (optionally) the integer tag.
+ */
tr_benc *
-ipc_initval( const struct ipc_info * info, enum ipc_msg id, int64_t tag,
- tr_benc * pk, int type )
+ipc_initval( const struct ipc_info * session,
+ enum ipc_msg msg_id,
+ int64_t tag,
+ tr_benc * pk,
+ int benc_type )
tr_benc * ret;
- assert( MSGVALID( id ) );
+ assert( MSGVALID( msg_id ) );
- if( !ipc_havemsg( info, id ) || ( 0 < tag && !ipc_havetags( info ) ) )
+ if( !sessionSupportsMessage( session, msg_id )
+ || ( (tag>0) && !sessionSupportsTags( session ) ) )
errno = EPERM;
return NULL;
- if( DICTPAYLOAD( info ) )
+ if( DICTPAYLOAD( session ) )
- tr_bencInit( pk, TYPE_DICT );
- if( tr_bencDictReserve( pk, 1 ) )
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- ret = tr_bencDictAdd( pk, MSGNAME( id ) );
+ tr_bencInitDict( pk, 1 );
+ ret = tr_bencDictAdd( pk, MSGNAME( msg_id ) );
- tr_bencInit( pk, TYPE_LIST );
- if( tr_bencListReserve( pk, ( 0 < tag ? 3 : 2 ) ) )
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- tr_bencInitStr( tr_bencListAdd( pk ), MSGNAME( id ), -1, 1 );
+ tr_bencInitList( pk, 3 );
+ tr_bencInitStr( tr_bencListAdd( pk ), MSGNAME( msg_id ), -1, 1 );
ret = tr_bencListAdd( pk );
if( 0 < tag )
- {
tr_bencInitInt( tr_bencListAdd( pk ), tag );
- }
- tr_bencInit( ret, type );
+ tr_bencInit( ret, benc_type );
return ret;
+ * Serialize a benc message into a string appended to a
+ * printf()'ed string IPC_MIN_MSG_LEN bytes long that
+ * gives the length of the string.
+ */
uint8_t *
-ipc_mkval( const tr_benc * pk, size_t * setmeSize )
+ipc_serialize( const tr_benc * pk, size_t * setmeSize )
int bencSize = 0;
char * benc = tr_bencSave( pk, &bencSize );
return ret;
+ * Create a serialized message whose payload is a NULL string
+ */
uint8_t *
-ipc_mkempty( const struct ipc_info * info, size_t * len, enum ipc_msg id,
- int64_t tag )
+ipc_mkempty( const struct ipc_info * session,
+ size_t * setmeSize,
+ enum ipc_msg msg_id,
+ int64_t tag )
- tr_benc pk;
- uint8_t * ret = NULL;
- if( ipc_initval( info, id, tag, &pk, TYPE_STR ) )
- {
- ret = ipc_mkval( &pk, len );
- }
- return ret;
+ return ipc_mkstr( session, setmeSize, msg_id, tag, NULL );
+ * Create a serialized message whose payload is an integer
+ */
uint8_t *
-ipc_mkint( const struct ipc_info * info, size_t * len, enum ipc_msg id,
- int64_t tag, int64_t num )
+ipc_mkint( const struct ipc_info * session,
+ size_t * setmeSize,
+ enum ipc_msg msg_id,
+ int64_t tag,
+ int64_t num )
tr_benc pk, * val;
uint8_t * ret = NULL;
- if(( val = ipc_initval( info, id, tag, &pk, TYPE_INT )))
+ if(( val = ipc_initval( session, msg_id, tag, &pk, TYPE_INT )))
val->val.i = num;
- ret = ipc_mkval( &pk, len );
+ ret = ipc_serialize( &pk, setmeSize );
return ret;
+ * Create a serialized message whose payload is a string
+ */
uint8_t *
-ipc_mkstr( const struct ipc_info * info, size_t * len, enum ipc_msg id,
- int64_t tag, const char * str )
+ipc_mkstr( const struct ipc_info * session,
+ size_t * setmeSize,
+ enum ipc_msg msg_id,
+ int64_t tag,
+ const char * str )
tr_benc pk, * val;
uint8_t * ret = NULL;
- if(( val = ipc_initval( info, id, tag, &pk, TYPE_STR )))
+ if(( val = ipc_initval( session, msg_id, tag, &pk, TYPE_STR )))
tr_bencInitStr( val, str, -1, 1 );
- ret = ipc_mkval( &pk, len );
+ ret = ipc_serialize( &pk, setmeSize );
return ret;
+ * Create a serialized message whose payload is a dictionary
+ * giving the minimum and maximum protocol version we support,
+ * and (optionally) the label passed in.
+ *
+ * Note that this message is just the dictionary payload.
+ * It doesn't contain metainfo as the other ipc_mk*() functions do.
+ */
uint8_t *
ipc_mkvers( size_t * len, const char * label )
tr_benc pk, * dict;
uint8_t * ret;
- tr_bencInit( &pk, TYPE_DICT );
- if( tr_bencDictReserve( &pk, 1 ) )
- {
- return NULL;
- }
+ tr_bencInitDict( &pk, 1 );
dict = tr_bencDictAdd( &pk, MSGNAME( IPC_MSG_VERSION ) );
- tr_bencInit( dict, TYPE_DICT );
- if( tr_bencDictReserve( dict, ( NULL == label ? 2 : 3 ) ) )
- {
- return NULL;
- }
+ tr_bencInitDict( dict, 3 );
tr_bencInitInt( tr_bencDictAdd( dict, "min" ), PROTO_VERS_MIN );
tr_bencInitInt( tr_bencDictAdd( dict, "max" ), PROTO_VERS_MAX );
- if( NULL != label )
+ if( label )
tr_bencInitStr( tr_bencDictAdd( dict, "label" ), label, -1, 1 );
- ret = ipc_mkval( &pk, len );
+ ret = ipc_serialize( &pk, len );
return ret;
+ * Create a serialized message that is used to request
+ * torrent information or statistics.
+ *
+ * msg_id must be one of:
+ *
+ * "ids" is an optional array of torrent IDs.
+ * The array, if included, must be terminated by a 0 torrent id.
+ *
+ * "types" is a bitwise-and'ed set of fields from either
+ * the IPC_INF_* or IPC_ST_* enums in ipc-parse.h.
+ * Which enums are used is dependent on the value of msg_id.
+ *
+ * If torrent ids are specified in the "ids" array,
+ * the payload is a dictionary of two lists, "id" and "type".
+ * The "id" list holds the torrent IDs, and
+ * the "type" list holds string keys from either
+ * gl_inf or gl_stat, depending on the value of msg_id
+ *
+ * If no torrent ids are specified, the payload is
+ * a single list identical to the "type" list described above.
+ */
uint8_t *
-ipc_mkgetinfo( const struct ipc_info * info, size_t * len, enum ipc_msg id,
- int64_t tag, int types, const int * ids )
+ipc_mkgetinfo( const struct ipc_info * session,
+ size_t * setmeSize,
+ enum ipc_msg msg_id,
+ int64_t tag,
+ int types,
+ const int * ids )
- tr_benc pk, * top, * idlist, * typelist;
+ tr_benc pk;
+ tr_benc * typelist;
size_t ii, typecount, used;
const struct inf * typearray;
uint8_t * ret;
/* no ID list, send an -all message */
- if( NULL == ids )
- {
- typelist = ipc_initval( info, id, tag, &pk, TYPE_LIST );
- if( NULL == typelist )
- {
+ if( !ids ) {
+ typelist = ipc_initval( session, msg_id, tag, &pk, TYPE_LIST );
+ if( !typelist )
return NULL;
- }
- top = ipc_initval( info, id, tag, &pk, TYPE_DICT );
- if( NULL == top )
- {
+ tr_benc * top;
+ tr_benc * idlist;
+ top = ipc_initval( session, msg_id, tag, &pk, TYPE_DICT );
+ if( !top )
return NULL;
- }
/* add the requested IDs */
- if( tr_bencDictReserve( top, 2 ) )
- {
- return NULL;
- }
+ tr_bencDictReserve( top, 2 );
idlist = tr_bencDictAdd( top, "id" );
typelist = tr_bencDictAdd( top, "type" );
- tr_bencInit( idlist, TYPE_LIST );
tr_bencInit( typelist, TYPE_LIST );
+ for( ii = 0; TORRENT_ID_VALID( ids[ii] ); ii++ ) { }
+ tr_bencInitList( idlist, ii );
for( ii = 0; TORRENT_ID_VALID( ids[ii] ); ii++ )
- {
- }
- if( tr_bencListReserve( idlist, ii ) )
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- for( ii = 0; TORRENT_ID_VALID( ids[ii] ); ii++ )
- {
tr_bencInitInt( tr_bencListAdd( idlist ), ids[ii] );
- }
/* get the type name array */
- switch( id )
+ switch( msg_id )
/* add the type names */
for( ii = used = 0; typecount > ii; ii++ )
- {
if( types & ( 1 << ii ) )
- {
- }
- }
- if( tr_bencListReserve( typelist, used ) )
- {
- return NULL;
- }
+ tr_bencListReserve( typelist, used );
for( ii = 0; typecount > ii; ii++ )
if( !( types & ( 1 << ii ) ) )
- {
- }
assert( typearray[ii].type == ( 1 << ii ) );
tr_bencInitStr( tr_bencListAdd( typelist ),
typearray[ii].name, -1, 1 );
/* generate packet */
- ret = ipc_mkval( &pk, len );
+ ret = ipc_serialize( &pk, setmeSize );
return ret;
-static int
+static void
filltracker( tr_benc * val, const tr_tracker_info * tk )
- tr_bencInit( val, TYPE_DICT );
- if( tr_bencDictReserve( val, ( NULL == tk->scrape ? 3 : 4 ) ) )
- return -1;
+ tr_bencInitDict( val, 4 );
tr_bencInitStr( tr_bencDictAdd( val, "address" ), tk->address, -1, 1 );
tr_bencInitInt( tr_bencDictAdd( val, "port" ), tk->port );
tr_bencInitStr( tr_bencDictAdd( val, "announce" ), tk->announce, -1, 1 );
if( NULL != tk->scrape )
tr_bencInitStr( tr_bencDictAdd( val, "scrape" ), tk->scrape, -1, 1 );
- return 0;
+ * append to "list" a dictionary whose keys are
+ * the string keys from gl_inf and whose values are
+ * torrent info set from "torrent_id" and "inf".
+ *
+ * "types" is a bitwise-and'ed set of fields
+ * from the IPC_INF_* enum in ipcparse.h.
+ * It specifies what to put in the dictionary.
+ */
-ipc_addinfo( tr_benc * list, int tor, const tr_info * inf, int types )
+ipc_addinfo( tr_benc * list,
+ int torrent_id,
+ const tr_info * inf,
+ int types )
tr_benc * dict, * item, * file, * tier;
int ii, jj, kk;
/* always send torrent id */
types |= IPC_INF_ID;
- if( tr_bencListReserve( list, 1 ) )
- {
- return -1;
- }
+ tr_bencListReserve( list, 1 );
dict = tr_bencListAdd( list );
- tr_bencInit( dict, TYPE_DICT );
+ /* count the number of info keys and allocate a dict for them */
for( ii = jj = 0; IPC_INF__MAX > 1 << ii; ii++ )
if( !( types & ( 1 << ii ) ) )
- {
- }
assert( TR_N_ELEMENTS( gl_inf ) > ( unsigned )ii );
assert( gl_inf[ii].type == ( 1 << ii ) );
- /* check for missing optional info */
- if( ( IPC_INF_COMMENT == ( 1 << ii ) && !*inf->comment ) ||
- ( IPC_INF_CREATOR == ( 1 << ii ) && !*inf->creator ) ||
- ( IPC_INF_DATE == ( 1 << ii ) && 0 >= inf->dateCreated ) )
- {
- continue;
- }
- if( tr_bencDictReserve( dict, jj ) )
- {
- return -1;
- }
+ tr_bencInitDict( dict, jj );
+ /* populate the dict with info key->value pairs */
for( ii = 0; IPC_INF__MAX > 1 << ii; ii++ )
if( !( types & ( 1 << ii ) ) )
- {
- }
- /* check for missing optional info */
- if( ( IPC_INF_COMMENT == ( 1 << ii ) && !*inf->comment ) ||
- ( IPC_INF_CREATOR == ( 1 << ii ) && !*inf->creator ) ||
- ( IPC_INF_DATE == ( 1 << ii ) && 0 >= inf->dateCreated ) )
- {
- continue;
- }
item = tr_bencDictAdd( dict, gl_inf[ii].name );
switch( 1 << ii )
- tr_bencInitStr( item, inf->comment, -1, 1 );
+ tr_bencInitStr( item, inf->comment ? inf->comment : "", -1, 1 );
- tr_bencInitStr( item, inf->creator, -1, 1 );
+ tr_bencInitStr( item, inf->creator ? inf->creator : "", -1, 1 );
tr_bencInitInt( item, inf->dateCreated );
- tr_bencInit( item, TYPE_LIST );
- if( tr_bencListReserve( item, inf->fileCount ) )
- {
- return -1;
- }
+ tr_bencInitList( item, inf->fileCount );
for( ff = 0; inf->fileCount > ff; ff++ )
file = tr_bencListAdd( item );
- tr_bencInit( file, TYPE_DICT );
- if( tr_bencDictReserve( file, 2 ) )
- {
- return -1;
- }
+ tr_bencInitDict( file, 2 );
tr_bencInitStr( tr_bencDictAdd( file, "name" ),
inf->files[ff].name, -1, 1 );
tr_bencInitInt( tr_bencDictAdd( file, "size" ),
tr_bencInitStr( item, inf->hashString, -1, 1 );
case IPC_INF_ID:
- tr_bencInitInt( item, tor );
+ tr_bencInitInt( item, torrent_id );
tr_bencInitStr( item, inf->name, -1, 1 );
tr_bencInitInt( item, inf->totalSize );
- tr_bencInit( item, TYPE_LIST );
- if( tr_bencListReserve( item, inf->trackerTiers ) )
- {
- return -1;
- }
+ tr_bencInitList( item, inf->trackerTiers );
for( jj = 0; inf->trackerTiers > jj; jj++ )
tier = tr_bencListAdd( item );
- tr_bencInit( tier, TYPE_LIST );
- if( tr_bencListReserve( tier,
- inf->trackerList[jj].count ) )
- {
- return -1;
- }
+ tr_bencInitList( tier, inf->trackerList[jj].count );
for( kk = 0; inf->trackerList[jj].count > kk; kk++ )
- {
- if( 0 > filltracker( tr_bencListAdd( tier ),
- &inf->trackerList[jj].list[kk] ) )
- {
- return -1;
- }
- }
+ filltracker( tr_bencListAdd( tier ),
+ &inf->trackerList[jj].list[kk] );
return 0;
+ * append to "list" a dictionary whose keys are
+ * the string keys from gl_stat and whose values
+ * are torrent statistics set from "st".
+ *
+ * "types" is a bitwise-and'ed set of fields
+ * from the IPC_INF_* enum in ipcparse.h.
+ * It specifies what to put in the dictionary.
+ */
-ipc_addstat( tr_benc * list, int tor,
- const tr_stat * st, int types )
+ipc_addstat( tr_benc * list,
+ int torrent_id,
+ const tr_stat * st,
+ int types )
- tr_benc * dict, * item;
- int ii, used;
- tr_errno error;
+ tr_benc * dict;
+ int ii, used;
+ /* add the dictionary child */
+ tr_bencListReserve( list, 1 );
+ dict = tr_bencListAdd( list );
/* always send torrent id */
types |= IPC_ST_ID;
- if( tr_bencListReserve( list, 1 ) )
- return -1;
- dict = tr_bencListAdd( list );
+ /* count the number of stat keys and allocate a dict for them */
for( ii = used = 0; IPC_ST__MAX > 1 << ii; ii++ )
if( types & ( 1 << ii ) )
+ tr_bencInitDict( dict, used );
- tr_bencInit( dict, TYPE_DICT );
- if( tr_bencDictReserve( dict, used ) )
- return -1;
+ /* populate the dict */
for( ii = 0; IPC_ST__MAX > 1 << ii; ii++ )
+ tr_benc * item;
if( !( types & ( 1 << ii ) ) )
tr_bencInitInt( item, st->downloadedEver );
- case IPC_ST_ERROR:
- error = st->error;
+ case IPC_ST_ERROR: {
+ const tr_errno error = st->error;
if( TR_OK == error )
tr_bencInitStr( item, "", -1, 1 );
tr_bencInitStr( item, "other", -1, 1 );
+ }
if( TR_OK == st->error )
tr_bencInitInt( item, st->eta );
case IPC_ST_ID:
- tr_bencInitInt( item, tor );
+ tr_bencInitInt( item, torrent_id );
tr_bencInitInt( item, st->peersSendingToUs );
- tr_bencInit( item, TYPE_DICT );
- if( tr_bencDictReserve( item, 4 ) )
- {
- return -1;
- }
+ tr_bencInitDict( item, 4 );
tr_bencInitInt( tr_bencDictAdd( item, "incoming" ),
st->peersFrom[TR_PEER_FROM_INCOMING] );
tr_bencInitInt( tr_bencDictAdd( item, "tracker" ),
tr_bencInitInt( item, st->swarmspeed * 1024 );
- if( 0 > filltracker( item, st->tracker ) )
- {
- return -1;
- }
+ filltracker( item, st->tracker );
tr_bencInitInt( item, st->completedFromTracker );
compareNameToMsg );
+enum ipc_msg
+ipc_msgid( const struct ipc_info * info, const char * name )
+ const struct msg * msg = msglookup( name );
+ return msg && sessionSupportsMessage( info, msg->id )
+ ? msg->id
static int
gotmsg( const struct ipc_info * info, tr_benc * name, tr_benc * val,
tr_benc * tagval, void * arg )
return off;
-enum ipc_msg
-ipc_msgid( const struct ipc_info * info, const char * name )
- const struct msg * msg = msglookup( name );
- return msg && ipc_havemsg( info, msg->id )
- ? msg->id
-ipc_ishandled( const struct ipc_info * info, enum ipc_msg id )
- assert( MSGVALID( id ) );
- return info->funcs->msgs[id] != NULL;
-ipc_havetags( const struct ipc_info * info )
- return !DICTPAYLOAD( info );
static int
compareNameToInf( const void * a, const void * b )