running\_kernel\_use\_sudo | Whether to run the plugin with `sudo`. Defaults to false except on Ubuntu where it defaults to true.
+#### <a id="plugins-contrib-command-iostat"></a> iostat
+The plugin [check_iostat](https://github.com/dnsmichi/icinga-plugins/blob/master/scripts/check_iostat) is used to monitor I/O with `iostat` on a linux host. The default thresholds are rather high so you can use a grapher for baselining before setting your own.
+Custom attributes passed as [command parameters](3-monitoring-basics.md#command-passing-parameters):
+Name | Description
+iostat\_disk | **Required.** The device to monitor without path. e.g. sda or vda. (default: sda)
+iostat\_wtps | **Required.** Warning threshold for tps (default: 100)
+iostat\_wread | **Required.** Warning threshold for KB/s reads (default: 100)
+iostat\_wwrite | **Required.** Warning threshold for KB/s writes (default: 100)
+iostat\_ctps | **Required.** Critical threshold for tps (default: 200)
+iostat\_cread | **Required.** Critical threshold for KB/s reads (default: 200)
+iostat\_cwrite | **Required.** Critical threshold for KB/s writes (default: 200)
#### <a id="plugin-contrib-command-yum"></a> yum
The plugin `yum` is used to check the YUM package management system for package updates. To differentiate between security and normal updates it requires the YUM security plugin installed. It is provied by `Christoph Anton Mitterer` on [https://github.com](https://github.com/calestyo/check_yum).
timeout = 5m
+object CheckCommand "iostat" {
+ import "plugin-check-command"
+ command = [ PluginContribDir + "/check_iostat" ]
+ arguments = {
+ "-d" = {
+ value = "$iostat_disk$"
+ description = "Device to check without path. e.g. sda"
+ }
+ "-w" = {
+ value ="$iostat_wtps$,$iostat_wread$,$iostat_wwrite$"
+ description = "warning threshold for tps, KB_read/s and KB_written/s"
+ }
+ "-c" = {
+ value ="$iostat_ctps$,$iostat_cread$,$iostat_cwrite$"
+ description = "warning threshold for tps, KB_read/s and KB_written/s"
+ }
+ }
+ vars.iostat_disk = "sda"
+ vars.iostat_wtps = 100
+ vars.iostat_wread = 100
+ vars.iostat_wwrite = 100
+ vars.iostat_ctps = 200
+ vars.iostat_cread = 200
+ vars.iostat_cwrite = 200