<p>This module provides an output filter to rewrite HTML links in a
proxy situation, to ensure that links work for users outside the proxy.
-It serves the same purpose as Apache's ProxyPassReverse directive does
+It serves the same purpose as Apache's <directive module="mod_proxy"
+>ProxyPassReverse</directive> directive does
for HTTP headers, and is an essential component of a reverse proxy.</p>
<p>For example, if a company has an application server at
<code>www.example.com</code>, they may wish to provide a gateway to the
application server at <code>http://www.example.com/appserver/</code>.
When the application server links to itself, those links need to be
-rewritten to work through the gateway. mod_proxy_html serves to rewrite
+rewritten to work through the gateway. <module>mod_proxy_html</module> serves to rewrite
<code><a href="http://appserver.example.com/foo/bar.html">foobar</a></code> to
<code><a href="http://www.example.com/appserver/foo/bar.html">foobar</a></code>
making it accessible from outside.</p>
<context>virtual host</context><context>directory</context>
<compatibility>Version 2.4 and later; available as a third-party
-for earlier 2.x versions</compatibility>
+module for earlier 2.x versions</compatibility>
<p>This enables per-request interpolation in
HTML or XHTML syntax is used for output. Note that the format of the
documents coming from the backend server is immaterial: the parser will
deal with it automatically. If the optional second argument is set to
-"Legacy", documents will be declared "Transitional", an option that may
+<code>Legacy</code>, documents will be declared "Transitional", an option that may
be necessary if you are proxying pre-1998 content or working with defective
authoring/publishing tools.</p>
<p>In the second form, it will insert your own FPI. The optional second
<description>Sets the buffer size increment for buffering inline scripts and
<syntax>ProxyHTMLBufSize <var>bytes</var></syntax>
+<default>ProxyHTMLBufSize 8192</default>
<contextlist><context>server config</context>
<context>virtual host</context><context>directory</context>
for earlier 2.x versions</compatibility>
<p>In order to parse non-HTML content (stylesheets and scripts) embedded
-in HTML documents, mod_proxy_html
+in HTML documents, <module>mod_proxy_html</module>
has to read the entire script or stylesheet into a buffer. This buffer will
be expanded as necessary to hold the largest script or stylesheet in a page,
in increments of <var>bytes</var> as set by this directive.</p>