. Fixed bug #68297 (Application Popup provides too few information). (Anatol)
. Fixed bug #65769 (localeconv() broken in TS builds). (Anatol)
. Fixed bug #65230 (setting locale randomly broken). (Anatol)
- . Fixed bug #68545 (NULL pointer dereference in unserialize.c). (Anatol)
. Fixed bug #68583 (Crash in timeout thread). (Anatol)
- cURL:
. Fixed bug #67643 (curl_multi_getcontent returns '' when
CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER isn't set). (Jille Timmermans)
-- Date:
- . Fixed day_of_week function as it could sometimes return negative values
- internally. (Derick)
- Mbstring:
. Fixed bug #68504 (--with-libmbfl configure option not present on Windows).
(Ashesh Vashi)
- SQLite:
. Fixed bug #68120 (Update bundled libsqlite to (Anatol)
-11 Dec 2014, PHP 5.5.20
+18 Dec 2014, PHP 5.5.20
- Core:
. Fixed bug #68091 (Some Zend headers lack appropriate extern "C" blocks).
. Fixed bug #68185 ("Inconsistent insteadof definition."- incorrectly
triggered). (Julien)
. Fixed bug #68370 ("unset($this)" can make the program crash). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #68545 (NULL pointer dereference in unserialize.c). (Anatol)
+- Date:
+ . Fixed day_of_week function as it could sometimes return negative values
+ internally. (Derick)
- FPM:
. Fixed bug #68381 (fpm_unix_init_main ignores log_level).