Reported to the mailing list on 5/23. To fix this, u.usteed cannot simply
be unset earlier, so I put a check for this special case into enlightenment().
GOLDOBJ: don't call money2mon with 0 zero when killed by shopkeeper
headstone writing was using the adjective "weird" when engraving with a wand
of digging.
+don't report "you were riding" if you die as a result of dismounting
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes
else if (Amphibious) you_can("breathe water");
if (Passes_walls) you_can("walk through walls");
#ifdef STEED
- if (u.usteed) {
+ /* If you die while dismounting, u.usteed is still set. Since several
+ * places in the done() sequence depend on u.usteed, just detect this
+ * special case. */
+ if (u.usteed && (final < 2 || strcmp(killer, "riding accident"))) {
Sprintf(buf, "riding %s", y_monnam(u.usteed));