All torrents, unless overridden by a per-torrent setting, should seed regardless of ratio
.It Fl h Fl -help
Print command-line option descriptions.
-.It Fl i Fl -info Ar id | torrent-hash
+.It Fl i Fl -info
Show details of the current torrent(s)
-.It Fl if Fl -info-files Ar id | torrent-hash
+.It Fl if Fl -info-files
List the specified torrent's files
-.It Fl ip Fl -info-peers Ar id | torrent-hash
+.It Fl ip Fl -info-peers
List the specified torrent's peers
-.It Fl ic Fl -info-pieces Ar id | torrent-hash
+.It Fl ic Fl -info-pieces
List the specified torrent's pieces
-.It Fl it Fl -info-trackers Ar id | torrent-hash
+.It Fl it Fl -info-trackers
List the specified torrent's trackers
.It Fl si Fl -session-info
List session information from the server