. Fixed bug #74941 (session fails to start after having headers sent).
-- SimpleXML:
- . Fixed bug #74950 (nullpointer deref in simplexml_element_getDocNamespaces).
- (Laruence)
+ - SPL:
- . Fixed bug #74669 (Unserialize ArrayIterator broken). (Andrew Nester)
+ . Fixed bug #74977 (Appending AppendIterator leads to segfault).
+ (Andrew Nester)
-- Standard:
- . Fixed bug #74851 (uniqid() without more_entropy performs badly).
- (Emmanuel Dreyfus)
-20 Jul 2017, PHP 7.2.0beta1
-- Core:
- . Added new VM instuctions ISSET_ISEMPTY_CV and UNSET_CV. Previously they
- were implemented as ISSET_ISEMPTY_VAR and UNSET_VAR variants with
- ZEND_QUICK_SET flag. (Nikita, Dmitry)
- . Fixed bug #74603 (PHP INI Parsing Stack Buffer Overflow Vulnerability).
- (Stas)
- . Fixed bug #74111 (Heap buffer overread (READ: 1) finish_nested_data from
- unserialize). (Nikita)
- . Fixed bug #74819 (wddx_deserialize() heap out-of-bound read via
- php_parse_date()). (Derick)
- . Fixed bug #49649 (unserialize() doesn't handle changes in property
- visibility). (pmmaga)
- . Fixed #74866 (extension_dir = "./ext" now use current directory for base).
- (Francois Laupretre)
- . Fixed bug #74923 (Crash when crawling through network share). (Anatol)
- . Fixed bug #74913 (fixed incorrect poll.h include). (petk)
- . Fixed bug #74906 (fixed incorrect errno.h include). (petk)
-- Date:
- . Fixed bug #74852 (property_exists returns true on unknown DateInterval
- property). (jhdxr)
-- DOM:
- . Implement #74837 (Implement Countable for DomNodeList and DOMNamedNodeMap).
- (Andreas Treichel)
-- EXIF:
- . Implemented #65187 (exif_read_data/thumbnail: add support for stream
- resource). (Kalle)
- . Deprecated the read_exif_data() alias. (Kalle)
- . Fixed bug #74428 (exif_read_data(): "Illegal IFD size" warning occurs with
- correct exif format). (bradpiccho at gmail dot com, Kalle)
- . Fixed bug #72819 (EXIF thumbnails not read anymore). (Kalle)
- . Fixed bug #62523 (php crashes with segfault when exif_read_data called).
- (Kalle)
- . Fixed bug #50660 (exif_read_data(): Illegal IFD offset (works fine with
- other exif readers). (skinny dot bravo at gmail dot com, Kalle)
-- GD:
- . Fixed bug #74435 (Buffer over-read into uninitialized memory). (cmb)
-- IMAP:
- . Fixed bug #72324 (imap_mailboxmsginfo() return wrong size).
- (ronaldpoon at udomain dot com dot hk, Kalle)
-- JSON:
- json_encode and json_decode to ignore or replace invalid UTF-8 byte
- sequences - it addresses request #65082. (Jakub Zelenka)
-- LDAP:
- . Fixed passing an empty array to ldap_set_option for client or server controls.
-- Opcache:
- . Added global optimisation passes based on data flow analysis using Single
- Static Assignment (SSA) form: Sparse Conditional Constant Propagation (SCCP),
- Dead Code Elimination (DCE), and removal of unused local variables
- (Nikita, Dmitry)
-- OpenSSL:
- . Add ssl security_level stream option to support OpenSSL security levels.
- (Jakub Zelenka).
- . Allow setting SNI cert and private key in separate files. (Jakub Zelenka)
- . Fixed bug #74651 (negative-size-param (-1) in memcpy in zif_openssl_seal()).
- (Stas)
-- PCRE:
- . Fixed bug #74873 (Minor BC break: PCRE_JIT changes output of preg_match()).
- (Dmitry)
-- Sodium:
- . New cryptographic extension
-- SQLite3:
- . Fixed bug #74883 (SQLite3::__construct() produces "out of memory" exception
- with invalid flags). (Anatol)
-- ZIP:
- . ZipArchive implements countable, added ZipArchive::count() method. (Remi)
- . Fix segfault in php_stream_context_get_option call. (Remi)
-06 Jul 2017, PHP 7.2.0alpha3
-- Core:
- . Fixed bug #74780 (parse_url() broken when query string contains colon).
- (jhdxr)
- . Fixed bug #74761 (Unary operator expected error on some systems). (petk)
- . Allow loading PHP/Zend extensions by name in ini files (extension=<name>).
- (francois at tekwire dot net)
- . Added object type annotation. (brzuchal)
- . Fixed bug #74815 (crash with a combination of INI entries at startup).
- (Anatol)
- . Fixed bug #74836 (isset on zero-prefixed numeric indexes in array broken).
- (Dmitry)
- . Fixed bug #74101, bug #74614 (Unserialize Heap Use-After-Free (READ: 1) in
- zval_get_type). (Nikita)
-- CLI:
- . Fixed bug #74849 (Process is started as interactive shell in PhpStorm).
- (Anatol)
-- LDAP:
- . Implemented FR #69445 (Support for LDAP EXOP operations)
- . Fixed support for LDAP_OPT_SERVER_CONTROLS and LDAP_OPT_CLIENT_CONTROLS in ldap_get_option
-- OpenSSL:
- . Fixed bug #74798 (pkcs7_en/decrypt does not work if \x0a is used in content).
- (Anatol)
-- SPL:
- . Fixed bug #73471 (PHP freezes with AppendIterator). (jhdxr)
- . Fixed bug #71412 (Incorrect arginfo for ArrayIterator::__construct).
- (tysonandre775 at hotmail dot com)
-- Session:
- . Fixed bug #74514 (5 session functions incorrectly warn when calling in
- read-only/getter mode). (Yasuo)
-- Standard:
- . Add support for extension name as argument to dl().
- (francois at tekwire dot net)
-- zlib:
- . Fixed bug #73944 (dictionary option of inflate_init() does not work).
- (wapmorgan)
- . Expose inflate_get_status() and inflate_get_read_len() functions.
- (Matthew Trescott)
-22 Jun 2017, PHP 7.2.0alpha2
-- Core:
- . Change PHP_OS_FAMILY value from "OSX" to "Darwin". (Sebastian, Kalle)
-- GD:
- . Fixed bug #74744 (gd.h: stdarg.h include missing for va_list use in
- gdErrorMethod). (rainer dot jung at kippdata dot de, cmb)
-- OCI8:
- . Add TAF callback (PR #2459). (KoenigsKind)
- . Fixed bug #74625 (Integer overflow in oci_bind_array_by_name). (Ingmar Runge)
-- OpenSSL:
- . Fixed bug #74720 (pkcs7_en/decrypt does not work if \x1a is used in
- content). (Anatol)
- . Use TLS_ANY for default ssl:// and tls:// negotiation. (kelunik)
- . Fix leak in openssl_spki_new(). (jelle at vdwaa dot nl)
- . Added openssl_pkcs7_read() and pk7 parameter to openssl_pkcs7_verify().
- (jelle at vdwaa dot nl)
- . Fixed Bug #74537 (Align --with-pdo-oci configure option with --with-oci8 syntax).
- (Tianfang Yang)
-- Standard:
- . Compatibility with libargon2 versions 20161029 and 20160821.
- (charlesportwoodii at erianna dot com)
- . Fixed Bug #74737 (mysqli_get_client_info reflection info).
- (mhagstrand at gmail dot com)
-- Streams:
- . Default ssl/single_dh_use and ssl/honor_cipher_order to true. (kelunik)
-- SQLite3:
- . Update to Sqlite 3.19.3. (cmb)
- . Implement writing to blobs. (bohwaz at github dot com)
-08 Jun 2017, PHP 7.2.0alpha1
-- Core:
- ZEND_FUNC_NUM_ARGS, ZEND_FUNC_GET_ARGS instructions, to implement
- corresponding builtin functions. (Dmitry)
- . "Countable" interface is moved from SPL to Core. (Dmitry)
- . Added ZEND_IN_ARRAY instruction, implementing optimized in_array() builtin
- function, through hash lookup in flipped array. (Dmitry)
- . Removed IS_TYPE_IMMUTABLE (it's the same as COPYABLE & !REFCOUNTED). (Dmitry)
- . Removed the sql.safe_mode directive. (Kalle)
- . Removed support for Netware. (Kalle)
- . Renamed ReflectionClass::isIterateable() to ReflectionClass::isIterable()
- (alias original name for BC). (Sara)
- . Fixed bug #54535 (WSA cleanup executes before MSHUTDOWN). (Kalle)
- . Implemented FR #69791 (Disallow mail header injections by extra headers)
- (Yasuo)
- . Implemented FR #49806 (proc_nice() for Windows). (Kalle)
- . Fix pthreads detection when cross-compiling (ffontaine)
- . Fixed memory leaks caused by exceptions thrown from destructors. (Bob,
- Dmitry).
- . Fixed bug #73215 (uniqid() should use better random source). (Yasuo)
- . Fixed bug #73337 (try/catch not working with two exceptions inside a same
- operation). (Dmitry)
- . Implemented FR #72768 (Add ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING flag for
- php.exe). (Michele Locati)
- . Implemented "Convert numeric keys in object/array casts" RFC, fixes
- bugs #53838, #61655, #66173, #70925, #72254, etc. (Andrea)
- . Implemented "Deprecate and Remove Bareword (Unquoted) Strings" RFC.
- (Rowan Collins)
- . Raised minimum supported Windows versions to Windows 7/Server 2008 R2.
- (Anatol)
- . Implemented minor optimization in array_keys/array_values(). (Sara)
- . Fixed bug #73969 (segfault in debug_print_backtrace). (andrewnester)
- . Added PHP_OS_FAMILY constant to determine on which OS we are. (Jan Altensen)
- . Fixed bug #73994 (arginfo incorrect for unpack). (krakjoe)
- . Fixed bug #73973 (assertion error in debug_zval_dump). (andrewnester)
- . Fixed bug #73987 (Method compatibility check looks to original
- definition and not parent). (pmmaga)
- . Fixed bug #73991 (JSON_OBJECT_AS_ARRAY not respected). (Sara)
- . Fixed bug #74053 (Corrupted class entries on shutdown when a destructor
- spawns another object). (jim at commercebyte dot com)
- . Fixed bug #73971 (Filename got limited to MAX_PATH on Win32 when scan
- directory). (Anatol)
- . Fixed bug #74149 (static embed SAPI linkage error). (krakjoe)
- . Fixed bug #72359, bug #72451, bug #73706, bug #71115 and others related
- to interned strings handling in TS builds. (Anatol, Dmitry)
- . Implemented "Trailing Commas In List Syntax" RFC for group use lists only.
- (Sammy Kaye Powers)
- . Fixed bug #74269 (It's possible to override trait property with different
- loosely-equal value). (pmmaga)
- . Fixed bug #61970 (Restraining __construct() access level in subclass gives
- a fatal error). (pmmaga)
- . Fixed bug #63384 (Cannot override an abstract method with an abstract
- method). (pmmaga, wes)
- . Fixed bug #74607 (Traits enforce different inheritance rules). (pmmaga)
- . Fixed misparsing of abstract unix domain socket names. (Sara)
-- BCMath:
- . Fixed bug #46564 (bcmod truncates fractionals). (liborm85)
-- Calendar:
- . Fix integer overflows (Joshua Rogers)
-- Date:
- . Fixed bug #55407 (Impossible to prototype DateTime::createFromFormat).
- (kelunik)
- . Fixed bug #69587 (DateInterval properties and isset). (jhdxr)
- . Fixed bug #74404 (Wrong reflection on DateTimeZone::getTransitions).
- (krakjoe)
- . Fixed bug #74080 (add constant for RFC7231 format datetime). (duncan3dc)
- . Fixed bug #74639 (implement clone for DatePeriod and DateInterval).
- (andrewnester)
- . Implemented FR #71520 (Adding the DateTime constants to the
- DateTimeInterface interface). (Majkl578)
-- Dba:
- . Fixed bug #72885 (flatfile: dba_fetch() fails to read replaced entry).
- (Anatol)
-- DOM:
- . Fixed bug #67474 (getElementsByTagNameNS filter on default ns). (aboks)
- . Fixed bug #54382 (getAttributeNodeNS doesn't get xmlns* attributes).
- (aboks)
- . Fixed bug #74004 (LIBXML_NOWARNING (etc) ignored by DOMDocument::loadHTML).
- (somedaysummer)
-- EXIF:
- . Added support for vendor specific tags for the following formats:
- Samsung, DJI, Panasonic, Sony, Pentax, Minolta, Sigma/Foveon, AGFA,
- Kyocera, Ricoh & Epson. (Kalle)
- . Fixed bug #72682 (exif_read_data() fails to read all data for some
- images). (Kalle)
- . Fixed bug #71534 (Type confusion in exif_read_data() leading to heap
- overflow in debug mode). (hlt99 at blinkenshell dot org, Kalle)
- . Fixed bug #68547 (Exif Header component value check error).
- (sjh21a at gmail dot com, Kalle)
- . Fixed bug #66443 (Corrupt EXIF header: maximum directory nesting level
- reached for some cameras). (Kalle)
- . Fixed Redhat bug #1362571 (PHP not returning full results for
- exif_read_data function). (Kalle)
-- FPM:
- . Configuration to limit fpm slow log trace callers. (Sannis)
- . Fixed bug #69865 (php-fpm does not close stderr when using syslog).
- (Mike)
-- FTP:
- . Fixed bug #74598 (ftp:// wrapper ignores context arg). (Sara)
- . Implement MLSD for structured listing of directories. (blar)
-- GD:
- . Implemented imageresolution as getter and setter (Christoph)
- . Fixed bug #74343 (compile fails on solaris 11 with system gd2 library).
- (krakjoe)
-- GMP:
- . Fixed bug #70896 (gmp_fact() silently ignores non-integer input). (Sara)
-- hash:
- . Fixed bug #73961 (environmental build dependency in hash sha3 source).
- (krakjoe)
- . Changed HashContext from resource to object. (Rouven Weßling, Sara)
- . Disallowed usage of non-cryptographic hash functions with HMAC and PBKDF2.
- (Andrey Andreev, Nikita)
-- intl:
- . Fixed bug #74433 (wrong reflection for Normalizer methods). (villfa)
- . Fixed bug #74439 (wrong reflection for Locale methods). (villfa)
- . Fixed bug #74468 (wrong reflection on Collator::sortWithSortKeys). (villfa)
- . Fixed bug #63790 (test using Spoofchecker which may be unavailable). (Sara)
-- Mbstring:
- . Implemented request #66024 (mb_chr() and mb_ord()). (Masakielastic, Yasuo)
- . Implemented request #65081 (mb_scrub()). (Masakielastic, Yasuo)
- . Implemented request #69086 (enhancement for mb_convert_encoding() that
- handles multibyte replacement char nicely). (Masakielastic, Yasuo)
- . Added array input support to mb_convert_encoding(). (Yasuo)
- . Added array input support to mb_check_encoding(). (Yasuo)
- . Fixed bug #69079 (enhancement for mb_substitute_character). (masakielastic)
- . Update to oniguruma version 6.3.0. (Remi)
-- Mcrypt:
- . The deprecated mcrypt extension has been moved to PECL. (leigh)
-- MySQLi:
- . Fixed bug #73949 (leak in mysqli_fetch_object). (krakjoe)
-- mysqlnd:
- . Fixed bug #73800 (sporadic segfault with MYSQLI_OPT_INT_AND_FLOAT_NATIVE).
- (vanviegen)
-- OpenSSL:
- . Fixed bug #71519 (add serial hex to return value array). (xrobau)
-- PCRE:
- . Added support for PCRE JIT fast path API. (dmitry)
- . Fixed bug #61780 (Inconsistent PCRE captures in match results). (cmb)
-- PDO:
- . Add "Sent SQL" to debug dump for emulated prepares. (Adam Baratz)
- . Add parameter types for national character set strings. (Adam Baratz)
-- PDO_DBlib:
- . Fixed bug #73234 (Emulated statements let value dictate parameter type).
- (Adam Baratz)
- . Fixed bug #73396 (bigint columns are returned as strings). (Adam Baratz)
- . Expose DB-Library version as \PDO::DBLIB_ATTR_VERSION attribute on \PDO
- instance. (Adam Baratz)
- . Add test coverage for bug #72969. (Jeff Farr)
- . Fixed bug #54379 (PDO_OCI: UTF-8 output gets truncated). (gureedo / Oracle)
- . Fixed bug #73959 (lastInsertId fails to throw an exception for wrong
- sequence name). (andrewnester)
-- PDO_Sqlite
- . Switch to sqlite3_prepare_v2() and sqlite3_close_v2() functions (rasmus)
-- phar:
- . Fixed bug #74383 (phar method parameters reflection correction).
- (mhagstrand)
- . Fixed bug #74196 (phar does not correctly handle names containing dots).
- (mhagstrand)
- . Fixed bug #74386 (Phar::__construct reflection incorrect). (villfa)
- . Added extended_value to opcode dump output. (Sara)
-- posix:
- . Fixed bug #71219 (configure script incorrectly checks for ttyname_r). (atoh)
-- Session:
- . Fixed bug #73461 (Prohibit session save handler recursion). (Yasuo)
- . PR #2233 Removed register_globals related code and "!" can be used as $_SESSION key name. (Yasuo)
- . Improved bug #73100 fix. 'user' save handler can only be set by session_set_save_handler()
- . Fixed bug #69582 (session not readable by root in CLI). (EvgeniySpinov)
-- SOAP:
- . Fixed bug #69137 (Peer verification fails when using a proxy with SoapClient)
- (Keith Smiley)
-- SQLite3:
- . Update to Sqlite 3.18.0. (cmb)
- . Fixed bug #74413 (incorrect reflection for SQLite3::enableExceptions).
- (krakjoe)
-- Standard:
- . Add subject to mail log. (tomsommer)
- . Fixed bug #31875 (get_defined_functions additional param to exclude
- disabled functions). (willianveiga)
- . Fixed bug #69442 (closing of fd incorrect when PTS enabled). (jaytaph)
- . Fixed bug #72974 (imap is undefined service on AIX). (matthieu.sarter)
- . Fixed bug #72979 (money_format stores wrong length AIX). (matthieu.sarter)
- . Fixed bug #74300 (unserialize accepts two plus/minus signs for float number exponent part).
- (xKerman)
- . Fixed bug #74556 (stream_socket_get_name() returns '\0'). (Sara)
-- XML:
- . Moved utf8_encode() and utf8_decode() to the Standard extension. (Andrea)
- . Fixed bug #72135 (malformed XML causes fault) (edgarsandi)
-- xmlreader:
- . Fixed bug #74457 (Wrong reflection on XMLReader::expand). (villfa)
- . Use Zend MM for allocation in bundled libxmlrpc (Joe)
-- ZIP:
- . Add support for encrypted archives. (Remi)
- . Use of bundled libzip is deprecated, --with-libzip option is recommended. (Remi)
- . Fixed Bug #73803 (Reflection of ZipArchive does not show public properties). (Remi)
<<< NOTE: Insert NEWS from last stable release here prior to actual release! >>>