+++ /dev/null
-* Copyright (C) 2011-2011, International Business Machines Corporation
-* and others. All Rights Reserved.
-* Date Name Description
-* 05/14/2011 grhoten Creation.
-#include "unicode/utypes.h"
-#include "dicttest.h"
-#include "textfile.h"
-#include "uvector.h"
-#include "unicode/rbbi.h"
-void DictionaryWordTest::TestThaiBreaks() {
- UErrorCode status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
- BreakIterator* b;
- Locale locale = Locale("th");
- int32_t p, index;
- UChar c[]= {
- 0x0E01, 0x0E39, 0x0020, 0x0E01, 0x0E34, 0x0E19, 0x0E01, 0x0E38, 0x0E49, 0x0E07, 0x0020, 0x0E1B,
- 0x0E34, 0x0E49, 0x0E48, 0x0E07, 0x0E2D, 0x0E22, 0x0E39, 0x0E48, 0x0E43, 0x0E19,
- 0x0E16, 0x0E49, 0x0E33, 0x0000
- };
- int32_t expectedWordResult[] = {
- 2, 3, 6, 10, 11, 15, 17, 20, 22
- };
- int32_t expectedLineResult[] = {
- 3, 6, 11, 15, 17, 20, 22
- };
- int32_t size = u_strlen(c);
- UnicodeString text=UnicodeString(c);
- b = BreakIterator::createWordInstance(locale, status);
- if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
- errcheckln(status, "Unable to create thai word break iterator. - %s", u_errorName(status));
- return;
- }
- b->setText(text);
- p = index = 0;
- while ((p=b->next())!=BreakIterator::DONE && p < size) {
- if (p != expectedWordResult[index++]) {
- errln("Incorrect break given by thai word break iterator. Expected: %d Got: %d", expectedWordResult[index-1], p);
- }
- }
- delete b;
- b = BreakIterator::createLineInstance(locale, status);
- if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
- errln("Unable to create thai line break iterator.");
- return;
- }
- b->setText(text);
- p = index = 0;
- while ((p=b->next())!=BreakIterator::DONE && p < size) {
- if (p != expectedLineResult[index++]) {
- errln("Incorrect break given by thai line break iterator. Expected: %d Got: %d", expectedLineResult[index-1], p);
- }
- }
- delete b;
-#define DICTIONARY_TEST_FILE "wordsegments.txt"
-void DictionaryWordTest::TestWordBoundaries() {
- UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
- TextFile phrases(DICTIONARY_TEST_FILE, "UTF8", status);
- if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
- dataerrln("Can't open "DICTIONARY_TEST_FILE": %s; skipping test",
- u_errorName(status));
- return;
- }
- // Due to how the word break iterator works,
- // scripts for languages that use no spaces should use the correct dictionary by default.
- BreakIterator *wb = BreakIterator::createWordInstance("en", status);
- if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
- dataerrln("Word break iterator can not be opened: %s; skipping test",
- u_errorName(status));
- return;
- }
- int32_t pos, pIdx;
- int32_t testLines = 0;
- UnicodeString phrase;
- while (phrases.readLineSkippingComments(phrase, status, FALSE) && U_SUCCESS(status)) {
- UVector breaks(status);
- for (pIdx = 0; pIdx < phrase.length(); pIdx++) {
- if (phrase.charAt(pIdx) == 0x007C /* | */) {
- breaks.addElement(pIdx, status);
- phrase.remove(pIdx, 1);
- }
- }
- breaks.addElement(pIdx, status);
- wb->setText(phrase);
- int32_t brkArrPos = 0;
- while ((pos=wb->next())!=BreakIterator::DONE) {
- int32_t expectedPos = breaks.elementAti(brkArrPos);
- if (expectedPos != pos) {
- errln("Incorrect forward word break on line %d. Expected: %d Got: %d",
- phrases.getLineNumber(), breaks.elementAt(brkArrPos), pos);
- }
- brkArrPos++;
- }
- brkArrPos = breaks.size() - 1;
- while ((pos=wb->previous())!=BreakIterator::DONE) {
- brkArrPos--;
- int32_t expectedPos = breaks.elementAti(brkArrPos);
- if (expectedPos != pos) {
- errln("Incorrect backward word break on line %d. Expected: %d Got: %d",
- phrases.getLineNumber(), breaks.elementAt(brkArrPos), pos);
- }
- }
- testLines++;
- }
- delete wb;
- logln("%d tests were run.", testLines);
-void DictionaryWordTest::runIndexedTest( int32_t index, UBool exec, const char* &name, char* /*par */)
- if (exec) logln("TestSuite DictionaryWordTest: ");
- TESTCASE_AUTO(TestThaiBreaks);
- TESTCASE_AUTO(TestWordBoundaries);
-# Copyright (c) 2001-2011 International Business Machines
+# Copyright (c) 2001-2012 International Business Machines
# Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
# RBBI Test Data
+# Test data originally from http://bugs.icu-project.org/trac/search?q=r30327
+<data>•กู<200> •กิน<200>กุ้ง<200> •ปิ้่<200>งอ<200>ยู่<200>ใน<200>ถ้ำ<200></data>
+# Khmer Tests
+# Test data originally from http://bugs.icu-project.org/trac/search?q=r30327
+# from the file testdata/wordsegments.txt
+<locale en>
# Jitterbug 3671 Test Case