``sudo -u ezmlm ezmlm-sub ~ezmlm/primary-qa-tester/mod moderator-email-address``
-3. Update ``web/qa/trunk/include/release-qa.php`` with the appropriate information.
+3. Update ``qa.git/include/release-qa.php`` with the appropriate information.
See the documentation within release-qa.php for more information, but all releases
and RCs are configured here. Only $QA_RELEASES needs to be edited.
Note: Remember to update the MD5 checksum information.
-4. Update ``web/php/trunk/include/version.inc`` (x=major version number)
+4. Update ``php.git/include/version.inc`` (x=major version number)
a. ``$PHP_x_RC`` = "5.3.0RC1"
b. ``$PHP_x_RC_DATE`` = "06 September 2007"
-5. Commit those changes:
+5. Commit and push those changes:
- a. ``svn commit web/qa/trunk web/php-bugs/trunk web/php/trunk``
+ a. ``git commit -a && git push origin master``
6. For the first RC, write the doc team (phpdoc@lists.php.net) about updating the
INSTALL and win32/install.txt files which are generated from the PHP manual sources.