a closed one if an intact open door is present
guarantee that hostile djinn released from bottles really are hostile
handle lava when removing or losing water walking boots
+fix incomplete sentence occuring when unique monster's corpse fell down stairs
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes
-/* SCCS Id: @(#)dokick.c 3.4 2004/06/12 */
+/* SCCS Id: @(#)dokick.c 3.4 2004/08/02 */
/* Copyright (c) Izchak Miller, Mike Stephenson, Steve Linhart, 1989. */
/* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */
Sprintf(obuf, "%s%s",
(otmp->otyp == CORPSE &&
type_is_pname(&mons[otmp->corpsenm])) ? "" : "The ",
- xname(otmp));
+ cxname(otmp));
if(num) { /* means: other objects are impacted */
Sprintf(eos(obuf), " %s %s object%s",
-/* SCCS Id: @(#)objnam.c 3.4 2003/12/22 */
+/* SCCS Id: @(#)objnam.c 3.4 2004/08/02 */
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */
boolean ignore_oquan; /* to force singular */
char *nambuf = nextobuf();
+ int mndx = otmp->corpsenm;
+ const char *mname = (mndx != NON_PM) ? mons[mndx].mname :
+ (const char *)"thing"; /* shouldn't happen */
- Sprintf(nambuf, "%s corpse", mons[otmp->corpsenm].mname);
+ if (type_is_pname(&mons[mndx])) mname = s_suffix(mname);
+ Sprintf(nambuf, "%s corpse", mname);
if (ignore_oquan || otmp->quan < 2)
return nambuf;