test_path = "!!!_test_!!!"
-class ImportTracker:
- """Importer that only tracks attempted imports."""
- def __init__(self):
- self.imports = []
- def find_module(self, fullname, path=None):
- self.imports.append(fullname)
- return None
class TestImporter:
modules = {
self.meta_path = sys.meta_path[:]
self.path_hooks = sys.path_hooks[:]
- self.tracker = ImportTracker()
- sys.meta_path.insert(0, self.tracker)
+ self.modules_before = sys.modules.copy()
def tearDown(self):
sys.path[:] = self.path
sys.meta_path[:] = self.meta_path
sys.path_hooks[:] = self.path_hooks
- for fullname in self.tracker.imports:
- if fullname in sys.modules:
- del sys.modules[fullname]
+ sys.modules.clear()
+ sys.modules.update(self.modules_before)
class ImportHooksTestCase(ImportHooksBaseTestCase):
for mname in mnames:
m = __import__(mname, globals(), locals(), ["__dummy__"])
m.__loader__ # to make sure we actually handled the import
- # Delete urllib from modules because urlparse was imported above.
- # Without this hack, test_socket_ssl fails if run in this order:
- # regrtest.py test_codecmaps_tw test_importhooks test_socket_ssl
- try:
- del sys.modules['urllib']
- except KeyError:
- pass
def test_main():