Problem: The evalfunc.c file is too big.
Solution: Move sign functionality to sign.c.
-*popup.txt* For Vim version 8.1. Last change: 2019 Jun 22
+*popup.txt* For Vim version 8.1. Last change: 2019 Jun 29
-- click near top of scrollbar scrolls down, clear near bottom scrolls up.
-- Allow for setting scrollbar color: scrollbarhighlight,
- scrollbarthumbhighlight ?
+- Currently 'buftype' is set to "popup", but all the specifics are on the
+ window. Can we use a "normal" buffer and put the type on the window? (#4595)
+ What if it's modified and the window closes?
+- Add test for when popup with mask is off the left and off the right of the
+ screen.
+- check padding/border when popup is off the left and right of the screen.
- Have a way to scroll to the bottom? (#4577)
- Why does 'nrformats' leak from the popup window buffer???
- Disable commands, feedkeys(), CTRL-W, etc. in a popup window.
zero. When all values are one then an empty list is included.
"borderhighlight" is not included when all values are empty.
+ "scrollbarhighlight" and "thumbhighlight" are onlu included
+ when set.
"tabpage" will be -1 for a global popup, zero for a popup on
the current tabpage and a positive number for a popup on
+ scrollbarhighlight
+ thumbhighlight
otherwise ASCII characters are used.
scrollbar non-zero: show a scrollbar when the text doesn't fit.
zero: do not show a scrollbar. Default is non-zero.
+ Also see |popup-scrollbar|.
+ scrollbarhighlight Highlight group name for the scrollbar. The
+ background color is what matters. When not given then
+ PmenuSbar is used.
+ thumbhighlight Highlight group name for the scrollbar thumb. The
+ background color is what matters. When not given then
+ PmenuThumb is used.
zindex Priority for the popup, default 50. Minimum value is
1, maximum value is 32000.
mask A list of lists with coordinates, defining parts of
pressed, the number -1 is passed to the callback.
+POPUP SCROLLBAR *popup-scrollbar*
+If the text does not fit in the popup a scrollbar is displayed on the right of
+the window. This can be disabled by setting the "scrollbar" option to zero.
+When the scrollbar is displayed mouse scroll events, while the mouse pointer
+is on the popup, will cause the text to scroll up or down as you would expect.
+A click in the upper halve of the scrollbar will scroll the text one line
+down. A click in the lower halve wil scroll the text one line up. However,
+this is limited so that the popup does not get smaller.
POPUP MASK *popup-mask*
To minimize the text that the popup covers, parts of it can be made
if (bt_popup(curwin->w_buffer))
- {
- int height = curwin->w_height;
- curwin->w_firstline = curwin->w_topline;
- popup_adjust_position(curwin);
- // we don't want the popup to get smaller, decrement the first line
- // until it doesn't
- while (curwin->w_firstline > 1 && curwin->w_height < height)
- {
- --curwin->w_firstline;
- popup_adjust_position(curwin);
- }
- }
+ popup_set_firstline(curwin);
# ifdef FEAT_GUI
+ * Set w_firstline to match the current "wp->w_topline".
+ */
+ void
+popup_set_firstline(win_T *wp)
+ int height = wp->w_height;
+ wp->w_firstline = wp->w_topline;
+ popup_adjust_position(wp);
+ // we don't want the popup to get smaller, decrement the first line
+ // until it doesn't
+ while (wp->w_firstline > 1 && wp->w_height < height)
+ {
+ --wp->w_firstline;
+ popup_adjust_position(wp);
+ }
+ * Handle a click in a popup window, if it is in the scrollbar.
+ */
+ void
+popup_handle_scrollbar_click(win_T *wp, int row, int col)
+ int height = popup_height(wp);
+ int old_topline = wp->w_topline;
+ if (wp->w_has_scrollbar == 0)
+ return;
+ if (row >= wp->w_popup_border[0]
+ && row < height - wp->w_popup_border[2]
+ && col == popup_width(wp) - 1)
+ {
+ if (row >= height / 2)
+ {
+ // Click in lower half, scroll down.
+ if (wp->w_topline < wp->w_buffer->b_ml.ml_line_count)
+ ++wp->w_topline;
+ }
+ else if (wp->w_topline > 1)
+ // click on upper half, scroll up.
+ --wp->w_topline;
+ if (wp->w_topline != old_topline)
+ {
+ popup_set_firstline(wp);
+ redraw_win_later(wp, NOT_VALID);
+ }
+ }
#if defined(FEAT_TIMERS)
static void
popup_add_timeout(win_T *wp, int time)
return wp->w_width
+ wp->w_popup_padding[3] + wp->w_popup_border[3]
- + wp->w_popup_padding[1] + wp->w_popup_border[1];
+ + wp->w_popup_padding[1] + wp->w_popup_border[1]
+ + wp->w_has_scrollbar;
int popup_on_border(win_T *wp, int row, int col);
void popup_start_drag(win_T *wp);
void popup_drag(win_T *wp);
+void popup_set_firstline(win_T *wp);
+void popup_handle_scrollbar_click(win_T *wp, int row, int col);
int popup_height(win_T *wp);
int popup_width(win_T *wp);
void popup_adjust_position(win_T *wp);
int w_wantcol; // "col" for popup window
int w_firstline; // "firstline" for popup window
int w_want_scrollbar; // when zero don't use a scrollbar
- int w_has_scrollbar; // scrollbar displayed
+ int w_has_scrollbar; // 1 if scrollbar displayed, 0 otherwise
char_u *w_scrollbar_highlight; // "scrollbarhighlight"
char_u *w_thumb_highlight; // "thumbhighlight"
int w_popup_padding[4]; // popup padding top/right/bot/left
--- /dev/null
+>1+0&#ffffff0| @73
+|2| @73
+|3| @73
+|4| @31|f+0#0000001#ffd7ff255|o|u|r| @3| +0#0000000#ff404010| +0&#ffffff0@32
+|5| @31|f+0#0000001#ffd7ff255|i|v|e| @3| +0#0000000#4040ff13| +0&#ffffff0@32
+|6| @31|s+0#0000001#ffd7ff255|i|x| @4| +0#0000000#4040ff13| +0&#ffffff0@32
+|7| @31|s+0#0000001#ffd7ff255|e|v|e|n| @2| +0#0000000#ff404010| +0&#ffffff0@32
+|8| @73
+|9| @73
+|:|c|a|l@1| |C|l|i|c|k|T|o|p|(|)| @40|1|,|1| @10|T|o|p|
--- /dev/null
+>1+0&#ffffff0| @73
+|2| @73
+|3| @73
+|4| @31|f+0#0000001#ffd7ff255|i|v|e| @3| +0#0000000#ff404010| +0&#ffffff0@32
+|5| @31|s+0#0000001#ffd7ff255|i|x| @4| +0#0000000#ff404010| +0&#ffffff0@32
+|6| @31|s+0#0000001#ffd7ff255|e|v|e|n| @2| +0#0000000#4040ff13| +0&#ffffff0@32
+|7| @31|e+0#0000001#ffd7ff255|i|g|h|t| @2| +0#0000000#4040ff13| +0&#ffffff0@32
+|8| @73
+|9| @73
+|:|c|a|l@1| |C|l|i|c|k|B|o|t|(|)| @40|1|,|1| @10|T|o|p|
func ScrollDown()
call feedkeys("\<F3>\<ScrollWheelDown>", "xt")
+ func ClickTop()
+ call feedkeys("\<F4>\<LeftMouse>", "xt")
+ endfunc
+ func ClickBot()
+ call feedkeys("\<F5>\<LeftMouse>", "xt")
+ endfunc
map <silent> <F3> :call test_setmouse(5, 36)<CR>
+ map <silent> <F4> :call test_setmouse(4, 42)<CR>
+ map <silent> <F5> :call test_setmouse(7, 42)<CR>
call writefile(lines, 'XtestPopupScroll')
let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XtestPopupScroll', {'rows': 10})
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call ScrollDown()\<CR>")
call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_popupwin_scroll_7', {})
+ call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call ClickTop()\<CR>")
+ sleep 100m
+ call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call ClickTop()\<CR>")
+ call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_popupwin_scroll_8', {})
+ call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call ClickBot()\<CR>")
+ call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_popupwin_scroll_9', {})
" clean up
call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
call delete('XtestPopupScroll')
return IN_OTHER_WIN;
- // Continue a modeless selection in a popup window.
+ // Continue a modeless selection in a popup window or dragging it.
if (in_popup_win)
if (popup_dragwin != NULL)
return IN_UNKNOWN;
+ if (which_button == MOUSE_LEFT)
+ // If the click is in the scrollbar, may scroll up/down.
+ popup_handle_scrollbar_click(wp, row, col);
return IN_OTHER_WIN;
# else
if (*rowp >= wp->w_winrow && *rowp < wp->w_winrow + popup_height(wp)
&& *colp >= wp->w_wincol
- && *colp < wp->w_wincol + popup_width(wp))
+ && *colp < wp->w_wincol + popup_width(wp))
pwp = wp;
if (pwp != NULL)
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 1607,