+" Test changing indent in replace mode
func Test_edit_12()
- " Test changing indent in replace mode
call setline(1, ["\tabc", "\tdef"])
call cursor(2, 4)
call feedkeys("R\<c-t>\<c-t>", 'tnix')
call assert_equal(["\tabc", "\t\t\tdef"], getline(1, '$'))
call assert_equal([0, 2, 2, 0], getpos('.'))
- set et
- set sw& et&
+ set sw&
+ " In replace mode, after hitting enter in a line with tab characters,
+ " pressing backspace should restore the tab characters.
- call setline(1, ["\t/*"])
- set formatoptions=croql
- call cursor(1, 3)
- call feedkeys("A\<cr>\<cr>/", 'tnix')
- call assert_equal(["\t/*", " *", " */"], getline(1, '$'))
- set formatoptions&
+ setlocal autoindent backspace=2
+ call setline(1, "\tone\t\ttwo")
+ exe "normal ggRred\<CR>six" .. repeat("\<BS>", 8)
+ call assert_equal(["\tone\t\ttwo"], getline(1, '$'))
call setline(1, ['', 'abcd', ''])
call assert_fails('exe "normal 2G$a\<C-X>\<C-U>"', 'E578:')
+ " Jump to a different window from the complete function
+ " TODO: The following test causes an ASAN failure. Once this issue is
+ " addressed, enable the following test.
+ "func! CompleteFunc(findstart, base)
+ " if a:findstart == 1
+ " return col('.') - 1
+ " endif
+ " wincmd p
+ " return ['a', 'b']
+ "endfunc
+ "set completefunc=CompleteFunc
+ "new
+ "call assert_fails('exe "normal a\<C-X>\<C-U>"', 'E839:')
+ "close!
set completefunc&
delfunc CompleteFunc
delfunc CompleteFunc2
+" Test for returning non-string values from 'completefunc'
+func Test_completefunc_invalid_data()
+ new
+ func! CompleteFunc(findstart, base)
+ if a:findstart == 1
+ return col('.') - 1
+ endif
+ return [{}, '', 'moon']
+ endfunc
+ set completefunc=CompleteFunc
+ exe "normal i\<C-X>\<C-U>"
+ call assert_equal('moon', getline(1))
+ set completefunc&
+ close!
" Test for errors in using complete() function
func Test_complete_func_error()
call assert_fails('call complete(1, ["a"])', 'E785:')
delfunc ListColors
delfunc ListMonths
call assert_fails('call complete_info({})', 'E714:')
+ call assert_equal([], complete_info(['items']).items)
" Test for completing words following a completed word in a line
+" Test for completing special characters
+func Test_complete_special_chars()
+ new
+ call setline(1, 'int .*[-\^$ func float')
+ call feedkeys("oin\<C-X>\<C-P>\<C-X>\<C-P>\<C-X>\<C-P>", 'xt')
+ call assert_equal('int .*[-\^$ func float', getline(2))
+ close!
+" Test for completion when text is wrapped across lines.
+func Test_complete_across_line()
+ new
+ call setline(1, ['red green blue', 'one two three'])
+ setlocal textwidth=20
+ exe "normal 2G$a re\<C-X>\<C-P>\<C-X>\<C-P>\<C-X>\<C-P>\<C-X>\<C-P>"
+ call assert_equal(['one two three red', 'green blue one'], getline(2, '$'))
+ close!
+" Test for using CTRL-L to add one character when completing matching
+func Test_complete_add_onechar()
+ new
+ call setline(1, ['wool', 'woodwork'])
+ call feedkeys("Gowoo\<C-P>\<C-P>\<C-P>\<C-L>f", 'xt')
+ call assert_equal('woof', getline(3))
+ " use 'ignorecase' and backspace to erase characters from the prefix string
+ " and then add letters using CTRL-L
+ %d
+ set ignorecase backspace=2
+ setlocal complete=.
+ call setline(1, ['workhorse', 'workload'])
+ normal Go
+ exe "normal aWOR\<C-P>\<bs>\<bs>\<bs>\<bs>\<bs>\<bs>\<C-L>r\<C-L>\<C-L>"
+ call assert_equal('workh', getline(3))
+ set ignorecase& backspace&
+ close!
+" Test insert completion with 'cindent' (adjust the indent)
+func Test_complete_with_cindent()
+ new
+ setlocal cindent
+ call setline(1, ['if (i == 1)', " j = 2;"])
+ exe "normal Go{\<CR>i\<C-X>\<C-L>\<C-X>\<C-L>\<CR>}"
+ call assert_equal(['{', "\tif (i == 1)", "\t\tj = 2;", '}'], getline(3, '$'))
+ %d
+ call setline(1, ['when while', '{', ''])
+ setlocal cinkeys+==while
+ exe "normal Giwh\<C-P> "
+ call assert_equal("\twhile ", getline('$'))
+ close!
+" Test for <CTRL-X> <CTRL-V> completion. Complete commands and functions
+func Test_complete_cmdline()
+ new
+ exe "normal icaddb\<C-X>\<C-V>"
+ call assert_equal('caddbuffer', getline(1))
+ exe "normal ocall getqf\<C-X>\<C-V>"
+ call assert_equal('call getqflist(', getline(2))
+ exe "normal oabcxyz(\<C-X>\<C-V>"
+ call assert_equal('abcxyz(', getline(3))
+ close!
" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab
+" Test for automatically adding comment leaders in insert mode
+func Test_threepiece_comment()
+ new
+ setlocal expandtab
+ call setline(1, ["\t/*"])
+ setlocal formatoptions=croql
+ call cursor(1, 3)
+ call feedkeys("A\<cr>\<cr>/", 'tnix')
+ call assert_equal(["\t/*", " *", " */"], getline(1, '$'))
+ " If a comment ends in a single line, then don't add it in the next line
+ %d
+ call setline(1, '/* line1 */')
+ call feedkeys("A\<CR>next line", 'xt')
+ call assert_equal(['/* line1 */', 'next line'], getline(1, '$'))
+ %d
+ " Copy the trailing indentation from the leader comment to a new line
+ setlocal autoindent noexpandtab
+ call feedkeys("a\t/*\tone\ntwo\n/", 'xt')
+ call assert_equal(["\t/*\tone", "\t *\ttwo", "\t */"], getline(1, '$'))
+ close!
" Test for the 'f' flag in 'comments' (only the first line has the comment
" string)
func Test_firstline_comment()