-$Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/doc/src/sgml/Attic/plsql.sgml,v 2.21 2001/02/21 17:50:38 petere Exp $
+$Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/doc/src/sgml/Attic/plsql.sgml,v 2.22 2001/03/09 19:09:00 petere Exp $
- <chapter id="plsql">
+ <chapter id="plpgsql">
<title>PL/pgSQL - <acronym>SQL</acronym> Procedural Language</title>
This package was originally written by Jan Wieck.
- <sect1 id="plsql-overview">
+ <sect1 id="plpgsql-overview">
<!-- **** PL/pgSQL statements **** -->
- <sect2>
+ <sect2 id="plpgsql-statements">
- </chapter>
+ <sect1 id="plpgsql-porting">
+ <sect1info>
+ <date>
+ February 2001
+ </date>
+ <author>
+ <firstname>Roberto</firstname>
+ <surname>Mello</surname>
+ <affiliation>
+ <address>
+ <email>rmello@fslc.usu.edu</email>
+ </address>
+ </affiliation>
+ </author>
+ <legalnotice>
+ <para>
+ Except for portions of this document quoted from other sources,
+ this document is licensed under the BSD License.
+ </para>
+ </legalnotice>
+ </sect1info>
+ <title>Porting from Oracle PL/SQL</title>
+ <note>
+ <title>Author</title>
+ <para>
+ Roberto Mello (<email>rmello@fslc.usu.edu</email>)
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ <para>
+ This section explains differences between Oracle's PL/SQL and
+ PostgreSQL's PL/pgSQL languages in the hopes of helping developers
+ port applications from Oracle to PostgreSQL. Most of the code here
+ is from the <ulink url="http://www.arsdigita.com">ArsDigita</ulink>
+ <ulink url="http://www.arsdigita.com/asj/clickstream">Clickstream
+ module</ulink> that I ported to PostgreSQL when I took an
+ internship with <ulink url="http://www.openforce.net">OpenForce
+ Inc.</ulink> in the Summer of 2000.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ PL/pgSQL is similar to PL/SQL in many aspects. It is a block
+ structured, imperative language (all variables have to be
+ declared). PL/SQL has many more features than its PostgreSQL
+ counterpart, but PL/pgSQL allows for a great deal of functionality
+ and it is being improved constantly.
+ </para>
+ <sect2>
+ <title>Main Differences</title>
+ <para>
+ Some things you should keep in mind when porting from Oracle to PostgreSQL:
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ No default parameters in PostgreSQL.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ You can overload functions in PostgreSQL. This is often used to work
+ around the lack of default parameters.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Assignments, loops and conditionals are similar.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ No need for cursors in PostgreSQL, just put the query in the FOR
+ statement (see example below)
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ In PostgreSQL you <emphasis>need</emphasis> to escape single
+ quotes. See <xref linkend="plpgsql-quote">.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </para>
+ <sect3 id="plpgsql-quote">
+ <title>Quote Me on That: Escaping Single Quotes</title>
+ <para>
+ In PostgreSQL you need to escape single quotes inside your
+ function definition. This can lead to quite amusing code at
+ times, especially if you are creating a function that generates
+ other function(s), as in <xref
+ linkend="plpgsql-porting-nastyquote">. One thing to keep in mind
+ when escaping lots of single quotes is that, except for the
+ beginning/ending quotes, all the others will come in even
+ quantity.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ <xref linkend="plpgsql-quoting-table"> gives the scoop. (You'll
+ love this little chart.)
+ </para>
+ <table id="plpgsql-quoting-table">
+ <title>Single Quotes Escaping Chart</title>
+ <tgroup cols="4">
+ <thead>
+ <row>
+ <entry>No. of Quotes</entry>
+ <entry>Usage</entry>
+ <entry>Example</entry>
+ <entry>Result</entry>
+ </row>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <row>
+ <entry>1</entry>
+ <entry>To begin/terminate function bodies</entry>
+ <entry><programlisting>
+LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
+ <entry>as is</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>2</entry>
+ <entry>In assignments, SELECTs, to delimit strings, etc.</entry>
+ <entry><programlisting>
+a_output := ''Blah'';
+SELECT * FROM users WHERE f_name=''foobar'';
+ <entry><literal>SELECT * FROM users WHERE f_name='foobar';</literal></entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>4</entry>
+ <entry>
+ When you need two single quotes in your resulting string
+ without terminating that string.
+ </entry>
+ <entry><programlisting>
+a_output := a_output || '' AND name
+ LIKE ''''foobar'''' AND ...''
+ <entry><literal>AND name LIKE 'foobar' AND ...</literal></entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>6</entry>
+ <entry>
+ When you want double quotes in your resulting string
+ <emphasis>and</emphasis> terminate that string.
+ </entry>
+ <entry><programlisting>
+a_output := a_output || '' AND name
+ LIKE ''''foobar''''''
+ <entry>
+ <literal>AND name LIKE 'foobar'</literal>
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>10</entry>
+ <entry>
+ When you want two single quotes in the resulting string
+ (which accounts for 8 quotes) <emphasis>and</emphasis>
+ terminate that string (2 more). You will probably only need
+ that if you were using a function to generate other functions
+ (like in <xref linkend="plpgsql-porting-nastyquote">).
+ </entry>
+ <entry><programlisting>
+a_output := a_output || '' if v_'' ||
+ referrer_keys.kind || '' like ''''''''''
+ || referrer_keys.key_string || ''''''''''
+ then return '''''' || referrer_keys.referrer_type
+ || ''''''; end if;'';
+ <entry>
+ <literal>if v_<...> like ''<...>'' then return ''<...>''; end if;</literal>
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ </tbody>
+ </tgroup>
+ </table>
+ </sect3>
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 id="plpgsql-porting-functions">
+ <title>
+ Porting Functions
+ </title>
+ <example>
+ <title>
+ A Simple Function
+ </title>
+ <para>
+ Here is an Oracle function:
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cs_fmt_browser_version(v_name IN varchar, v_version IN varchar)
+RETURN varchar IS
+ IF v_version IS NULL THEN
+ RETURN v_name;
+ RETURN v_name || '/' || v_version;
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Let's go through this function and see the differences to PL/pgSQL:
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ The <literal>OR REPLACE</literal> clause is not allowed. You
+ will have to explicitly drop the function before creating it
+ to achieve similar results.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> does not have named
+ parameters. You have to explicitly alias them inside your
+ function.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Oracle can have <literal>IN</literal>, <literal>OUT</literal>,
+ and <literal>INOUT</literal> parameters passed to functions.
+ The <literal>INOUT</literal>, for example, means that the
+ parameter will receive a value and return another. PostgreSQL
+ only has <quote>IN</quote> parameters and functions can return
+ only a single value.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ The <literal>RETURN</literal> key word in the function
+ prototype (not the function body) becomes
+ <literal>RETURNS</literal> in PostgreSQL.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ On PostgreSQL functions are created using single quotes as
+ delimiters, so you have to escape single quotes inside your
+ functions (which can be quite annoying at times; see <xref
+ linkend="plpgsql-quote">).
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ The <literal>/show errors</literal> command does not exist in
+ PostgreSQL.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ So let's see how this function would be look like ported to
+ PostgreSQL:
+DROP FUNCTION cs_fmt_browser_version(varchar, varchar);
+CREATE FUNCTION cs_fmt_browser_version(varchar, varchar)
+RETRUNS varchar AS '
+ v_name ALIAS FOR $1;
+ v_version ALIAS FOR $2;
+ IF v_version IS NULL THEN
+ return v_name;
+ RETURN v_name || ''/'' || v_version;
+' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
+ </para>
+ </example>
+ <example id="plpgsql-porting-nastyquote">
+ <title>
+ A Function that Creates Another Function
+ </title>
+ <para>
+ The following procedure grabs rows from a
+ <literal>SELECT</literal> statement and builds a large function
+ with the results in <literal>IF</literal> statements, for the
+ sake of efficiency. Notice particularly the differences in
+ cursors, <literal>FOR</literal> loops, and the need to escape
+ single quotes in PostgreSQL.
+create or replace procedure cs_update_referrer_type_proc is
+ cursor referrer_keys is
+ select * from cs_referrer_keys
+ order by try_order;
+ a_output varchar(4000);
+ a_output := 'create or replace function cs_find_referrer_type(v_host IN varchar, v_domain IN varchar,
+v_url IN varchar) return varchar is begin';
+ for referrer_key in referrer_keys loop
+ a_output := a_output || ' if v_' || referrer_key.kind || ' like ''' ||
+referrer_key.key_string || ''' then return ''' || referrer_key.referrer_type ||
+'''; end if;';
+ end loop;
+ a_output := a_output || ' return null; end;';
+ execute immediate a_output;
+show errors
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Here is how this function would end up in PostgreSQL:
+CREATE FUNCTION cs_update_referrer_type_proc() RETURNS integer AS '
+ referrer_keys RECORD; -- Declare a generic record to be used in a FOR
+ a_output varchar(4000);
+ a_output := ''CREATE FUNCTION cs_find_referrer_type(varchar,varchar,varchar)
+ RETURNS varchar AS ''''
+ v_host ALIAS FOR $1;
+ v_domain ALIAS FOR $2;
+ v_url ALIAS FOR $3; '';
+ --
+ -- Notice how we scan through the results of a query in a FOR loop
+ -- using the FOR <record> construct.
+ --
+ FOR referrer_keys IN select * from cs_referrer_keys order by try_order LOOP
+ a_output := a_output || '' if v_'' || referrer_keys.kind || '' like ''''''''''
+ || referrer_keys.key_string || '''''''''' then return ''''''
+ || referrer_keys.referrer_type || ''''''; end if;'';
+ a_output := a_output || '' return null; end; '''' language ''''plpgsql'''';'';
+ -- This works because we are not substituting any variables
+ -- Otherwise it would fail. Look at PERFORM for another way to run functions
+ EXECUTE a_output;
+' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
+ </para>
+ </example>
+ <example>
+ <title>
+ A Procedure with a lot of String Manipulation and OUT Parameters
+ </title>
+ <para>
+ The following Oracle PL/SQL procedure is used to parse a URL and
+ return several elements (host, path and query). It is an
+ procedure because in functions only one value can be returned
+ (see <xref linkend="plpgsql-porting-procedures">). In
+ PostgreSQL, one way to work around this is to split the procedure
+ in three different functions: one to return the host, another for
+ the path and another for the query.
+ </para>
+create or replace procedure cs_parse_url(
+ v_url IN varchar,
+ v_host OUT varchar, -- This will be passed back
+ v_path OUT varchar, -- This one too
+ v_query OUT varchar) -- And this one
+ a_pos1 integer;
+ a_pos2 integer;
+ v_host := NULL;
+ v_path := NULL;
+ v_query := NULL;
+ a_pos1 := instr(v_url, '//'); -- PostgreSQL doesn't have an instr function
+ if a_pos1 = 0 then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ a_pos2 := instr(v_url, '/', a_pos1 + 2);
+ if a_pos2 = 0 then
+ v_host := substr(v_url, a_pos1 + 2);
+ v_path := '/';
+ return;
+ end if;
+ v_host := substr(v_url, a_pos1 + 2, a_pos2 - a_pos1 - 2);
+ a_pos1 := instr(v_url, '?', a_pos2 + 1);
+ if a_pos1 = 0 then
+ v_path := substr(v_url, a_pos2);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ v_path := substr(v_url, a_pos2, a_pos1 - a_pos2);
+ v_query := substr(v_url, a_pos1 + 1);
+show errors;
+ <para>
+ Here is how this procedure could be translated for PostgreSQL:
+ drop function cs_parse_url_host(varchar);
+ create function cs_parse_url_host(varchar) returns varchar as '
+ declare
+ v_url ALIAS FOR $1;
+ v_host varchar;
+ v_path varchar;
+ a_pos1 integer;
+ a_pos2 integer;
+ a_pos3 integer;
+ begin
+ v_host := NULL;
+ a_pos1 := instr(v_url,''//'');
+ if a_pos1 = 0 then
+ return ''''; -- Return a blank
+ end if;
+ a_pos2 := instr(v_url,''/'',a_pos1 + 2);
+ if a_pos2 = 0 then
+ v_host := substr(v_url, a_pos1 + 2);
+ v_path := ''/'';
+ return v_host;
+ end if;
+ v_host := substr(v_url, a_pos1 + 2, a_pos2 - a_pos1 - 2 );
+ return v_host;
+ end;
+ ' language 'plpgsql';
+ </para>
+ </example>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ PostgreSQL does not have an <function>instr</function> function,
+ so you can work around it using a combination of other functions.
+ I got tired of doing this and created my own
+ <function>instr</function> functions that behave exactly like
+ Oracle's (it makes life easier). See the <xref
+ linkend="plpgsql-porting-appendix"> for the code.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 id="plpgsql-porting-procedures">
+ <title>
+ Procedures
+ </title>
+ <para>
+ Oracle procedures give a little more flexibility to the developer
+ because nothing needs to be explicitly returned, but it can be
+ through the use of INOUT or OUT parameters.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ An example:
+create or replace procedure cs_create_job(v_job_id in integer)
+ a_running_job_count integer;
+ pragma autonomous_transaction;<co id="co.plpgsql-porting-pragma">
+ lock table cs_jobs in exclusive mode;<co id="co.plpgsql-porting-locktable">
+ select count(*) into a_running_job_count from cs_jobs
+ where end_stamp is null;
+ if a_running_job_count > 0 then
+ commit; -- free lock<co id="co.plpgsql-porting-commit">
+ raise_application_error(-20000, 'Unable to create a new job: a job is currently running.');
+ end if;
+ delete from cs_active_job;
+ insert into cs_active_job(job_id) values(v_job_id);
+ begin
+ insert into cs_jobs(job_id, start_stamp) values(v_job_id, sysdate);
+ exception when dup_val_on_index then null; -- don't worry if it already exists<co id="co.plpgsql-porting-exception">
+ end;
+ commit;
+show errors
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Procedures like this can be easily converted into PostgreSQL
+ functions returning an <type>INTEGER</type>. This procedure in
+ particular is interesting because it can teach us some things:
+ <calloutlist>
+ <callout arearefs="co.plpgsql-porting-pragma">
+ <para>
+ There is no <literal>pragma</literal> statement in PostgreSQL.
+ </para>
+ </callout>
+ <callout arearefs="co.plpgsql-porting-locktable">
+ <para>
+ If you do a <literal>LOCK TABLE</literal> in PL/pgSQL, the lock
+ will not be released until the calling transaction is finished.
+ </para>
+ </callout>
+ <callout arearefs="co.plpgsql-porting-commit">
+ <para>
+ You also cannot have transactions in PL/pgSQL procedures. The
+ entire function (and other functions called from therein) is
+ executed in a transaction and PostgreSQL rolls back the results if
+ something goes wrong. Therefore only one
+ <literal>BEGIN</literal> statement is allowed.
+ </para>
+ </callout>
+ <callout arearefs="co.plpgsql-porting-exception">
+ <para>
+ The exception when would have to be replaced by an
+ <literal>IF</literal> statement.
+ </para>
+ </callout>
+ </calloutlist>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ So let's see one of the ways we could port this procedure to PL/pgSQL:
+drop function cs_create_job(integer);
+create function cs_create_job(integer) returns integer as ' declare
+ v_job_id alias for $1;
+ a_running_job_count integer;
+ a_num integer;
+ -- pragma autonomous_transaction;
+ lock table cs_jobs in exclusive mode;
+ select count(*) into a_running_job_count from cs_jobs where end_stamp is null;
+ if a_running_job_count > 0 then
+ -- commit; -- free lock
+ raise exception ''Unable to create a new job: a job is currently running.'';
+ end if;
+ delete from cs_active_job;
+ insert into cs_active_job(job_id) values(v_job_id);
+ SELECT count(*) into a_num FROM cs_jobs WHERE job_id=v_job_id;
+ IF NOT FOUND THEN -- If nothing was returned in the last query
+ -- This job is not in the table so lets insert it.
+ insert into cs_jobs(job_id, start_stamp) values(v_job_id, sysdate());
+ return 1;
+ raise NOTICE ''Job already running.'';<co id="co.plpgsql-porting-raise">
+ return 0;
+' language 'plpgsql';
+ <calloutlist>
+ <callout arearefs="co.plpgsql-porting-raise">
+ <para>
+ Notice how you can raise notices (or errors) in PL/pgSQL.
+ </para>
+ </callout>
+ </calloutlist>
+ </para>
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 id="plpgsql-porting-packages">
+ <title>
+ Packages
+ </title>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ I haven't done much with packages myself, so if there are
+ mistakes here, please let me know.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ <para>
+ Packages are a way Oracle gives you to encapsulate PL/SQL
+ statements and functions into one entity, like Java classes, where
+ you define methods and objects. You can access these
+ objects/methods with a <quote><literal>.</literal></quote>
+ (dot). Here is an example of an Oracle package from ACS 4 (the
+ <ulink url="http://www.arsdigita.com/doc/">ArsDigita Community
+ System</ulink>):
+create or replace package body acs
+ function add_user (
+ user_id in users.user_id%TYPE default null,
+ object_type in acs_objects.object_type%TYPE
+ default 'user',
+ creation_date in acs_objects.creation_date%TYPE
+ default sysdate,
+ creation_user in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE
+ default null,
+ creation_ip in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null,
+ ...
+ ) return users.user_id%TYPE
+ is
+ v_user_id users.user_id%TYPE;
+ v_rel_id membership_rels.rel_id%TYPE;
+ begin
+ v_user_id := acs_user.new (user_id, object_type, creation_date,
+ creation_user, creation_ip, email,
+ ...
+ return v_user_id;
+ end;
+end acs;
+show errors
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ We port this to PostgreSQL by creating the different objects of
+ the Oracle package as functions with a standard naming
+ convention. We have to pay attention to some other details, like
+ the lack of default parameters in PostgreSQL functions. The above
+ package would become something like this:
+CREATE FUNCTION acs__add_user(integer,integer,varchar,datetime,integer,integer,...)
+RETURNS integer AS '
+ user_id ALIAS FOR $1;
+ object_type ALIAS FOR $2;
+ creation_date ALIAS FOR $3;
+ creation_user ALIAS FOR $4;
+ creation_ip ALIAS FOR $5;
+ ...
+ v_user_id users.user_id%TYPE;
+ v_rel_id membership_rels.rel_id%TYPE;
+ v_user_id := acs_user__new(user_id,object_type,creation_date,creation_user,creation_ip, ...);
+ ...
+ return v_user_id;
+' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
+ </para>
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 id="plpgsql-porting-other">
+ <title>
+ Other Things to Watch For
+ </title>
+ <sect3>
+ <title>EXECUTE</title>
+ <para>
+ The PostgreSQL version of <literal>EXECUTE</literal> works
+ nicely, but you have to remember to use
+ <function>quote_literal(TEXT)</function> and
+ <function>quote_string(TEXT)</function> as described in <xref
+ linkend="plpgsql-statements">. Constructs of the type
+ <literal>EXECUTE ''SELECT * from $1'';</literal> will not work
+ unless you use these functions.
+ </para>
+ </sect3>
+ <sect3 id="plpgsql-porting-optimization">
+ <title>Optimizing PL/pgSQL Functions</title>
+ <para>
+ PostgreSQL gives you two function creation modifiers to optimize
+ execution: <literal>iscachable</literal> (function always returns
+ the same result when given the same arguments) and
+ <literal>isstrict</literal> (function returns NULL if any
+ argument is NULL). Consult the <literal>CREATE
+ FUNCTION</literal> reference for details.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ To make use of these optimization attributes, you have to use the
+ <literal>WITH</literal> modifier in your <literal>CREATE
+ FUNCTION</literal> statement. Something like:
+CREATE FUNCTION foo(...) RETURNS integer AS '
+' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
+WITH (isstrict, iscachable);
+ </para>
+ </sect3>
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 id="plpgsql-porting-appendix">
+ <title>
+ Appendix
+ </title>
+ <sect3>
+ <title>
+ Code for my <function>instr</function> functions
+ </title>
+ <comment>
+ This function should probably be integrated into the core.
+ </comment>
+ <para>
+ The third function (that takes 4 parameters) is implemented in
+ PL/Tcl but I plan on porting it to PL/pgSQL so in case we want to
+ include it in OpenACS we don't need to require PL/Tcl. Plus
+ PL/pgSQL should be more efficient.
+ </para>
+-- instr functions that mimic Oracle's counterpart
+-- Syntax: instr(string1,string2,[n],[m]) where [] denotes optional params.
+-- Searches string1 beginning at the nth character for the mth
+-- occurrence of string2. If n is negative, search backwards. If m is
+-- not passed, assume 1 (search starts at first character).
+-- by Roberto Mello (rmello@fslc.usu.edu)
+-- Licensed under the GPL v2 or later.
+DROP FUNCTION instr(varchar, varchar);
+CREATE FUNCTION instr(varchar, varchar) RETURNS integer AS '
+ pos integer;
+ pos:= instr($1, $2, 1);
+ RETURN pos;
+' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
+DROP FUNCTION instr(varchar, varchar, integer);
+CREATE FUNCTION instr(varchar, varchar, integer) RETURNS integer AS '
+ string ALIAS FOR $1;
+ string_to_search ALIAS FOR $2;
+ beg_index ALIAS FOR $3;
+ pos integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
+ ending integer;
+ temp_str varchar;
+ beg integer;
+ length integer;
+ temp_int integer;
+ IF beg_index > 0 THEN
+ -- Get substring from 1 to beg_index
+ temp_str := substring(string FROM beg_index);
+ pos := position(string_to_search IN temp_str);
+ IF pos = 0 THEN
+ RETURN pos + beg_index - 1;
+ length := char_length(string);
+ IF beg_index = -1 THEN
+ ending := length;
+ beg := ending;
+ temp_int := 1;
+ ending := length - abs(beg_index);
+ beg := ending;
+ temp_int := ending - beg;
+ WHILE pos = 0 AND beg <> 1 LOOP
+ temp_str := substring(string FROM beg FOR temp_int);
+ pos := position(string_to_search IN temp_str);
+ -- Keep moving left
+ beg := beg - 1;
+ temp_int := (ending - beg) + 1;
+ IF pos = 0 THEN
+ RETURN beg + 1;
+' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
+-- The next one (where all four params are passed) is in PL/Tcl
+-- because I had no more patience to do it in PL/pgSQL.
+-- It'd probably be faster in PL/pgSQL (that being the reason why
+-- I implemented the first two functions in PL/pgSQL) so someday I'll do it.
+DROP FUNCTION instr(varchar, varchar, integer, integer);
+CREATE FUNCTION instr(varchar, varchar, integer, integer) RETURNS integer AS '
+ set string1 $1
+ set string2 $2
+ set n $3
+ set m $4
+ if { $n > 0 } {
+ set pos [string first $string2 $string1 [expr $n -1]]
+ if { $pos < 0 } {
+ return 0
+ } else {
+ for { set i 1 } { $i < $m } { incr i } {
+ set pos [string first $string2 $string1 [expr $pos + 1]]
+ if { $pos < 0 } {
+ return 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if { $n < 0 } {
+ set pos [string last $string2 $string1 [expr [string length $string1] + $n]]
+ if { $pos < 0 } {
+ return 0
+ } else {
+ for { set i 1 } { $i < $m } { incr i } {
+ # n is negative so we add
+ set pos [string last $string2 $string1 [expr $pos - 1]]
+ if { $pos < 0 } {
+ return 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if { $pos < 0 } {
+ return 0
+ } else {
+ return [expr $pos + 1]
+ }
+' LANGUAGE 'pltcl';
+ </programlisting>
+ </sect3>
+ </sect2>
+ </sect1>
<!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
Local variables: