--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (c) 2010 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+ * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include <tmmintrin.h>
+#include "vpx_ports/mem.h"
+#include "vpx_ports/emmintrin_compat.h"
+// filters only for the 4_h8 convolution
+DECLARE_ALIGNED(16, const unsigned char,
+filt1_4_h8[16])= {0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6};
+DECLARE_ALIGNED(16, const unsigned char,
+filt2_4_h8[16])= {4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10};
+// filters for 8_h8 and 16_h8
+DECLARE_ALIGNED(16, const unsigned char,
+filt1_global[16])= {0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8};
+DECLARE_ALIGNED(16, const unsigned char,
+filt2_global[16])= {2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10};
+DECLARE_ALIGNED(16, const unsigned char,
+filt3_global[16])= {4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12};
+DECLARE_ALIGNED(16, const unsigned char,
+filt4_global[16])= {6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 14};
+void vp9_filter_block1d4_h8_intrin_ssse3(unsigned char *src_ptr,
+ unsigned int src_pixels_per_line,
+ unsigned char *output_ptr,
+ unsigned int output_pitch,
+ unsigned int output_height,
+ int16_t *filter) {
+ __m128i firstFilters, secondFilters, thirdFilters, forthFilters;
+ __m128i srcRegFilt1, srcRegFilt2, srcRegFilt3, srcRegFilt4;
+ __m128i addFilterReg64, filtersReg, srcReg, minReg;
+ unsigned int i;
+ // create a register with 0,64,0,64,0,64,0,64,0,64,0,64,0,64,0,64
+ addFilterReg64 =_mm_set1_epi32((int)0x0400040u);
+ filtersReg = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)filter);
+ // converting the 16 bit (short) to 8 bit (byte) and have the same data
+ // in both lanes of 128 bit register.
+ filtersReg =_mm_packs_epi16(filtersReg, filtersReg);
+ // duplicate only the first 16 bits in the filter into the first lane
+ firstFilters = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(filtersReg, 0);
+ // duplicate only the third 16 bit in the filter into the first lane
+ secondFilters = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(filtersReg, 0xAAu);
+ // duplicate only the seconds 16 bits in the filter into the second lane
+ firstFilters = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(firstFilters, 0x55u);
+ // duplicate only the forth 16 bits in the filter into the second lane
+ secondFilters = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(secondFilters, 0xFFu);
+ // loading the local filters
+ thirdFilters =_mm_load_si128((__m128i const *)filt1_4_h8);
+ forthFilters = _mm_load_si128((__m128i const *)filt2_4_h8);
+ for (i = 0; i < output_height; i++) {
+ srcReg = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(src_ptr-3));
+ // filter the source buffer
+ srcRegFilt1= _mm_shuffle_epi8(srcReg, thirdFilters);
+ srcRegFilt2= _mm_shuffle_epi8(srcReg, forthFilters);
+ // multiply 2 adjacent elements with the filter and add the result
+ srcRegFilt1 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(srcRegFilt1, firstFilters);
+ srcRegFilt2 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(srcRegFilt2, secondFilters);
+ // extract the higher half of the lane
+ srcRegFilt3 = _mm_srli_si128(srcRegFilt1, 8);
+ srcRegFilt4 = _mm_srli_si128(srcRegFilt2, 8);
+ minReg = _mm_min_epi16(srcRegFilt3, srcRegFilt2);
+ // add and saturate all the results together
+ srcRegFilt1 = _mm_adds_epi16(srcRegFilt1, srcRegFilt4);
+ srcRegFilt3 = _mm_max_epi16(srcRegFilt3, srcRegFilt2);
+ srcRegFilt1 = _mm_adds_epi16(srcRegFilt1, minReg);
+ srcRegFilt1 = _mm_adds_epi16(srcRegFilt1, srcRegFilt3);
+ srcRegFilt1 = _mm_adds_epi16(srcRegFilt1, addFilterReg64);
+ // shift by 7 bit each 16 bits
+ srcRegFilt1 = _mm_srai_epi16(srcRegFilt1, 7);
+ // shrink to 8 bit each 16 bits
+ srcRegFilt1 = _mm_packus_epi16(srcRegFilt1, srcRegFilt1);
+ src_ptr+=src_pixels_per_line;
+ // save only 4 bytes
+ *((int*)&output_ptr[0])= _mm_cvtsi128_si32(srcRegFilt1);
+ output_ptr+=output_pitch;
+ }
+void vp9_filter_block1d8_h8_intrin_ssse3(unsigned char *src_ptr,
+ unsigned int src_pixels_per_line,
+ unsigned char *output_ptr,
+ unsigned int output_pitch,
+ unsigned int output_height,
+ int16_t *filter) {
+ __m128i firstFilters, secondFilters, thirdFilters, forthFilters, srcReg;
+ __m128i filt1Reg, filt2Reg, filt3Reg, filt4Reg;
+ __m128i srcRegFilt1, srcRegFilt2, srcRegFilt3, srcRegFilt4;
+ __m128i addFilterReg64, filtersReg, minReg;
+ unsigned int i;
+ // create a register with 0,64,0,64,0,64,0,64,0,64,0,64,0,64,0,64
+ addFilterReg64 = _mm_set1_epi32((int)0x0400040u);
+ filtersReg = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)filter);
+ // converting the 16 bit (short) to 8 bit (byte) and have the same data
+ // in both lanes of 128 bit register.
+ filtersReg =_mm_packs_epi16(filtersReg, filtersReg);
+ // duplicate only the first 16 bits (first and second byte)
+ // across 128 bit register
+ firstFilters = _mm_shuffle_epi8(filtersReg, _mm_set1_epi16(0x100u));
+ // duplicate only the second 16 bits (third and forth byte)
+ // across 128 bit register
+ secondFilters = _mm_shuffle_epi8(filtersReg, _mm_set1_epi16(0x302u));
+ // duplicate only the third 16 bits (fifth and sixth byte)
+ // across 128 bit register
+ thirdFilters = _mm_shuffle_epi8(filtersReg, _mm_set1_epi16(0x504u));
+ // duplicate only the forth 16 bits (seventh and eighth byte)
+ // across 128 bit register
+ forthFilters = _mm_shuffle_epi8(filtersReg, _mm_set1_epi16(0x706u));
+ filt1Reg = _mm_load_si128((__m128i const *)filt1_global);
+ filt2Reg = _mm_load_si128((__m128i const *)filt2_global);
+ filt3Reg = _mm_load_si128((__m128i const *)filt3_global);
+ filt4Reg = _mm_load_si128((__m128i const *)filt4_global);
+ for (i = 0; i < output_height; i++) {
+ srcReg = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(src_ptr-3));
+ // filter the source buffer
+ srcRegFilt1= _mm_shuffle_epi8(srcReg, filt1Reg);
+ srcRegFilt2= _mm_shuffle_epi8(srcReg, filt2Reg);
+ // multiply 2 adjacent elements with the filter and add the result
+ srcRegFilt1 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(srcRegFilt1, firstFilters);
+ srcRegFilt2 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(srcRegFilt2, secondFilters);
+ // filter the source buffer
+ srcRegFilt3= _mm_shuffle_epi8(srcReg, filt3Reg);
+ srcRegFilt4= _mm_shuffle_epi8(srcReg, filt4Reg);
+ // multiply 2 adjacent elements with the filter and add the result
+ srcRegFilt3 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(srcRegFilt3, thirdFilters);
+ srcRegFilt4 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(srcRegFilt4, forthFilters);
+ // add and saturate all the results together
+ minReg = _mm_min_epi16(srcRegFilt4, srcRegFilt3);
+ srcRegFilt1 = _mm_adds_epi16(srcRegFilt1, srcRegFilt2);
+ srcRegFilt4= _mm_max_epi16(srcRegFilt4, srcRegFilt3);
+ srcRegFilt1 = _mm_adds_epi16(srcRegFilt1, minReg);
+ srcRegFilt1 = _mm_adds_epi16(srcRegFilt1, srcRegFilt4);
+ srcRegFilt1 = _mm_adds_epi16(srcRegFilt1, addFilterReg64);
+ // shift by 7 bit each 16 bits
+ srcRegFilt1 = _mm_srai_epi16(srcRegFilt1, 7);
+ // shrink to 8 bit each 16 bits
+ srcRegFilt1 = _mm_packus_epi16(srcRegFilt1, srcRegFilt1);
+ src_ptr+=src_pixels_per_line;
+ // save only 8 bytes
+ _mm_storel_epi64((__m128i*)&output_ptr[0], srcRegFilt1);
+ output_ptr+=output_pitch;
+ }
+void vp9_filter_block1d16_h8_intrin_ssse3(unsigned char *src_ptr,
+ unsigned int src_pixels_per_line,
+ unsigned char *output_ptr,
+ unsigned int output_pitch,
+ unsigned int output_height,
+ int16_t *filter) {
+ __m128i addFilterReg64, filtersReg, srcReg1, srcReg2;
+ __m128i filt1Reg, filt2Reg, filt3Reg, filt4Reg;
+ __m128i firstFilters, secondFilters, thirdFilters, forthFilters;
+ __m128i srcRegFilt1_1, srcRegFilt2_1, srcRegFilt2, srcRegFilt3;
+ unsigned int i;
+ // create a register with 0,64,0,64,0,64,0,64,0,64,0,64,0,64,0,64
+ addFilterReg64 = _mm_set1_epi32((int)0x0400040u);
+ filtersReg = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)filter);
+ // converting the 16 bit (short) to 8 bit (byte) and have the same data
+ // in both lanes of 128 bit register.
+ filtersReg =_mm_packs_epi16(filtersReg, filtersReg);
+ // duplicate only the first 16 bits (first and second byte)
+ // across 128 bit register
+ firstFilters = _mm_shuffle_epi8(filtersReg, _mm_set1_epi16(0x100u));
+ // duplicate only the second 16 bits (third and forth byte)
+ // across 128 bit register
+ secondFilters = _mm_shuffle_epi8(filtersReg, _mm_set1_epi16(0x302u));
+ // duplicate only the third 16 bits (fifth and sixth byte)
+ // across 128 bit register
+ thirdFilters = _mm_shuffle_epi8(filtersReg, _mm_set1_epi16(0x504u));
+ // duplicate only the forth 16 bits (seventh and eighth byte)
+ // across 128 bit register
+ forthFilters = _mm_shuffle_epi8(filtersReg, _mm_set1_epi16(0x706u));
+ filt1Reg = _mm_load_si128((__m128i const *)filt1_global);
+ filt2Reg = _mm_load_si128((__m128i const *)filt2_global);
+ filt3Reg = _mm_load_si128((__m128i const *)filt3_global);
+ filt4Reg = _mm_load_si128((__m128i const *)filt4_global);
+ for (i = 0; i < output_height; i++) {
+ srcReg1 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(src_ptr-3));
+ // filter the source buffer
+ srcRegFilt1_1= _mm_shuffle_epi8(srcReg1, filt1Reg);
+ srcRegFilt2= _mm_shuffle_epi8(srcReg1, filt2Reg);
+ // multiply 2 adjacent elements with the filter and add the result
+ srcRegFilt1_1 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(srcRegFilt1_1, firstFilters);
+ srcRegFilt2 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(srcRegFilt2, secondFilters);
+ // add and saturate the results together
+ srcRegFilt1_1 = _mm_adds_epi16(srcRegFilt1_1, srcRegFilt2);
+ // filter the source buffer
+ srcRegFilt3= _mm_shuffle_epi8(srcReg1, filt4Reg);
+ srcRegFilt2= _mm_shuffle_epi8(srcReg1, filt3Reg);
+ // multiply 2 adjacent elements with the filter and add the result
+ srcRegFilt3 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(srcRegFilt3, forthFilters);
+ srcRegFilt2 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(srcRegFilt2, thirdFilters);
+ // add and saturate the results together
+ srcRegFilt1_1 = _mm_adds_epi16(srcRegFilt1_1,
+ _mm_min_epi16(srcRegFilt3, srcRegFilt2));
+ // reading the next 16 bytes.
+ // (part of it was being read by earlier read)
+ srcReg2 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(src_ptr+5));
+ // add and saturate the results together
+ srcRegFilt1_1 = _mm_adds_epi16(srcRegFilt1_1,
+ _mm_max_epi16(srcRegFilt3, srcRegFilt2));
+ // filter the source buffer
+ srcRegFilt2_1= _mm_shuffle_epi8(srcReg2, filt1Reg);
+ srcRegFilt2= _mm_shuffle_epi8(srcReg2, filt2Reg);
+ // multiply 2 adjacent elements with the filter and add the result
+ srcRegFilt2_1 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(srcRegFilt2_1, firstFilters);
+ srcRegFilt2 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(srcRegFilt2, secondFilters);
+ // add and saturate the results together
+ srcRegFilt2_1 = _mm_adds_epi16(srcRegFilt2_1, srcRegFilt2);
+ // filter the source buffer
+ srcRegFilt3= _mm_shuffle_epi8(srcReg2, filt4Reg);
+ srcRegFilt2= _mm_shuffle_epi8(srcReg2, filt3Reg);
+ // multiply 2 adjacent elements with the filter and add the result
+ srcRegFilt3 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(srcRegFilt3, forthFilters);
+ srcRegFilt2 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(srcRegFilt2, thirdFilters);
+ // add and saturate the results together
+ srcRegFilt2_1 = _mm_adds_epi16(srcRegFilt2_1,
+ _mm_min_epi16(srcRegFilt3, srcRegFilt2));
+ srcRegFilt2_1 = _mm_adds_epi16(srcRegFilt2_1,
+ _mm_max_epi16(srcRegFilt3, srcRegFilt2));
+ srcRegFilt1_1 = _mm_adds_epi16(srcRegFilt1_1, addFilterReg64);
+ srcRegFilt2_1 = _mm_adds_epi16(srcRegFilt2_1, addFilterReg64);
+ // shift by 7 bit each 16 bit
+ srcRegFilt1_1 = _mm_srai_epi16(srcRegFilt1_1, 7);
+ srcRegFilt2_1 = _mm_srai_epi16(srcRegFilt2_1, 7);
+ // shrink to 8 bit each 16 bits, the first lane contain the first
+ // convolve result and the second lane contain the second convolve
+ // result
+ srcRegFilt1_1 = _mm_packus_epi16(srcRegFilt1_1, srcRegFilt2_1);
+ src_ptr+=src_pixels_per_line;
+ // save 16 bytes
+ _mm_store_si128((__m128i*)output_ptr, srcRegFilt1_1);
+ output_ptr+=output_pitch;
+ }
+void vp9_filter_block1d4_v8_intrin_ssse3(unsigned char *src_ptr,
+ unsigned int src_pitch,
+ unsigned char *output_ptr,
+ unsigned int out_pitch,
+ unsigned int output_height,
+ int16_t *filter) {
+ __m128i addFilterReg64, filtersReg, firstFilters, secondFilters;
+ __m128i minReg, srcRegFilt1, srcRegFilt2, srcRegFilt3, srcRegFilt4;
+ unsigned int i;
+ // create a register with 0,64,0,64,0,64,0,64,0,64,0,64,0,64,0,64
+ addFilterReg64 = _mm_set1_epi32((int)0x0400040u);
+ filtersReg = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)filter);
+ // converting the 16 bit (short) to 8 bit (byte) and have the same data
+ // in both lanes of 128 bit register.
+ filtersReg =_mm_packs_epi16(filtersReg, filtersReg);
+ // duplicate only the first 16 bits in the filter into the first lane
+ firstFilters = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(filtersReg, 0);
+ // duplicate only the second 16 bits in the filter into the second lane
+ firstFilters = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(firstFilters, 0x55u);
+ // duplicate only the third 16 bits in the filter into the first lane
+ secondFilters = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(filtersReg, 0xAAu);
+ // duplicate only the forth 16 bits in the filter into the second lane
+ secondFilters = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(secondFilters, 0xFFu);
+ for (i = 0; i < output_height; i++) {
+ // load the first 4 byte
+ srcRegFilt1 = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(*((int*)&src_ptr[0]));
+ // load the next 4 bytes in stride of src_pitch
+ srcRegFilt2 = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(*((int*)&(src_ptr+src_pitch)[0]));
+ // merge the result together
+ srcRegFilt1 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(srcRegFilt1, srcRegFilt2);
+ srcRegFilt2 = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(*((int*)&(src_ptr+src_pitch*2)[0]));
+ srcRegFilt3 = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(*((int*)&(src_ptr+src_pitch*3)[0]));
+ // merge the result together
+ srcRegFilt2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(srcRegFilt2, srcRegFilt3);
+ srcRegFilt3 = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(*((int*)&(src_ptr+src_pitch*4)[0]));
+ srcRegFilt4 = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(*((int*)&(src_ptr+src_pitch*5)[0]));
+ // merge the result together
+ srcRegFilt3 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(srcRegFilt3, srcRegFilt4);
+ srcRegFilt1 = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(srcRegFilt1, srcRegFilt2);
+ srcRegFilt4 = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(*((int*)&(src_ptr+src_pitch*6)[0]));
+ srcRegFilt2 = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(*((int*)&(src_ptr+src_pitch*7)[0]));
+ // merge the result together
+ srcRegFilt4 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(srcRegFilt4, srcRegFilt2);
+ srcRegFilt3 = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(srcRegFilt3, srcRegFilt4);
+ // multiply 2 adjacent elements with the filter and add the result
+ srcRegFilt1 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(srcRegFilt1, firstFilters);
+ srcRegFilt3 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(srcRegFilt3, secondFilters);
+ // extract the second lane of the 128 bit register
+ srcRegFilt2 = _mm_srli_si128(srcRegFilt1, 8);
+ // add and saturate the results together
+ minReg = _mm_min_epi16(srcRegFilt2, srcRegFilt3);
+ srcRegFilt1 = _mm_adds_epi16(srcRegFilt1,
+ _mm_srli_si128(srcRegFilt3, 8));
+ srcRegFilt2 = _mm_max_epi16(srcRegFilt2, srcRegFilt3);
+ srcRegFilt1 = _mm_adds_epi16(srcRegFilt1, minReg);
+ srcRegFilt1 = _mm_adds_epi16(srcRegFilt1, srcRegFilt2);
+ srcRegFilt1 = _mm_adds_epi16(srcRegFilt1, addFilterReg64);
+ // shift by 7 bit each 16 bit
+ srcRegFilt1 = _mm_srai_epi16(srcRegFilt1, 7);
+ // shrink to 8 bit each 16 bits
+ srcRegFilt1 = _mm_packus_epi16(srcRegFilt1, srcRegFilt1);
+ src_ptr+=src_pitch;
+ // save only 4 bytes convolve result
+ *((int*)&output_ptr[0])= _mm_cvtsi128_si32(srcRegFilt1);
+ output_ptr+=out_pitch;
+ }
+void vp9_filter_block1d8_v8_intrin_ssse3(unsigned char *src_ptr,
+ unsigned int src_pitch,
+ unsigned char *output_ptr,
+ unsigned int out_pitch,
+ unsigned int output_height,
+ int16_t *filter) {
+ __m128i addFilterReg64, filtersReg, minReg, srcRegFilt6;
+ __m128i firstFilters, secondFilters, thirdFilters, forthFilters;
+ __m128i srcRegFilt1, srcRegFilt2, srcRegFilt3, srcRegFilt4, srcRegFilt5;
+ unsigned int i;
+ // create a register with 0,64,0,64,0,64,0,64,0,64,0,64,0,64,0,64
+ addFilterReg64 = _mm_set1_epi32((int)0x0400040u);
+ filtersReg = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)filter);
+ // converting the 16 bit (short) to 8 bit (byte) and have the same data
+ // in both lanes of 128 bit register.
+ filtersReg =_mm_packs_epi16(filtersReg, filtersReg);
+ // duplicate only the first 16 bits in the filter
+ firstFilters = _mm_shuffle_epi8(filtersReg, _mm_set1_epi16(0x100u));
+ // duplicate only the second 16 bits in the filter
+ secondFilters = _mm_shuffle_epi8(filtersReg, _mm_set1_epi16(0x302u));
+ // duplicate only the third 16 bits in the filter
+ thirdFilters = _mm_shuffle_epi8(filtersReg, _mm_set1_epi16(0x504u));
+ // duplicate only the forth 16 bits in the filter
+ forthFilters = _mm_shuffle_epi8(filtersReg, _mm_set1_epi16(0x706u));
+ for (i = 0; i < output_height; i++) {
+ // load the first 8 bytes
+ srcRegFilt1 = _mm_loadl_epi64((__m128i *)&src_ptr[0]);
+ // load the next 8 bytes in stride of src_pitch
+ srcRegFilt2 = _mm_loadl_epi64((__m128i *)&(src_ptr+src_pitch)[0]);
+ srcRegFilt3 = _mm_loadl_epi64((__m128i *)&(src_ptr+src_pitch*2)[0]);
+ srcRegFilt4 = _mm_loadl_epi64((__m128i *)&(src_ptr+src_pitch*3)[0]);
+ // merge the result together
+ srcRegFilt1 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(srcRegFilt1, srcRegFilt2);
+ srcRegFilt3 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(srcRegFilt3, srcRegFilt4);
+ // load the next 8 bytes in stride of src_pitch
+ srcRegFilt2 = _mm_loadl_epi64((__m128i *)&(src_ptr+src_pitch*4)[0]);
+ srcRegFilt4 = _mm_loadl_epi64((__m128i *)&(src_ptr+src_pitch*5)[0]);
+ srcRegFilt5 = _mm_loadl_epi64((__m128i *)&(src_ptr+src_pitch*6)[0]);
+ srcRegFilt6 = _mm_loadl_epi64((__m128i *)&(src_ptr+src_pitch*7)[0]);
+ // merge the result together
+ srcRegFilt2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(srcRegFilt2, srcRegFilt4);
+ srcRegFilt5 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(srcRegFilt5, srcRegFilt6);
+ // multiply 2 adjacent elements with the filter and add the result
+ srcRegFilt1 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(srcRegFilt1, firstFilters);
+ srcRegFilt3 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(srcRegFilt3, secondFilters);
+ srcRegFilt2 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(srcRegFilt2, thirdFilters);
+ srcRegFilt5 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(srcRegFilt5, forthFilters);
+ // add and saturate the results together
+ minReg = _mm_min_epi16(srcRegFilt2, srcRegFilt3);
+ srcRegFilt1 = _mm_adds_epi16(srcRegFilt1, srcRegFilt5);
+ srcRegFilt2 = _mm_max_epi16(srcRegFilt2, srcRegFilt3);
+ srcRegFilt1 = _mm_adds_epi16(srcRegFilt1, minReg);
+ srcRegFilt1 = _mm_adds_epi16(srcRegFilt1, srcRegFilt2);
+ srcRegFilt1 = _mm_adds_epi16(srcRegFilt1, addFilterReg64);
+ // shift by 7 bit each 16 bit
+ srcRegFilt1 = _mm_srai_epi16(srcRegFilt1, 7);
+ // shrink to 8 bit each 16 bits
+ srcRegFilt1 = _mm_packus_epi16(srcRegFilt1, srcRegFilt1);
+ src_ptr+=src_pitch;
+ // save only 8 bytes convolve result
+ _mm_storel_epi64((__m128i*)&output_ptr[0], srcRegFilt1);
+ output_ptr+=out_pitch;
+ }
+void vp9_filter_block1d16_v8_intrin_ssse3(unsigned char *src_ptr,
+ unsigned int src_pitch,
+ unsigned char *output_ptr,
+ unsigned int out_pitch,
+ unsigned int output_height,
+ int16_t *filter) {
+ __m128i addFilterReg64, filtersReg, srcRegFilt1, srcRegFilt2, srcRegFilt3;
+ __m128i firstFilters, secondFilters, thirdFilters, forthFilters;
+ __m128i srcRegFilt4, srcRegFilt5, srcRegFilt6, srcRegFilt7, srcRegFilt8;
+ unsigned int i;
+ // create a register with 0,64,0,64,0,64,0,64,0,64,0,64,0,64,0,64
+ addFilterReg64 = _mm_set1_epi32((int)0x0400040u);
+ filtersReg = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)filter);
+ // converting the 16 bit (short) to 8 bit (byte) and have the same data
+ // in both lanes of 128 bit register.
+ filtersReg =_mm_packs_epi16(filtersReg, filtersReg);
+ // duplicate only the first 16 bits in the filter
+ firstFilters = _mm_shuffle_epi8(filtersReg, _mm_set1_epi16(0x100u));
+ // duplicate only the second 16 bits in the filter
+ secondFilters = _mm_shuffle_epi8(filtersReg, _mm_set1_epi16(0x302u));
+ // duplicate only the third 16 bits in the filter
+ thirdFilters = _mm_shuffle_epi8(filtersReg, _mm_set1_epi16(0x504u));
+ // duplicate only the forth 16 bits in the filter
+ forthFilters = _mm_shuffle_epi8(filtersReg, _mm_set1_epi16(0x706u));
+ for (i = 0; i < output_height; i++) {
+ // load the first 16 bytes
+ srcRegFilt1 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(src_ptr));
+ // load the next 16 bytes in stride of src_pitch
+ srcRegFilt2 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(src_ptr+src_pitch));
+ srcRegFilt3 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(src_ptr+src_pitch*6));
+ srcRegFilt4 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(src_ptr+src_pitch*7));
+ // merge the result together
+ srcRegFilt5 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(srcRegFilt1, srcRegFilt2);
+ srcRegFilt6 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(srcRegFilt3, srcRegFilt4);
+ srcRegFilt1 = _mm_unpackhi_epi8(srcRegFilt1, srcRegFilt2);
+ srcRegFilt3 = _mm_unpackhi_epi8(srcRegFilt3, srcRegFilt4);
+ // multiply 2 adjacent elements with the filter and add the result
+ srcRegFilt5 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(srcRegFilt5, firstFilters);
+ srcRegFilt6 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(srcRegFilt6, forthFilters);
+ srcRegFilt1 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(srcRegFilt1, firstFilters);
+ srcRegFilt3 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(srcRegFilt3, forthFilters);
+ // add and saturate the results together
+ srcRegFilt5 = _mm_adds_epi16(srcRegFilt5, srcRegFilt6);
+ srcRegFilt1 = _mm_adds_epi16(srcRegFilt1, srcRegFilt3);
+ // load the next 16 bytes in stride of two/three src_pitch
+ srcRegFilt2 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(src_ptr+src_pitch*2));
+ srcRegFilt3 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(src_ptr+src_pitch*3));
+ // merge the result together
+ srcRegFilt4 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(srcRegFilt2, srcRegFilt3);
+ srcRegFilt6 = _mm_unpackhi_epi8(srcRegFilt2, srcRegFilt3);
+ // multiply 2 adjacent elements with the filter and add the result
+ srcRegFilt4 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(srcRegFilt4, secondFilters);
+ srcRegFilt6 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(srcRegFilt6, secondFilters);
+ // load the next 16 bytes in stride of four/five src_pitch
+ srcRegFilt2 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(src_ptr+src_pitch*4));
+ srcRegFilt3 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(src_ptr+src_pitch*5));
+ // merge the result together
+ srcRegFilt7 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(srcRegFilt2, srcRegFilt3);
+ srcRegFilt8 = _mm_unpackhi_epi8(srcRegFilt2, srcRegFilt3);
+ // multiply 2 adjacent elements with the filter and add the result
+ srcRegFilt7 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(srcRegFilt7, thirdFilters);
+ srcRegFilt8 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(srcRegFilt8, thirdFilters);
+ // add and saturate the results together
+ srcRegFilt5 = _mm_adds_epi16(srcRegFilt5,
+ _mm_min_epi16(srcRegFilt4, srcRegFilt7));
+ srcRegFilt1 = _mm_adds_epi16(srcRegFilt1,
+ _mm_min_epi16(srcRegFilt6, srcRegFilt8));
+ // add and saturate the results together
+ srcRegFilt5 = _mm_adds_epi16(srcRegFilt5,
+ _mm_max_epi16(srcRegFilt4, srcRegFilt7));
+ srcRegFilt1 = _mm_adds_epi16(srcRegFilt1,
+ _mm_max_epi16(srcRegFilt6, srcRegFilt8));
+ srcRegFilt5 = _mm_adds_epi16(srcRegFilt5, addFilterReg64);
+ srcRegFilt1 = _mm_adds_epi16(srcRegFilt1, addFilterReg64);
+ // shift by 7 bit each 16 bit
+ srcRegFilt5 = _mm_srai_epi16(srcRegFilt5, 7);
+ srcRegFilt1 = _mm_srai_epi16(srcRegFilt1, 7);
+ // shrink to 8 bit each 16 bits, the first lane contain the first
+ // convolve result and the second lane contain the second convolve
+ // result
+ srcRegFilt1 = _mm_packus_epi16(srcRegFilt5, srcRegFilt1);
+ src_ptr+=src_pitch;
+ // save 16 bytes convolve result
+ _mm_store_si128((__m128i*)output_ptr, srcRegFilt1);
+ output_ptr+=out_pitch;
+ }