Make monsters created by statue trap activation start out awake and
hostile in addition to being unhidden.
monster killed in midst of multi-shot volley throwing/shooting might cause
freed memory to be accessed, potentially triggering a crash
can't arm bear traps or land mines on Planes of Air or Water
+statues that "come to life" when trap activates shouldn't start out sleeping
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes
/* mimic statue becomes seen mimic; other hiders won't be hidden */
if (mon->m_ap_type) seemimic(mon);
else mon->mundetected = FALSE;
+ mon->msleeping = 0;
+ if (cause == ANIMATE_NORMAL || cause == ANIMATE_SHATTER) {
+ /* trap always releases hostile monster */
+ mon->mtame = 0; /* (might be petrified pet tossed onto trap) */
+ mon->mpeaceful = 0;
+ set_malign(mon);
+ }
comes_to_life = !canspotmon(mon) ? "disappears" :
(nonliving(mon->data) || is_vampshifter(mon)) ?