+.. _2to3-using:
Using 2to3
Comments and exact indentation are preserved throughout the translation process.
-By default, 2to3 runs a set of predefined fixers. The :option:`-l` flag lists
-all available fixers. An explicit set of fixers to run can be given with
-:option:`-f`. Likewise the :option:`-x` explicitly disables a fixer. The
-following example runs only the ``imports`` and ``has_key`` fixers::
+By default, 2to3 runs a set of :ref:`predefined fixers <2to3-fixers>`. The
+:option:`-l` flag lists all available fixers. An explicit set of fixers to run
+can be given with :option:`-f`. Likewise the :option:`-x` explicitly disables a
+fixer. The following example runs only the ``imports`` and ``has_key`` fixers::
$ 2to3 -f imports -f has_key
The :option:`-v` option enables output of more information on the translation
-When the :option:`-p` is passed, 2to3 treats ``print`` as a function instead of
-a statement. This is useful when ``from __future__ import print_function`` is
-being used. If this option is not given, the print fixer will surround print
-calls in an extra set of parentheses because it cannot differentiate between the
-print statement with parentheses (such as ``print ("a" + "b" + "c")``) and a
-true function call.
+When the :option:`-p` is passed, the :2to3fixer:`print` fixer ``print`` as a
+function instead of a statement. This is useful when ``from __future__ import
+print_function`` is being used. If this option is not given, the print fixer
+will surround print calls in an extra set of parentheses because it cannot
+differentiate between the print statement with parentheses (such as ``print
+("a" + "b" + "c")``) and a true function call.
+.. _2to3-fixers:
+Each step of tranforming code is encapsulated in a fixer. The command ``2to3
+-l`` lists them. As :ref:`documented above <2to3-using>`, each can be turned on
+and off individually. They are described here in more detail.
+.. 2to3fixer:: apply
+ Removes usage of :func:`apply`. For example ``apply(function, *args,
+ **kwargs)`` is converted to ``function(*args, **kwargs)``.
+.. 2to3fixer:: basestring
+ Converts :class:`basestring` to :class:`str`.
+.. 2to3fixer:: buffer
+ Converts :class:`buffer` to :class:`memoryview`. This fixer is optional
+ because the :class:`memoryview` API is similar but not exactly the same as
+ that of :class:`buffer`.
+.. 2to3fixer:: callable
+ Converts ``callable(x)`` to ``hasattr(x, "__call_")``.
+.. 2to3fixer:: dict
+ Fixes dictionary iteration methods. :meth:`dict.iteritems` is converted to
+ :meth:`dict.items`, :meth:`dict.iterkeys` to :meth:`dict.keys`, and
+ :meth:`dict.itervalues` to :meth:`dict.values`. It also wraps existing
+ usages of :meth:`dict.items`, :meth:`dict.keys`, and :meth:`dict.values` in a
+ call to :class:`list`.
+.. 2to3fixer:: except
+ Converts ``except X, T`` to ``except X as T``.
+.. 2to3fixer:: exec
+ Converts the :keyword:`exec` statement to the :func:`exec` function.
+.. 2to3fixer:: execfile
+ Removes usage of :func:`execfile`. The argument to :func:`execfile` is
+ wrapped in calls to :func:`open`, :func:`compile`, and :func:`exec`.
+.. 2to3fixer:: filter
+ Wraps :func:`filter` usage in a :class:`list` call.
+.. 2to3fixer:: funcattrs
+ Fixes function attributes that have been renamed. For example,
+ ``my_function.func_closure`` is converted to ``my_function.__closure__``.
+.. 2to3fixer:: future
+ Removes ``from __future__ import new_feature`` statements.
+.. 2to3fixer:: getcwdu
+ Renames :func:`os.getcwdu` to :func:`os.getcwd`.
+.. 2to3fixer:: has_key
+ Changes ``dict.has_key(key)`` to ``key in dict``.
+.. 2to3fixer:: idioms
+ This optional fixer preforms several transformations that make Python code
+ more idiomatic. Type comparisions like ``type(x) is SomeClass`` and
+ ``type(x) == SomeClass`` are converted to ``isinstance(x, SomeClass)``.
+ ``while 1`` becomes ``while True``. This fixer also tries to make use of
+ :func:`sorted` in appropiate places. For example, this block ::
+ L = list(some_iterable)
+ L.sort()
+ is changed to ::
+ L = sorted(some_iterable)
+.. 2to3fixer:: import
+ Detects sibling imports and converts them to relative imports.
+.. 2to3fixer:: imports
+ Handles module renames in the standard library.
+.. 2to3fixer:: imports2
+ Handles other modules renames in the standard library. It is separate from
+ the :2to3fixer:`imports` fixer only because of technical limitations.
+.. 2to3fixer:: input
+ Converts ``input(prompt)`` to ``eval(input(prompt))``
+.. 2to3fixer:: intern
+ Converts :func:`intern` to :func:`sys.intern`.
+.. 2to3fixer:: isinstance
+ Fixes duplicate types in the second argument of :func:`isinstance`. For
+ example, ``isinstance(x, (int, int))`` is converted to ``isinstance(x,
+ (int))``.
+.. 2to3fixer:: itertools_imports
+ Removes imports of :func:`itertools.ifilter`, :func:`itertools.izip`, and
+ :func:`itertools.imap`. Imports of :func:`itertools.ifilterfalse` are also
+ changed to :func:`itertools.filterfalse`.
+.. 2to3fixer:: itertools
+ Changes usage of :func:`itertools.ifilter`, :func:`itertools.izip`, and
+ :func:`itertools.imap` to their builtin equivalents.
+ :func:`itertools.ifilterfalse` is changed to :func:`itertools.filterfalse`.
+.. 2to3fixer:: long
+ Strips the ``L`` prefix on long literals and renames :class:`long` to
+ :class:`int`.
+.. 2to3fixer:: map
+ Wraps :func:`map` in a :class:`list` call. It also changes ``map(None, x)``
+ to ``list(x)``. Using ``from future_builtins import map`` disables this
+ fixer.
+.. 2to3fixer:: metaclass
+ Converts the old metaclass syntax (``__metaclass__ = Meta`` in the class
+ body) to the new (``class X(metaclass=Meta)``).
+.. 2to3fixer:: methodattrs
+ Fixes old method attribute names. For example, ``meth.im_func`` is converted
+ to ``meth.__func__``.
+.. 2to3fixer:: ne
+ Converts the old not-equal syntax, ``<>``, to ``!=``.
+.. 2to3fixer:: next
+ Converts the use of iterator's :meth:`next` methods to the :func:`next`
+ function. It also renames :meth:`next` methods to :meth:`~object.__next__`.
+.. 2to3fixer:: nonzero
+ Renames :meth:`~object.__nonzero__` to :meth:`~object.__bool__`.
+.. 2to3fixer:: numliterals
+ Converts octal literals into the new syntax.
+.. 2to3fixer:: paren
+ Add extra parenthesis where they are required in list comprehensions. For
+ example, ``[x for x in 1, 2]`` becomes ``[x for x in (1, 2)]``.
+.. 2to3fixer:: print
+ Converts the :keyword:`print` statement to the :func:`print` function.
+.. 2to3fixer:: raises
+ Converts ``raise E, V`` to ``raise E(V)``, and ``raise E, V, T`` to ``raise
+ E(V).with_traceback(T)``. If ``E`` is a tuple, the translation will be
+ incorrect because substituting tuples for exceptions has been removed in 3.0.
+.. 2to3fixer:: raw_input
+ Converts :func:`raw_input` to :func:`input`.
+.. 2to3fixer:: reduce
+ Handles the move of :func:`reduce` to :func:`functools.reduce`.
+.. 2to3fixer:: renames
+ Changes :data:`sys.maxint` to :data:`sys.maxsize`.
+.. 2to3fixer:: repr
+ Replaces backtick repr with the :func:`repr` function.
+.. 2to3fixer:: set_literal
+ Replaces use of the :class:`set` constructor with set literals. This fixer
+ is optional.
+.. 2to3fixer:: standard_error
+ Renames :exc:`StandardError` to :exc:`Exception`.
+.. 2to3fixer:: sys_exc
+ Changes the deprecated :data:`sys.exc_value`, :data:`sys.exc_type`,
+ :data:`sys.exc_traceback` to use :func:`sys.exc_info`.
+.. 2to3fixer:: throw
+ Fixes the API change in generator's :meth:`throw` method.
+.. 2to3fixer:: tuple_params
+ Removes implicit tuple parameter unpacking. This fixer inserts temporary
+ variables.
+.. 2to3fixer:: types
+ Fixes code broken from the removal of some members in the :mod:`types`
+ module.
+.. 2to3fixer:: unicode
+ Renames :class:`unicode` to :class:`str`.
+.. 2to3fixer:: urllib
+ Handles the rename of :mod:`urllib` and :mod:`urllib2` to the :mod:`urllib`
+ package.
+.. 2to3fixer:: ws_comma
+ Removes excess whitespace from comma separated items. This fixer is
+ optional.
+.. 2to3fixer:: xrange
+ Renames :func:`xrange` to :func:`range` and wraps existing :func:`range`
+ calls with :class:`list`.
+.. 2to3fixer:: xreadlines
+ Changes ``for x in file.xreadlines()`` to ``for x in file``.
+.. 2to3fixer:: zip
+ Wraps :func:`zip` usage in a :class:`list` call. This is disabled when
+ ``from future_builtins import zip`` appears.
:mod:`lib2to3` - 2to3's library
#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2001-2004 by Vinay Sajip. All Rights Reserved.
+# Copyright 2001-2009 by Vinay Sajip. All Rights Reserved.
# Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
# documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
"""Test harness for the logging module. Run all tests.
-Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Vinay Sajip. All Rights Reserved.
+Copyright (C) 2001-2009 Vinay Sajip. All Rights Reserved.
import logging
import logging.handlers
import logging.config
+import codecs
import copy
import pickle
import io
('foo', 'DEBUG', '3'),
class EncodingTest(BaseTest):
def test_encoding_plain_file(self):
# In Python 2.x, a plain file object is treated as having no encoding.
if os.path.isfile(fn):
+ def test_encoding_cyrillic_unicode(self):
+ log = logging.getLogger("test")
+ #Get a message in Unicode: Do svidanya in Cyrillic (meaning goodbye)
+ message = '\u0434\u043e \u0441\u0432\u0438\u0434\u0430\u043d\u0438\u044f'
+ #Ensure it's written in a Cyrillic encoding
+ writer_class = codecs.getwriter('cp1251')
+ stream = io.BytesIO()
+ writer = writer_class(stream, 'strict')
+ handler = logging.StreamHandler(writer)
+ log.addHandler(handler)
+ try:
+ log.warning(message)
+ finally:
+ log.removeHandler(handler)
+ handler.close()
+ # check we wrote exactly those bytes, ignoring trailing \n etc
+ s = stream.getvalue()
+ #Compare against what the data should be when encoded in CP-1251
+ self.assertEqual(s, b'\xe4\xee \xf1\xe2\xe8\xe4\xe0\xed\xe8\xff\n')
class WarningsTest(BaseTest):
def test_warnings(self):