dictitem_T *di;
dict_T *d;
typval_T *tv = NULL;
+ int what_is_dict = FALSE;
if (argvars[0].v_type == VAR_BLOB)
else if (STRCMP(what, "dict") == 0)
- rettv_dict_set(rettv, pt->pt_dict);
+ {
+ what_is_dict = TRUE;
+ if (pt->pt_dict != NULL)
+ rettv_dict_set(rettv, pt->pt_dict);
+ }
else if (STRCMP(what, "args") == 0)
rettv->v_type = VAR_LIST;
semsg(_(e_invarg2), what);
- return;
+ // When {what} == "dict" and pt->pt_dict == NULL, evaluate the
+ // third argument
+ if (!what_is_dict)
+ return;
-" Tests for getwinvar(), gettabvar() and gettabwinvar().
+" Tests for getwinvar(), gettabvar(), gettabwinvar() and get().
func Test_var()
" Use strings to test for memory leaks. First, check that in an empty
" window, gettabvar() returns the correct value
+" Test get() function using default value.
+" get({dict}, {key} [, {default}])
+func Test_get_dict()
+ let d = {'foo': 42}
+ call assert_equal(42, get(d, 'foo', 99))
+ call assert_equal(999, get(d, 'bar', 999))
+" get({list}, {idx} [, {default}])
+func Test_get_list()
+ let l = [1,2,3]
+ call assert_equal(1, get(l, 0, 999))
+ call assert_equal(3, get(l, -1, 999))
+ call assert_equal(999, get(l, 3, 999))
+" get({blob}, {idx} [, {default}]) - in test_blob.vim
+" get({lambda}, {what} [, {default}])
+func Test_get_lambda()
+ let l:L = {-> 42}
+ call assert_match('^<lambda>', get(l:L, 'name'))
+ call assert_equal(l:L, get(l:L, 'func'))
+ call assert_equal({'lambda has': 'no dict'}, get(l:L, 'dict', {'lambda has': 'no dict'}))
+ call assert_equal(0, get(l:L, 'dict'))
+ call assert_equal([], get(l:L, 'args'))
+" get({func}, {what} [, {default}])
+func Test_get_func()
+ let l:F = function('tr')
+ call assert_equal('tr', get(l:F, 'name'))
+ call assert_equal(l:F, get(l:F, 'func'))
+ call assert_equal({'func has': 'no dict'}, get(l:F, 'dict', {'func has': 'no dict'}))
+ call assert_equal(0, get(l:F, 'dict'))
+ call assert_equal([], get(l:F, 'args'))
+" get({partial}, {what} [, {default}]) - in test_partial.vim
call assert_equal('MyDictFunc', get(Func, 'name'))
call assert_equal([], get(Func, 'args'))
call assert_true(empty( get(Func, 'dict')))
+ let P = function('substitute', ['hello there', 'there'])
+ let dict = {'partial has': 'no dict'}
+ call assert_equal(dict, get(P, 'dict', dict))
+ call assert_equal(0, get(l:P, 'dict'))
func Test_compare_partials()