The rationale is that by using 3000 bytes we'll send one full-size frame straight away, and leave enough buffered data for the next frame to go out in a timely manner.
i = n ? tr_cryptoWeakRandInt( n ) : 0; /* pick a random starting point */
while( n > 0 )
- const size_t increment = 1024;
+ /* value of 3000 bytes chosen so that when using uTP we'll send a full-size
+ * frame right away and leave enough buffered data for the next frame to go
+ * out in a timely manner. */
+ const size_t increment = 3000;
const int bytesUsed = tr_peerIoFlush( peers[i], dir, increment );
dbgmsg( "peer #%d of %d used %d bytes in this pass", i, n, bytesUsed );