+2000-03-01 Uwe Steinmann <Uwe.Steinmann@fernuni-hagen.de>
+ * ext/domxml/domxml.c
+ tests/testdom: - started to implement overload class for xml node
+2000-03-01 David Hedbor <david@hedbor.org>
+ * sapi/roxen/roxen.c:
+ Removal of printf-debug, changed sp/fp to Pike_sp / Pike_fp instead of
+ using a define.
+2000-03-01 Egon Schmid <eschmid@s.netic.de>
+ * ext/standard/math.c: Only two lines are allowed here.
+2000-03-01 Hartmut Holzgraefe <hholzgra@media-engineering.de>
+ * ext/standard/math.c: round(-0.1) will now return 0 instead of -0
+2000-03-01 Thies C. Arntzen <thies@digicol.de>
+ * NEWS: .
+ * ext/oci8/oci8.c: - OCINLogon no longer crashes.
+2000-03-01 Evan Klinger <evan715@sirius.com>
+ * ext/cybercash/cyberlib.php:
+ get rid of warning when $url["port"] isn't set
+2000-03-01 Charles Hagenbuch <chagenbu@wso.williams.edu>
+ * ext/imap/imap.c: Fix compile warnings.
+ * ext/imap/imap.c:
+ Add _php_imap_parse_address(), which replaces a lot of duplicated,
+ hard-to-follow code in imap_headerinfo(). This code also happened to be
+ broken, causing the $h->to, $h->from, etc arrays to contain only the first
+ address, not every address. This is fixed now.
+ * ext/mcal/php_mcal.c: Show the minor MCAL version if we have it.
2000-02-29 Charles Hagenbuch <chagenbu@wso.williams.edu>
* ext/imap/imap.c: