% allocates the memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns a
% pointer to the new image.
-% RotateImage() is based on the paper "A Fast Algorithm for General
-% Raster Rotatation" by Alan W. Paeth. RotateImage is adapted from a similar
-% method based on the Paeth paper written by Michael Halle of the Spatial
-% Imaging Group, MIT Media Lab.
% The format of the RotateImage method is:
% Image *RotateImage(const Image *image,const double degrees,
ExceptionInfo *exception)
- *integral_image,
- MagickBooleanType
- status;
- RectangleInfo
- border_info;
- height,
- rotations,
- width,
- y_width;
- ssize_t
- x_offset,
- y_offset;
+ rotations;
Adjust rotation angle.
for (rotations=0; angle > 45.0; rotations++)
- /*
- Calculate shear equations.
- */
- integral_image=IntegralRotateImage(image,rotations,exception);
- if (integral_image == (Image *) NULL)
- ThrowImageException(ResourceLimitError,"MemoryAllocationFailed");
shear.x=(-tan((double) DegreesToRadians(angle)/2.0));
shear.y=sin((double) DegreesToRadians(angle));
- if ((shear.x == 0.0) && (shear.y == 0.0))
- return(integral_image);
- if (SetImageStorageClass(integral_image,DirectClass,exception) == MagickFalse)
- {
- integral_image=DestroyImage(integral_image);
- return(integral_image);
- }
- if (integral_image->matte == MagickFalse)
- (void) SetImageAlphaChannel(integral_image,OpaqueAlphaChannel,exception);
- /*
- Compute image size.
- */
- width=image->columns;
- height=image->rows;
- if ((rotations == 1) || (rotations == 3))
- {
- width=image->rows;
- height=image->columns;
- }
- y_width=width+(ssize_t) floor(fabs(shear.x)*height+0.5);
- x_offset=(ssize_t) ceil((double) width+((fabs(shear.y)*height)-width)/2.0-
- 0.5);
- y_offset=(ssize_t) ceil((double) height+((fabs(shear.y)*y_width)-height)/2.0-
- 0.5);
- /*
- Surround image with a border.
- */
- integral_image->border_color=integral_image->background_color;
- integral_image->compose=CopyCompositeOp;
- border_info.width=(size_t) x_offset;
- border_info.height=(size_t) y_offset;
- rotate_image=BorderImage(integral_image,&border_info,image->compose,
- exception);
- integral_image=DestroyImage(integral_image);
- if (rotate_image == (Image *) NULL)
- ThrowImageException(ResourceLimitError,"MemoryAllocationFailed");
- /*
- Rotate the image.
- */
- status=XShearImage(rotate_image,shear.x,width,height,x_offset,(ssize_t)
- (rotate_image->rows-height)/2,exception);
- if (status == MagickFalse)
- {
- rotate_image=DestroyImage(rotate_image);
- return((Image *) NULL);
- }
- status=YShearImage(rotate_image,shear.y,y_width,height,(ssize_t)
- (rotate_image->columns-y_width)/2,y_offset,exception);
- if (status == MagickFalse)
- {
- rotate_image=DestroyImage(rotate_image);
- return((Image *) NULL);
- }
- status=XShearImage(rotate_image,shear.x,y_width,rotate_image->rows,(ssize_t)
- (rotate_image->columns-y_width)/2,0,exception);
- if (status == MagickFalse)
- {
- rotate_image=DestroyImage(rotate_image);
- return((Image *) NULL);
- }
- status=CropToFitImage(&rotate_image,shear.x,shear.y,(MagickRealType) width,
- (MagickRealType) height,MagickTrue,exception);
- if (status == MagickFalse)
- {
- rotate_image=DestroyImage(rotate_image);
- return((Image *) NULL);
- }
- rotate_image->compose=image->compose;
- rotate_image->page.width=0;
- rotate_image->page.height=0;
+ if ((fabs(shear.x) < MagickEpsilon) && (fabs(shear.y) < MagickEpsilon))
+ return(IntegralRotateImage(image,rotations,exception));
+ rotate_image=DistortImage(image,ScaleRotateTranslateDistortion,1,°rees,
+ MagickTrue,exception);