For later versions of Visual Studio, no setup is required.\r
<AutoVisualizer xmlns="">\r
- <!-- VS2013 -->\r
- <Type Name="llvm::SmallVectorImpl<*>" Priority="MediumLow">\r
- <DisplayString Condition="Size == 0">empty</DisplayString>\r
- <DisplayString Condition="Size != 0">{{ size={Size} }}</DisplayString>\r
- <Expand>\r
- <Item Name="[size]">Size</Item>\r
- <Item Name="[capacity]">Capacity</Item>\r
- <ArrayItems>\r
- <Size>Size</Size>\r
- <ValuePointer>($T1*)BeginX</ValuePointer>\r
- </ArrayItems>\r
- </Expand>\r
- </Type>\r
- <!-- VS2015 and up -->\r
<Type Name="llvm::SmallVectorImpl<*>">\r
<DisplayString IncludeView ="elt0" Condition="Size == 0"></DisplayString>\r
<DisplayString IncludeView ="elt0">{(($T1*)BeginX)[0]}{*this,view(elt1)}</DisplayString>\r
+ <Type Name="llvm::APInt">\r
+ <!-- For now, only handle up to 64-bit unsigned ints -->\r
+ <DisplayString Condition="BitWidth <= 64">{U.VAL}</DisplayString>\r
+ <DisplayString>Cannot visualize APInts longer than 64 bits</DisplayString>\r
+ </Type>\r
<Type Name="llvm::ArrayRef<*>">\r
<DisplayString Condition="Length == 0">empty</DisplayString>\r
<DisplayString Condition="Length != 0">{{ size={Length} }}</DisplayString>\r