#include <stdint.h>
+#include "esp_err.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
uint32_t system_get_time(void);
- * @brief Print the system memory distribution, including data/rodata/bss/heap.
- *
- * @param null
- *
- * @return null
- */
-void system_print_meminfo(void);
* @brief Get the size of available heap.
uint32_t system_get_free_heap_size(void);
- * @brief Get the chip ID.
- *
- * Example:
- * <pre>
- * uint8 chip_id[6];
- * system_get_chip_id(chip_id);
- * </pre>
- *
- * @param uint8 *chip_id : the chip ID
- *
- * @return true : succeed
- * @return false : fail
- */
-bool system_get_chip_id(uint8_t *chip_id);
* @brief Get RTC time, unit: RTC clock cycle.
bool system_rtc_mem_write(uint16_t dst, const void *src, uint16_t n);
-typedef enum {
- ADC1_PAD_GPIO36 = 0,
-} adc1_read_pad_t;
-typedef enum {
- ADC1_ATTEN_0DB = 0,
-} adc1_read_atten_t;
- * @brief Read ADC1.
- *
- * @param adc1_read_pad pad : the corresponding GPIO
- * @param adc1_read_atten atten : value of attenuation
- *
- * @return range of the return value is [0, 4096].
- * - If atten == 0, the range of voltage can be measured is [0, 1] V.
- * - If atten == 1, the range of voltage can be measured is [0, 1.4] V.
- * - If atten == 2, the range of voltage can be measured is [0, 2] V.
- * - If atten == 3, the range of voltage can be measured is [0, 4] V.
- */
-uint16_t system_adc1_read(adc1_read_pad_t pad, adc1_read_atten_t atten);
- * @brief Measure the power voltage of VDD3P3 pin 3 and 4, unit : 1/1024 V.
- *
- * @attention system_get_vdd33 depends on RF, please do not use it if RF is disabled.
- *
- * @param null
- *
- * @return Power voltage of VDD33, unit : 1/1024 V
- */
-uint16_t system_get_vdd33(void);
- * @brief Write data into flash with protection.
- *
- * Flash read/write has to be 4-bytes aligned.
- *
- * Protection of flash read/write :
- * use 3 sectors (4KBytes per sector) to save 4KB data with protect,
- * sector 0 and sector 1 are data sectors, back up each other,
- * save data alternately, sector 2 is flag sector, point out which sector
- * is keeping the latest data, sector 0 or sector 1.
- *
- * @param uint16 start_sec : start sector (sector 0) of the 3 sectors which are
- * used for flash read/write protection.
- * - For example, in IOT_Demo we can use the 3 sectors (3 * 4KB) starting from flash
- * 0x3D000 for flash read/write protection, so the parameter start_sec should be 0x3D
- * @param void *param : pointer of the data to be written
- * @param uint16 len : data length, should be less than a sector, which is 4 * 1024
- *
- * @return true : succeed
- * @return false : fail
- */
-bool system_param_save_with_protect(uint16_t start_sec, void *param, uint16_t len);
- * @brief Read the data saved into flash with the read/write protection.
- *
- * Flash read/write has to be 4-bytes aligned.
- *
- * Read/write protection of flash:
- * use 3 sectors (4KB per sector) to save 4KB data with protect, sector
- * 0 and sector 1 are data sectors, back up each other, save data alternately,
- * sector 2 is flag sector, point out which sector is keeping the latest data,
- * sector 0 or sector 1.
- *
- * @param uint16 start_sec : start sector (sector 0) of the 3 sectors used for
- * flash read/write protection. It cannot be sector 1 or sector 2.
- * - For example, in IOT_Demo, the 3 sectors (3 * 4KB) starting from flash 0x3D000
- * can be used for flash read/write protection.
- * The parameter start_sec is 0x3D, and it cannot be 0x3E or 0x3F.
- * @param uint16 offset : offset of data saved in sector
- * @param void *param : data pointer
- * @param uint16 len : data length, offset + len =< 4 * 1024
- *
- * @return true : succeed
- * @return false : fail
- */
-bool system_param_load(uint16_t start_sec, uint16_t offset, void *param, uint16_t len);
/** \defgroup System_boot_APIs Boot APIs
* @brief boot APIs
* @{
-typedef enum {
- DEFAULT_MAC = 0, /**< Default hardware MAC provided by Espressif Systems */
- USER_MAC, /**< User-define hardware MAC */
-} mac_group_t;
-typedef enum {
- WIFI_MAC = 0, /**< Hardware MAC address of ESP32 WiFi */
- BT_MAC, /**< Hardware MAC address of ESP32 bluetooth */
-} mac_type_t;
- * @brief Set user-define hardware MAC address.
- *
- * @attention Hardware MAC address can only be set ONCE for each ESP32 chip.
- *
- * @param mac_type type : type of hardware MAC address.
- * @param uint8 *mac : user-define hardware MAC address, length: 6 bytes.
- *
- * @return 0 : succeed to set.
- * @return 1 : the hardware MAC has been set once, users can not set it any more.
- * @return 2 : fail to set.
- * @return 3 : invalid parameter.
- */
-int system_efuse_program_user_mac(mac_type_t type, uint8_t *mac);
* @brief Read hardware MAC address.
- * @param mac_group group : default MAC or user-defined MAC.
- * @param mac_type type : type of hardware MAC address.
- * @param uint8 *mac : the hardware MAC address, length: 6 bytes.
- *
- * @return true : succeed
- * @return false : fail
- */
-bool system_efuse_read_mac(mac_group_t group, mac_type_t type, uint8_t *mac);
- * @brief Set hardware MAC group, default MAC or user-defined MAC.
- *
- * @attention This API needs system_restart to take effect.
+ * @param uint8 mac[6] : the hardware MAC address, length: 6 bytes.
- * @param mac_group group : default MAC or user-defined MAC.
- *
- * @return true : succeed
- * @return false : fail
+ * @return esp_err_t
-bool system_efuse_set_mac_group(mac_group_t group);
+esp_err_t system_efuse_read_mac(uint8_t mac[6]);
- * @brief Get hardware MAC group, default MAC or user-defined MAC.
- *
- * @param null
- *
- * @return mac_group, the hardware MAC group.
- */
-mac_group_t system_efuse_get_mac_group(void);
void system_init(void);