# Makefile for Vim on Win32 (Windows 7/8/10/11) and Win64, using the Microsoft
-# Visual C++ compilers. Known to work with VC10 (VS2010), VC11 (VS2012), VC12
-# (VS2013), VC14 (VS2015), VC14.1 (VS2017), VC14.2 (VS2019) and VC14.3
-# (VS2022).
+# Visual C++ compilers. Known to work with VC14 (VS2015), VC14.1 (VS2017),
+# VC14.2 (VS2019) and VC14.3 (VS2022).
# To build using other Windows compilers, see INSTALLpc.txt
!endif # DEBUG
-!if "$(CL)" == "/D_USING_V110_SDK71_"
# Visual Studio 2005 has 'deprecated' many of the standard CRT functions
rem If you use Community (or Professional) edition, you can also use "x64"
rem option:
rem msvc2015 x64
-@echo on
call "%VS140COMNTOOLS%..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" %*
-rem Use Windows SDK 7.1A for targeting Windows XP.
-if "%ProgramFiles(x86)%"=="" (
- set "WinSdk71=%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1A"
-) else (
- set "WinSdk71=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1A"
-if not exist "%WinSdk71%" (
- echo Windows SDK 7.1A is not found. Targeting Windows Vista and later.
- goto :eof
-set INCLUDE=%WinSdk71%\Include;%INCLUDE%
-if /i "%Platform%"=="x64" (
- set "LIB=%WinSdk71%\Lib\x64;%LIB%"
- set SUBSYSTEM_VER=5.02
-) else (
- set "LIB=%WinSdk71%\Lib;%LIB%"
- set SUBSYSTEM_VER=5.01
-set CL=/D_USING_V110_SDK71_