# | Copyright (c) 1997-2008 The PHP Group |
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
# | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, |
-# | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is |
+# | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is |3
# | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: |
# | http://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt |
# | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to |
@if not exist $(BUILD_DIR) mkdir $(BUILD_DIR)
@cd $(BUILD_DIR)
@for %D in ($(BUILD_DIRS_SUB)) do @if not exist %D @mkdir %D > NUL
- @cd ../..
@if not exist $(BUILD_DIR_DEV) @mkdir $(BUILD_DIR_DEV) > NUL
+ @cd $(PHP_SRC_DIR)
@echo Cleaning SAPI
@echo Cleaning distribution build dirs
@cd $(BUILD_DIR)
@for %D in (_x $(BUILD_DIRS_SUB)) do @if exist %D @del /F /Q %D\*.* > NUL
- @cd ..\..
+ @cd $(PHP_SRC_DIR)
-@del /F /Q $(BUILD_DIR)\*.res $(BUILD_DIR)\*.lib $(BUILD_DIR)\*.ilk $(BUILD_DIR)\*.pdb $(BUILD_DIR)\*.exp $(PHPDEF) $(BUILD_DIR)\php-$(PHP_VERSION_STRING)-Win32.zip $(BUILD_DIR)\pecl-$(PHP_VERSION_STRING)-Win32.zip > NUL
-rd /s /q $(BUILD_DIR)\php-$(PHP_VERSION_STRING)
@echo Cleaning standard build dirs
@cd $(BUILD_DIR)
@for %D in (_x $(BUILD_DIRS_SUB)) do @if exist %D @rd /s /q %D
- @cd ..\..
+ @cd $(PHP_SRC_DIR)
-@del /f /q $(BUILD_DIR)\*.res $(BUILD_DIR)\*.lib $(BUILD_DIR)\*.ilk $(BUILD_DIR)\*.pdb $(BUILD_DIR)\*.exp $(PHPDEF) $(BUILD_DIR)\*.rc $(BUILD_DIR)\*.dbg $(BUILD_DIR)\*.bin $(BUILD_DIR)\php*.dll $(BUILD_DIR)\php*.exe > NUL
-for %T in ($(EXT_TARGETS)) do $(MAKE) /I /nologo "%T"
-for %T in ($(PECL_TARGETS)) do $(MAKE) /I /nologo "%T"
-build-dist: $(BUILD_DIR)\deplister.exe build-devel build-lib
+build-dist: $(BUILD_DIR)\deplister.exe
-rd /s /q $(BUILD_DIR)\php-$(PHP_VERSION_STRING)
-rd /s /q $(BUILD_DIR)\pecl-$(PHP_VERSION_STRING)
var SYSTEM_DRIVE = WshShell.Environment("Process").Item("SystemDrive");\r
var PROGRAM_FILES = WshShell.Environment("Process").Item("ProgramFiles");\r
var DSP_FLAGS = new Array();\r
+var PHP_SRC_DIR=FSO.GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName);\r
/* Store the enabled extensions (summary + QA check) */\r
var extensions_enabled = new Array();\r
last = bd;\r
build_dir = get_define('BUILD_DIR');\r
build_dir = build_dir.replace(new RegExp("\\\\", "g"), "\\\\");\r
if (build_dir.substr(build_dir.Length - 2, 2) != '\\\\') {\r
build_dir += '\\\\';\r
ADD_FLAG("BUILD_DIRS_SUB", bd.replace(new RegExp(build_dir), ''));\r
if (!FSO.FolderExists(bd)) {\r
/* spit out variable definitions */\r
var keys = (new VBArray(configure_subst.Keys())).toArray();\r
var i;\r
+ MF.WriteLine("PHP_SRC_DIR =" + PHP_SRC_DIR);\r
for (i in keys) {\r
// The trailing space is needed to prevent the trailing backslash\r
// that is part of the build dir flags (CFLAGS_BD_XXX) from being\r