if (Tok.Parent != NULL || !Comments.empty()) {
if (Style.ColumnLimit >=
Spaces + WhitespaceStartColumn + Tok.FormatTok.TokenLength) {
- Comments.push_back(StoredComment());
- Comments.back().Tok = Tok.FormatTok;
- Comments.back().Spaces = Spaces;
- Comments.back().NewLines = NewLines;
- if (NewLines == 0)
- Comments.back().MinColumn = WhitespaceStartColumn + Spaces;
- else
- Comments.back().MinColumn = Spaces;
- Comments.back().MaxColumn =
- Style.ColumnLimit - Tok.FormatTok.TokenLength;
+ StoredComment Comment;
+ Comment.Tok = Tok.FormatTok;
+ Comment.Spaces = Spaces;
+ Comment.NewLines = NewLines;
+ Comment.MinColumn =
+ NewLines > 0 ? Spaces : WhitespaceStartColumn + Spaces;
+ Comment.MaxColumn = Style.ColumnLimit - Tok.FormatTok.TokenLength;
+ Comments.push_back(Comment);
// If this line does not have a trailing comment, align the stored comments.
if (Tok.Children.empty() && !isTrailingComment(Tok))
+ if (Tok.Type == TT_BlockComment)
+ indentBlockComment(Tok.FormatTok, Spaces);
storeReplacement(Tok.FormatTok, getNewLineText(NewLines, Spaces));
+ void indentBlockComment(const FormatToken &Tok, int BaseIndent) {
+ SourceLocation TokenLoc = Tok.Tok.getLocation();
+ const char *Start = SourceMgr.getCharacterData(TokenLoc);
+ const char *Current = Start;
+ const char *TokEnd = Current + Tok.TokenLength;
+ while (Current < TokEnd) {
+ if (*Current == '\n') {
+ ++Current;
+ SourceLocation Loc = TokenLoc.getLocWithOffset(Current - Start);
+ int Indent = BaseIndent;
+ int Spaces = 0;
+ while (Current < TokEnd && *Current == ' ') {
+ ++Spaces;
+ ++Current;
+ }
+ if (Current < TokEnd && *Current == '*')
+ ++Indent;
+ else
+ Indent += 3;
+ if (Spaces < Indent)
+ Replaces.insert(tooling::Replacement(
+ SourceMgr, Loc, 0, std::string(Indent - Spaces, ' ')));
+ else if (Spaces > Indent)
+ Replaces.insert(
+ tooling::Replacement(SourceMgr, Loc, Spaces - Indent, ""));
+ } else {
+ ++Current;
+ }
+ }
+ }
std::string getNewLineText(unsigned NewLines, unsigned Spaces) {
return std::string(NewLines, '\n') + std::string(Spaces, ' ');
unsigned MinColumn = 0;
unsigned MaxColumn = UINT_MAX;
comment_iterator Start = Comments.begin();
- for (comment_iterator I = Comments.begin(), E = Comments.end(); I != E;
- ++I) {
+ for (comment_iterator I = Start, E = Comments.end(); I != E; ++I) {
if (I->MinColumn > MaxColumn || I->MaxColumn < MinColumn) {
alignComments(Start, I, MinColumn);
MinColumn = I->MinColumn;