/* }}} */
+static int _php_pgsql_detect_identifier_escape(const char *identifier, size_t len)
+ size_t i;
+ /* Handle edge case. Cannot be a escaped string */
+ if (len <= 2) {
+ return FAILURE;
+ }
+ /* Detect double qoutes */
+ if (identifier[0] == '"' && identifier[len-1] == '"') {
+ /* Detect wrong format of " inside of escaped string */
+ for (i = 1; i < len-1; i++) {
+ if (identifier[i] == '"' && (identifier[++i] != '"' || i == len-1)) {
+ return FAILURE;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ return FAILURE;
+ }
+ /* Escaped properly */
+ return SUCCESS;
+/* {{{ _php_pgsql_escape_identifier
+ * Since PQescapeIdentifier() is unavailable (PostgreSQL 9.0 <), idenfifers
+ * should be escaped by pgsql module.
+ * Note: this function does not care for encoding. Therefore users should not
+ * use this with SJIS/BIG5 etc. (i.e. Encoding base injection may possible with
+ * before PostgreSQL 9.0)
+ */
+static char *_php_pgsql_escape_identifier(const char *field, size_t field_len)
+ ulong field_escaped_len = field_len*2 + 3;
+ ulong i, j = 0;
+ char *field_escaped;
+ field_escaped = (char *)malloc(field_escaped_len);
+ field_escaped[j++] = '"';
+ for (i = 0; i < field_len; i++) {
+ if (field[i] == '"') {
+ field_escaped[j++] = '"';
+ field_escaped[j++] = '"';
+ } else {
+ field_escaped[j++] = field[i];
+ }
+ }
+ field_escaped[j++] = '"';
+ field_escaped[j] = '\0';
+ return field_escaped;
/* {{{ PHP_INI
PGresult *pg_result;
char *src, *tmp_name, *tmp_name2 = NULL;
+ char *escaped;
smart_str querystr = {0};
- int new_len;
+ size_t new_len;
int i, num_rows;
zval *elem;
"SELECT a.attname, a.attnum, t.typname, a.attlen, a.attnotnull, a.atthasdef, a.attndims, t.typtype = 'e' "
"FROM pg_class as c, pg_attribute a, pg_type t, pg_namespace n "
"WHERE a.attnum > 0 AND a.attrelid = c.oid AND c.relname = '");
- tmp_name2 = php_addslashes(tmp_name2, strlen(tmp_name2), &new_len, 0 TSRMLS_CC);
- smart_str_appendl(&querystr, tmp_name2, new_len);
+ escaped = (char *)safe_emalloc(strlen(tmp_name2), 2, 1);
+ new_len = PQescapeStringConn(pg_link, escaped, tmp_name2, strlen(tmp_name2), NULL);
+ new_len = PQescapeString(escaped, tmp_name2, strlen(tmp_name2));
+ smart_str_appends(&querystr, escaped);
+ efree(escaped);
smart_str_appends(&querystr, "' AND c.relnamespace = n.oid AND n.nspname = '");
- tmp_name = php_addslashes(tmp_name, strlen(tmp_name), &new_len, 0 TSRMLS_CC);
- smart_str_appendl(&querystr, tmp_name, new_len);
+ escaped = (char *)safe_emalloc(strlen(tmp_name), 2, 1);
+ new_len = PQescapeStringConn(pg_link, escaped, tmp_name, strlen(tmp_name), NULL);
+ new_len = PQescapeString(escaped, tmp_name, strlen(tmp_name));
+ smart_str_appends(&querystr, escaped);
+ efree(escaped);
smart_str_appends(&querystr, "' AND a.atttypid = t.oid ORDER BY a.attnum;");
- efree(tmp_name2);
- efree(tmp_name);
- efree(src);
+ efree(src);
pg_result = PQexec(pg_link, querystr.c);
if (PQresultStatus(pg_result) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK || (num_rows = PQntuples(pg_result)) == 0) {
php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Table '%s' doesn't exists", table_name);
assert(Z_TYPE_P(src) == IS_STRING);
assert(should_free == 1 || should_free == 0);
+ smart_str_appendc(&str, 'E');
smart_str_appendc(&str, '\'');
smart_str_appendl(&str, Z_STRVAL_P(src), Z_STRLEN_P(src));
smart_str_appendc(&str, '\'');
uint field_len = -1;
ulong num_idx = -1;
zval *meta, **def, **type, **not_null, **has_default, **is_enum, **val, *new_val;
- int new_len, key_type, err = 0, skip_field;
+ int key_type, err = 0, skip_field;
php_pgsql_data_type data_type;
assert(pg_link != NULL);
+/* table_name is escaped by php_pgsql_meta_data */
if (php_pgsql_meta_data(pg_link, table_name, meta TSRMLS_CC) == FAILURE) {
else {
Z_TYPE_P(new_val) = IS_STRING;
char *tmp;
- tmp = (char *)safe_emalloc(Z_STRLEN_PP(val), 2, 1);
- Z_STRLEN_P(new_val) = (int)PQescapeString(tmp, Z_STRVAL_PP(val), Z_STRLEN_PP(val));
+ tmp = (char *)safe_emalloc(Z_STRLEN_PP(val), 2, 1);
+ Z_STRLEN_P(new_val) = (int)PQescapeStringConn(pg_link, tmp, Z_STRVAL_PP(val), Z_STRLEN_PP(val), NULL);
Z_STRVAL_P(new_val) = tmp;
- Z_STRVAL_P(new_val) = php_addslashes(Z_STRVAL_PP(val), Z_STRLEN_PP(val), &Z_STRLEN_P(new_val), 0 TSRMLS_CC);
+ Z_STRVAL_P(new_val) = (int)PQescapeString(Z_STRVAL_PP(val), Z_STRLEN_PP(val), &Z_STRLEN_P(new_val), 0 TSRMLS_CC);
php_pgsql_add_quotes(new_val, 1 TSRMLS_CC);
else {
unsigned char *tmp;
size_t to_len;
+ smart_str s = {0};
tmp = PQescapeByteaConn(pg_link, Z_STRVAL_PP(val), Z_STRLEN_PP(val), &to_len);
memcpy(Z_STRVAL_P(new_val), tmp, to_len);
php_pgsql_add_quotes(new_val, 1 TSRMLS_CC);
+ smart_str_appendl(&s, Z_STRVAL_P(new_val), Z_STRLEN_P(new_val));
+ smart_str_0(&s);
+ efree(Z_STRVAL_P(new_val));
+ Z_STRVAL_P(new_val) = s.c;
+ Z_STRLEN_P(new_val) = s.len;
break; /* break out for() */
+ /* If field is NULL and HAS DEFAULT, should be skipped */
if (!skip_field) {
- /* If field is NULL and HAS DEFAULT, should be skipped */
- field = php_addslashes(field, strlen(field), &new_len, 0 TSRMLS_CC);
- add_assoc_zval(result, field, new_val);
- efree(field);
+ char *escaped;
+ size_t new_len, field_len = strlen(field);
+ if (_php_pgsql_detect_identifier_escape(field, field_len) == SUCCESS) {
+ escaped = strndup(field, field_len);
+ } else {
+ escaped = PQescapeIdentifier(pg_link, field, field_len);
+ escaped = _php_pgsql_escape_identifier(field, field_len);
+ }
+ add_assoc_zval(result, escaped, new_val);
+ free(escaped);
} /* for */
return -1;
+static inline void build_tablename(smart_str *querystr, PGconn *pg_link, const char *table)
+ char *table_copy, *escaped, *token, *tmp;
+ size_t len;
+ /* schame.table should be "schame"."table" */
+ table_copy = estrdup(table);
+ token = php_strtok_r(table_copy, ".", &tmp);
+ len = strlen(token);
+ if (_php_pgsql_detect_identifier_escape(token, len) == SUCCESS) {
+ escaped = strndup(token, len);
+ } else {
+ escaped = PQescapeIdentifier(pg_link, token, len);
+ escaped = _php_pgsql_escape_identifier(token, len);
+ }
+ smart_str_appends(querystr, escaped);
+ free(escaped);
+ if (tmp && *tmp) {
+ len = strlen(tmp);
+ /* "schema"."table" format */
+ if (_php_pgsql_detect_identifier_escape(tmp, len) == SUCCESS) {
+ escaped = strndup(tmp, len);
+ } else {
+ escaped = PQescapeIdentifier(pg_link, tmp, len);
+ escaped = _php_pgsql_escape_identifier(tmp, len);
+ }
+ smart_str_appendc(querystr, '.');
+ smart_str_appends(querystr, escaped);
+ free(escaped);
+ }
+ efree(table_copy);
/* {{{ php_pgsql_insert
PHP_PGSQL_API int php_pgsql_insert(PGconn *pg_link, const char *table, zval *var_array, ulong opt, char **sql TSRMLS_DC)
if (zend_hash_num_elements(Z_ARRVAL_P(var_array)) == 0) {
smart_str_appends(&querystr, "INSERT INTO ");
- smart_str_appends(&querystr, table);
+ build_tablename(&querystr, pg_link, table);
smart_str_appends(&querystr, " DEFAULT VALUES");
goto no_values;
var_array = converted;
smart_str_appends(&querystr, "INSERT INTO ");
- smart_str_appends(&querystr, table);
+ build_tablename(&querystr, pg_link, table);
smart_str_appends(&querystr, " (");
zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(Z_ARRVAL_P(var_array), &pos);
while ((key_type = zend_hash_get_current_key_ex(Z_ARRVAL_P(var_array), &fld,
&fld_len, &num_idx, 0, &pos)) != HASH_KEY_NON_EXISTANT) {
smart_str_appends(&querystr, "UPDATE ");
- smart_str_appends(&querystr, table);
+ build_tablename(&querystr, pg_link, table);
smart_str_appends(&querystr, " SET ");
if (build_assignment_string(&querystr, Z_ARRVAL_P(var_array), 0, ",", 1 TSRMLS_CC))
smart_str_appends(&querystr, "DELETE FROM ");
- smart_str_appends(&querystr, table);
+ build_tablename(&querystr, pg_link, table);
smart_str_appends(&querystr, " WHERE ");
if (build_assignment_string(&querystr, Z_ARRVAL_P(ids_array), 1, " AND ", sizeof(" AND ")-1 TSRMLS_CC))
smart_str_appends(&querystr, "SELECT * FROM ");
- smart_str_appends(&querystr, table);
+ build_tablename(&querystr, pg_link, table);
smart_str_appends(&querystr, " WHERE ");
if (build_assignment_string(&querystr, Z_ARRVAL_P(ids_array), 1, " AND ", sizeof(" AND ")-1 TSRMLS_CC))