boolean isNormalized = Normalizer.quickCheck(prenormstr, Normalizer.NFKC) == Normalizer.YES ||
Normalizer.isNormalized(prenormstr, Normalizer.NFKC, 0);
CharacterIterator text;
- int numChars = 0;
+ int numCodePts = 0;
if (isNormalized) {
text = new java.text.StringCharacterIterator(prenormstr);
int index = 0;
while (index < prenormstr.length()) {
int codepoint = prenormstr.codePointAt(index);
index += Character.charCount(codepoint);
- numChars++;
- charPositions[numChars] = index;
+ numCodePts++;
+ charPositions[numCodePts] = index;
} else {
String normStr = Normalizer.normalize(prenormstr, Normalizer.NFKC);
charPositions[0] = 0;
while (index < normalizer.endIndex()) {;
- numChars++;
+ numCodePts++;
index = normalizer.getIndex();
- charPositions[numChars] = index;
+ charPositions[numCodePts] = index;
// From here on out, do the algorithm. Note that our indices
// refer to indices within the normalized string.
- int[] bestSnlp = new int[numChars + 1];
+ int[] bestSnlp = new int[numCodePts + 1];
bestSnlp[0] = 0;
- for (int i = 1; i <= numChars; i++) {
+ for (int i = 1; i <= numCodePts; i++) {
bestSnlp[i] = kint32max;
- int[] prev = new int[numChars + 1];
- for (int i = 0; i <= numChars; i++) {
+ int[] prev = new int[numCodePts + 1];
+ for (int i = 0; i <= numCodePts; i++) {
prev[i] = -1;
final int maxWordSize = 20;
- int values[] = new int[numChars];
- int lengths[] = new int[numChars];
+ int values[] = new int[numCodePts];
+ int lengths[] = new int[numCodePts];
// dynamic programming to find the best segmentation
+ // In outer loop, i is the code point index,
+ // ix is the corresponding code unit index.
+ // They differ when the string contains supplementary characters.
+ int ix = 0;
+ text.setIndex(ix);
boolean is_prev_katakana = false;
- for (int i = 0; i < numChars; i++) {
- text.setIndex(i);
+ for (int i = 0; i < numCodePts; i++, text.setIndex(ix), next32(text)) {
+ ix = text.getIndex();
if (bestSnlp[i] == kint32max) {
- int maxSearchLength = (i + maxWordSize < numChars) ? maxWordSize : (numChars - i);
+ int maxSearchLength = (i + maxWordSize < numCodePts) ? maxWordSize : (numCodePts - i);
int[] count_ = new int[1];
fDictionary.matches(text, maxSearchLength, lengths, count_, maxSearchLength, values);
int count = count_[0];
// with the highest value possible (i.e. the least likely to occur).
// Exclude Korean characters from this treatment, as they should be
// left together by default.
- text.setIndex(i); // fDictionary.matches() advances the text position; undo that.
+ text.setIndex(ix); // fDictionary.matches() advances the text position; undo that.
if ((count == 0 || lengths[0] != 1) && current32(text) != DONE32 && !fHangulWordSet.contains(current32(text))) {
values[count] = maxSnlp;
lengths[count] = 1;
if (!is_prev_katakana && is_katakana) {
int j = i + 1;
- while (j < numChars && (j - i) < kMaxKatakanaGroupLength && isKatakana(current32(text))) {
+ while (j < numCodePts && (j - i) < kMaxKatakanaGroupLength && isKatakana(current32(text))) {
is_prev_katakana = is_katakana;
- int t_boundary[] = new int[numChars + 1];
+ int t_boundary[] = new int[numCodePts + 1];
int numBreaks = 0;
- if (bestSnlp[numChars] == kint32max) {
- t_boundary[numBreaks] = numChars;
+ if (bestSnlp[numCodePts] == kint32max) {
+ t_boundary[numBreaks] = numCodePts;
} else {
- for (int i = numChars; i > 0; i = prev[i]) {
+ for (int i = numCodePts; i > 0; i = prev[i]) {
t_boundary[numBreaks] = i;
# Temp debugging tests
-<locale en>
+# Ticket #13549
+# CjiBreakEngine::divideUpDictionaryRange: assertion failure.
+<locale en>
# What Is Unicode in Japanese
# From