next if($hdr eq "NONE");
print STDERR "Scanning header file $hdr\n" if $debug;
open(IN, "<$hdr") || die "Can't open Header file $hdr\n";
- my $line = "", $def= "";
+ my $line = "", $def= "", $linenr = 0;
while(<IN>) {
+ $linenr++;
+ print STDERR "line: $linenr\r" if $debug;
last if(/BEGIN\s+ERROR\s+CODES/);
if ($line ne '') {
$_ = $line . $_;
+ print STDERR " \r" if $debug;
+ $defnr = 0;
foreach (split /;/, $def) {
+ $defnr++;
+ print STDERR "def: $defnr\r" if $debug;
next if(/typedef\W/);
+ print STDERR " \r" if $debug;
next if $reindex;
# Scan function and reason codes and store them: keep a note of the