* The base classes in the :mod:`SocketServer` module now support
calling a :meth:`handle_timeout` method after a span of inactivity
specified by the server's :attr:`timeout` attribute. (Contributed
- by Michael Pomraning.)
+ by Michael Pomraning.) The :meth:`serve_forever` method
+ now takes an optional poll interval measured in seconds,
+ controlling how often the server will check for a shutdown request.
+ (Contributed by Pedro Werneck and Jeffrey Yasskin.)
- .. Patch #742598
+ .. Patch #742598, #1193577
* The :mod:`struct` module now supports the C99 :ctype:`_Bool` type,
using the format character ``'?'``.
``numfree``, and a macro :cmacro:`Py<typename>_MAXFREELIST` is
always defined.
+* A new Makefile target, "make check", prepares the Python source tree
+ for making a patch: it fixes trailing whitespace in all modified
+ ``.py`` files, checks whether the documentation has been changed,
+ and reports whether the :file:`Misc/ACKS` and :file:`Misc/NEWS` files
+ have been updated.
+ (Contributed by Brett Cannon.)
.. ======================================================================
The author would like to thank the following people for offering suggestions,
-corrections and assistance with various drafts of this article: .
+corrections and assistance with various drafts of this article: Jim Jewett.