continuation (positive).
sbr Display the 'showbreak' value before applying the
additional indent.
- list:{n} Adds an additional indent for lines that match a
+ list:{n} Adds an additional indent for lines that match a
numbered or bulleted list (using the
'formatlistpat' setting).
+ list:-1 Uses the length of a match with 'formatlistpat'
+ for indentation.
The default value for min is 20, shift and list is 0.
*'browsedir'* *'bsdir'*
bri = prev_indent + wp->w_briopt_shift;
- // indent minus the length of the showbreak string
- if (wp->w_briopt_sbr)
- bri -= vim_strsize(get_showbreak_value(wp));
// Add offset for number column, if 'n' is in 'cpoptions'
bri += win_col_off2(wp);
// add additional indent for numbered lists
- if (wp->w_briopt_list > 0)
+ if (wp->w_briopt_list != 0)
regmatch_T regmatch;
if (regmatch.regprog != NULL)
if (vim_regexec(®match, line, 0))
- bri += wp->w_briopt_list;
+ {
+ if (wp->w_briopt_list > 0)
+ bri += wp->w_briopt_list;
+ else
+ bri = (*regmatch.endp - *regmatch.startp);
+ }
+ // indent minus the length of the showbreak string
+ if (wp->w_briopt_sbr)
+ bri -= vim_strsize(get_showbreak_value(wp));
// never indent past left window margin
if (bri < 0)
bri = 0;
\ ]
let lines = s:screen_lines2(1, 9, 20)
call s:compare_lines(expect, lines)
" reset linebreak option
" Note: it indents by one additional
" space, because of the leading space.
let lines = s:screen_lines2(1, 6, 20)
call s:compare_lines(expect, lines)
- call s:close_windows('set breakindent& briopt& linebreak& list& listchars&')
+ " check formatlistpat indent
+ setl briopt=min:5,list:-1
+ setl linebreak list&vim listchars&vim
+ let &l:flp = '^\s*\d\+\.\?[\]:)}\t ]\s*'
+ redraw!
+ let expect = [
+ \ " 1. Congress ",
+ \ " shall make no ",
+ \ " law ",
+ \ " 2.) Congress ",
+ \ " shall make no ",
+ \ " law ",
+ \ " 3.] Congress ",
+ \ " shall make no ",
+ \ " law ",
+ \ ]
+ let lines = s:screen_lines2(1, 9, 20)
+ call s:compare_lines(expect, lines)
+ " check formatlistpat indent with different list levels
+ let &l:flp = '^\s*\*\+\s\+'
+ redraw!
+ %delete _
+ call setline(1, ['* Congress shall make no law',
+ \ '*** Congress shall make no law',
+ \ '**** Congress shall make no law'])
+ norm! 1gg
+ let expect = [
+ \ "* Congress shall ",
+ \ " make no law ",
+ \ "*** Congress shall ",
+ \ " make no law ",
+ \ "**** Congress shall ",
+ \ " make no law ",
+ \ ]
+ let lines = s:screen_lines2(1, 6, 20)
+ call s:compare_lines(expect, lines)
+ " check formatlistpat indent with different list level
+ " showbreak and sbr
+ setl briopt=min:5,sbr,list:-1,shift:2
+ setl showbreak=>
+ redraw!
+ let expect = [
+ \ "* Congress shall ",
+ \ "> make no law ",
+ \ "*** Congress shall ",
+ \ "> make no law ",
+ \ "**** Congress shall ",
+ \ "> make no law ",
+ \ ]
+ let lines = s:screen_lines2(1, 6, 20)
+ call s:compare_lines(expect, lines)
+ call s:close_windows('set breakindent& briopt& linebreak& list& listchars& showbreak&')
" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab