# Set default format
-$format ||= 'stderr';
+$format ||= &autodetect_format();
# Set default syslog ident name
$ident ||= 'postgres';
# Set default top query
+sub autodetect_format
+ # Open log file for reading
+ my $nfound = 0;
+ my $nline = 0;
+ my $fmt = '';
+ my $tfile = new IO::File;
+ if ($logfile !~ /\.gz/) {
+ $tfile->open($logfile) || die "FATAL: cannot read logfile $logfile. $!\n";
+ } else {
+ # Open a pipe to zcat program for compressed log
+ $tfile->open("$ZCAT_PROG $logfile |") || die "FATAL: cannot read from pipe to $ZCAT_PROG $logfile. $!\n";
+ }
+ while (my $line = <$tfile>) {
+ chomp($line);
+ $line =~ s/\r//;
+ next if (!$line);
+ $nline++;
+ # Is syslog lines ?
+ if ($line =~ /^...\s+\d+\s+\d+:\d+:\d+\s+[^\s]+\s+[^\[]+\[\d+\]:\s+\[[0-9\-]+\]\s+[^:]+:\s+duration:/) {
+ $fmt = 'syslog';
+ $nfound++;
+ # Is stderr lines
+ } elsif ($line =~ /\d+-\d+-\d+\s+\d+:\d+:\d+\s+[^\s]+\s+\[\d+\]:\s+\[[0-9\-]+\]\s+[^:]+:\s+duration:/) {
+ $fmt = 'stderr';
+ $nfound++;
+ }
+ last if (($nfound > 10) || ($nline > 5000));
+ }
+ $tfile->close();
+ if (!$fmt || ($nfound < 10)) {
+ die "FATAL: unable to detect log file format, please use -f option.\n";
+ }
+ return $fmt;